1. be in shock
2. feel horrible, sad, angry, hurt, bewildered, confused, scared, desperate, and sick.
3. enjoy the extra space in the bed, but wonder why when you and he bought sheets together a couple of weeks ago he bothered to pick a color, instead of letting you pick both colors, since in a couple of weeks they'd just be your sheets anyways.
4. do the dishes and sweeping and other chores with insane frequency. this insures that a) you never have a giant insurmountable dish or laundry pile to tackle while you are in complete pain and b) that you always have something to do with yourself and c) that you don't totally sink into a dirty, dog hair, dish-piled, linty, puking, unfunctional (yeah, i just coined that word) depression. at least your depression will be clean and free of literal debris.
5. you will find that even with your chore vigilance, there is much too much time in the day. so...clean your house of all that stuff you've been putting off getting rid of. put his stuff into garbage bags or boxes and stack it some where out of the way. i like to do this part in little bursts and stages by just doing a box from here or there (if like me you have a lot of stuff in boxes that you were going to go through someday--the day is here!). this is a good thing to do for a couple of reasons...if you have suddenly become a single mom of three, including a toddler, you are going to have to go to school funded by lots and lots of grants and loans or you are going to have to get a shit-paying, time-sucking job very soon (or both! ugh). when this happens, you will not have time for several years to deal with all that stuff and you will feel it weighing on you and looming above you and it will be hard to feel excited by your new life because your home will be heavy with all the shit you have to do. so do some of it now, while you have all this time that you can't sit or be still for long without crying and getting yourself all screwed up with no decent result. it feels good, is satisfying, is functional, is practical, and you and your home will feel better for it. and, most importantly, it uses up the time.
6. feel overwhelming hope and gratitude for the situation because if he would do this to you, he is a fucked up dick anyways and once all this horrible sadness and pain clears and heals, you will be a better person. your house will be a happier, more peace-filled place, and that will be good for you and your kids. the goodness part comes in the future and right now you have to operate on a cocktail of logic and faith. it makes sense even though you might feel like begging him to stay.
7. beg him to stay. when it doesn't work, reaffirm that you were right about that gratitude and hope. of course you were, you are always right!
8. hug your kids a lot and let them cry. tell them it's okay to feel anything they feel and you are there for them to talk to, hug, cuddle, be angry with, play games, watch movies....whatever they need. also let them know that they can call grampa, gramma, auntie, and friends to talk. let them know that they can ask you anything and everyone who loves them is there for them if they need anything, even if they want to just talk to someone about you, because it's okay if they are angry with you, or feel you did something to cause the situation. feel proud when your eleven year old says she doesn't blame anybody, but just feels so sad.
9. while you are having these conversations with your kids who have just been abandoned by the man they love and who promised to take care of them forever...you might feel a rage and hatred toward him that makes you want to beat his face to a bloody pulp and then stab it. let the feeling happen, and then let go of it because it just takes energy away from you if you hold onto it. the feeling will probably return the next day when you are having the horrible crying pain with your kids again. repeat process of letting the feeling happen, and then letting it go.
10. you will have moments of rage and resentment because you are being left to do the job of two parents all by yourself. you will think about how unfair and shitty it is of him, because your life is set up the way it is because you both agreed for it to be that way. deal with it. don't cling to the rage and resentment. what he's done is unfair and wrong and also stupid--but so what? don't let his idiocy ruin you.
11. remind yourself to love yourself and to take care of yourself. it's fine to be shitty to your body for a few days--you may be inclined to drink a lot of wine, beer, or whiskey and smoke too much. okay. do that for two or three days, and then get back to normal. get on your bike. take the kids to the park. if you can afford it, get a massage. if you can afford it, get a massage every week or month for the rest of your life. if you can't afford it, save your pennies until you can and in the meantime accept all the hugs people will offer you when they find out your husband left. feel them. don't let go too fast. these hugs are like plugging yourself into something that makes you light up, they restore energy.
12. you will probably be unable to sleep properly. if this happens longer than a couple of days go to the doctor's office and tell him your husband just left you and your three kids and you can't sleep and you need something to help you sleep so that you can function and cope. hopefully he is a nice and kind doctor who will probe you for how you're doing and give you tissues and say it's fine to cry. he will give you a short-term prescription for ambien. take them the way you are supposed to and be on the lookout for side effects. do this even if you normally don't take pills--this is what modern medicine is for. this is an acute trauma.
13. if you haven't done it yet, call a therapist of some kind and set up an appointment. guiding people through trauma is their job, they have tools and they know things you don't. it will be easier for you to do all the *stuff* you have to do to set up your new life if you utilize this resource. you will be less likely to slip into a horrible depression that you don't see. it will help you stay on track.
14. vacillate between emotions and feelings and desires. but don't tell them all to your husband. they will change a hundred times a day.
15. try to remember that he is wounded and broken. that a sane and healthy person would not do this. try to have compassion for him and know that he is doing the best he can with what he has. do not try to take care of him, but try to have compassion quietly in your heart. this is for you. resentment and anger that are not allowed to pass through us, but rather encouraged to stay, will poison you. you didn't ask for this or want it, but it's happening and you will be okay some day--some day will come sooner if you acknowledge the angry feelings and let them go.
16. you will have friends reveal themselves to you. people that you know on a casual but regular basis will quickly learn of what's happened. allow them to commiserate with you. talk to them about it. you didn't do anything wrong and have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. they might offer you help, hugs, childcare, tea, etc. you might feel like not taking them up on it because of this or that reason you make up in your head. don't let yourself do that. thank them for revealing themselves to you in this way, and for offering help. call them and let them help you. you are building friendships that will strengthen your new life. you will be able to reciprocate some day. accept everything you can, even if you have to force yourself. you need the help, there is no getting around that. so accept their offers with grace (and yes, you can have grace while you are blubbering and wearing the same shirt for three days and smell like cigarettes and pain). thank god and the universe for the people in your life who support you, and thank the people.
17. just keep going. you will get through it.
18. if you have kids, make sure to facilitate good times for them if they want them. there is no reason for them to wallow in complete misery. doing this will also help you to not wallow. good times are good times. rent movies and plant seeds and take care of your pets and your house together.
19. figure out what you're going to do to pay your mortgage, electricity, gas, phone, internet, dog food, etc bills. yes, it's overwhelming and if you think too long on it, you might start crying. cry. then go back to figuring it out. if at all possible figure out a way to survive that involves doing something that you love. your life is transforming now, you will be creating something different than what you had. this is an opportunity to create something you will love and enjoy. if you have been a homemaker for your entire adult life, go back to school if at all possible--you will be able to meet new people, learn new skills, and be better prepared to take care of a family and all the attached responsibilities than if you just panic and run out and get a job any job. ideally you will be creating a life where you don't just survive, but also thrive.
20. try to eat something.
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 908 Newer› Newest»Misty,
56 pounds??? Wow, good for you. Good to hear you are doing well. You sound like you have a good handle on everything. I wish you well coming up to a year and hope you have a great Christmas. I'm sure it will be much better than the last one :)
The rollercoaster is completely normal. You had a good day finally and that relief from the pain is intoxicating. It hurts to come back down. It seems just when you are feeling like, O.K. I will fine, and eventually happy with someone else, they do something so completely insensitive it knocks you back down. However, when that happens now I just hold on because I know that it will take a day or two to process and release the anger and then I am fine again. Each time I get stronger. Working out is essential as is counseling. I used to be afraid that I would take him back if he wanted but I don't feel that way at all anymore. November 23rd will be a year to the day I asked him if he was sleeping with someone and he denied it, said that he had been miserable for years and through all the blame on me. My husband, my mate, my best friend, died that day. All that is left is a shell. He looks like my husband but my husband never would have done all these things to me. So I have been grieving the lost of my friend and lover of 18 years and having to deal with this selfish person who is so angry at me for what I don't know. It is on going but it gets easier. As for for finding it funny, I too find some of his antics hysterical. It is because of the absurdity of his thought processes that I no longer blame myself. Another little funny from my middle child, "Life is strange because of the thing at the gym" "what thing"? I asked, "the thing called *****". Out of the mouths of babes. When I get upset I think of that comment. He said exactly what I thought.
As far as being friends, I tried that but I kept feeling hurt because he chose a new friend over me. I thought if we are such good friends why would he do this to me. He was having his cake and eating it too. I decided he doesn't deserve my friendship. He certainly won't realize it's worth if he doesn't loose it. Maybe in the future I will feel different but for now I am saving my friendship for those who are truly my friends and wouldn't do something to hurt me.
Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
Hey Misty,
I was just reading past posts and was reminded that your ex was supposed to remarry. Was that really just 7 months after your breaking up? Did he finally remarry? and if so, how did you feel? I ask because my sister asked my ex if he intended on marrying his girlfriend and he said in the future. We aren't even divorced yet (because he wouldn't admit adultry and speed up the process). I just don't understand, if we had such a good relationship in the past and then he became sooo miserable, why would he chance it again? How could he consider it before ours is final. It cheapens marriage and it makes me think of him as immature. My sister said,"well, he enjoyed being married"....Yes I know, so that must of been for some reason right? I know for myself, I can't imagine wanting to marry again let alone rush into it. If something that was so good for so many years and still didn't work out what is the point of doing it again? I strongly feel that when they want to rush into something so quick, it shows that they are not necessarily in love but in infatuation. They are actually in love with the feeling of newness but the newness doesn't remain new so the marriage is not built on a strong foundation and is destined to fail.
BTW, good luck with the courses. Enjoy. When I went back to school I loved it. It was the best thing I've ever done for myself. That and working out.
Happy Mom
Hello Girls
I'm so pleased we all still keep in touch from time to time. We've come a long way and shared a lot of emotions together.
Misty congrats on the weight loss!
Happy Mom - you are so right that what they have done to us certainly "cheapens" our marriages. I have signed the divorce papers and will shortly be single. My emotions range from being happy to incredibly angry, bitter and hurt on a daily basis. How he could have replaced me after 24 years is still beyond my comprehension! He snarls at me telling me to "get a life and deal with it" - Wow! that really hurts! So for now I've decided to try and be the best person I can for me as this anger is eating me up - it is just not worth it. I can't change what he's done or that he is happy with his new love.
For now I am going to be civil and polite and maybe, just maybe one day I will be able to be his friend.
Nancy - hang in there! I've been walking this path for 18 months now and every day is a challenge of conquering a fear and moving forward.
love and peace to you all
Good morning.
It has been the longest 3 months of my life, so I can't even imagine all of you having dealt with this for 12 months or 18 months. I just want my normal life back where this can stop being the focus of everything. I find myself even looking back at old check registers and thinking this date was before he left--I remember making that purchase--wow, I didn't know what was coming then. My separation is not even that nasty at all, but people tell me to wait for it (comforting thought). You are all lucky to have made your journeys together. I'm sure you have become very close through the ups and downs.
He asked me if I felt cheated by him leaving and I said a big YES, of course I feel cheated (seemed like a dumb question to ask). I didn't sign up for being treated like this and it still really irritates me that he's made all the decisions to end this marriage without consulting me. I told him one night, "Don't you think I want to be able to just pick up and leave when things get rough? Don't you think I want to leave all the responsibilities behind and think only of what makes ME happy? Well, I can't leave like you left--somebody has to stay and be an adult for our son and clean up the mess you are making of our lives." I was sort of proud of that statement later on. Go get your apartment, go get your counseling (if you will), go get your freedom, but don't fool yourself into thinking your child isn't old enough to know what's going on and who left and who stayed. Is there anything more selfish than what some of these men are doing? Did I mention that my husband left on my birthday in August--the same week that my father decided to stop all cancer treatment? As my dad was beginning hospice care at home, my husband was signing a 6 month lease on his apartment. My son and I were traveling 5 hours to say goodbye to a wonderful man and my husband said he would think about going with us for support if nothing else, then decided he didn't think he would go. He left me and our child alone--no emotional support at all--to deal with the death of my father, his son's closest grandfather and then would text me and tell me to let him know how it was going. I'm not sure I can ever forgive (or at least forget) the callousness of him not being there for me through my father's death. I feel like I've had to mourn the only two men I've ever loved at the same time--my dad who was such an honorable man--and my husband who chose to leave me in the middle of the most emotionally challenging time of my life. Heap it on, dear--no time like the present to abandon your wife! (do I sound a little bitter?)I have to say that I do believe in karma and I would be very worried if I were these men--you cannot totally disregard others without it coming back to you one day.
Sorry to hear about all of the emotional ups and downs you are all still facing. Their words to you are so shocking still to me--how do you talk to somebody with such disregard for their feelings, especially somebody you loved for so many years? I'm glad to see you have all three seemed to have found the positives in life, as well. It's easy to hold your head high when you know you have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm guessing their words only hide the inner knowledge (however deep they buried it) that they know they treated you wrong but can't admit it and assume others don't see them for what they really are down deep. I wish you all continued friendship and peace of mind. You are wonderful women who deserve the best life has out there waiting for you.
Hello Nancy
Before you realize it - you will be 18 months down the road - it happens in the blink of an eye.
Mine told me although he loved me, he was not "in love with me" just a few days after my birthday as he did not want to ruin my birthday (how considerate) - he moved out the following month to "find himself" leaving me and my two teenage sons heartbroken and devastated. I thought we had the perfect family. It took me 6 months to discover his lies and betrayal of a 2 year affair in another town. All those fake business trips make me want to vomit.
I have been through so many ups and downs, but the anger is still with me - why couldn't he just "suck it up and be a man" instead of destroying an entire family for his selfish ego. I stood by him and helped build his business, was the dutiful loving non-complaining wife and now at the age of 48 I am alone having to rebuild my life and keep my sons emotionally strong. Its not easy. What gives them the right to throw us away when we have done nothing wrong. Only God knows I suppose - I don't.
They justify their actions by saying they have been so unhappy - sorry I don't buy that at all - its a pathetic cowards attempt at justification.
How easy would have been for us woman to have an affair because we felt unloved and taken for granted - but we didn't - we accepted all and loved our family unconditionally.
I believe in karma - I just hope and pray I will be around to see the wheels turn.
Stay strong.
with love
Ladies I see another pattern here. My year coming up November 23 is also two days after my birthday. However, that happened to be the day I asked for the truth.
Colleen, I feel the sting of your ex's words "get a life". Try not to take him on. It's too maddening and you don't need it. When I said that they've cheapened our marriages I mean they have cheapened their new relationships as well. I can't take any of them seriously because of the way they started and because of the reasons they say they left us. Mine says he's been miserable for 8 years, right? Well when I told this to a mutual female friend who was also his running partner (originally I thought it was her who he was seeing), she said " I don't buy that for a second" " we had many talks when I was going through my divorce and he was appalled at what his father did" "said that what was the only thing I could complain about B, maybe that she's always late". That was only a couple of years ago. So, he was happily together with me at that point for 16 years. What changed? And by the way, after running with her for 10 years, he doesn't return her calls or texts. So you see it is more than just me. I just got the brunt of his own turmoil. I suspect it's the same for many of our exes. As for their new parteners, they have sat there and watched them lie to us. Regardless of what our exes tell them they know in their hearts that these men lie. When things aren't new, the suspicion will kill the relationship. As the stats show only 30 % last more than a year. Very few last 4 years and only 3% marry. Of those 3%, 75% result in divorce.
Any way, all that to say, I don't think of them as responsible men anymore. I think of them as immature babies that couldn't deal with responsibilities of family life. They chose to go play. So what my ex's girlfriend has now is an immature baby. I really feel like that.
Happy Mom
Ladies I see another pattern here. My year coming up November 23 is also two days after my birthday. However, that happened to be the day I asked for the truth.
Colleen, I feel the sting of your ex's words "get a life". Try not to take him on. It's too maddening and you don't need it. When I said that they've cheapened our marriages I mean they have cheapened their new relationships as well. I can't take any of them seriously because of the way they started and because of the reasons they say they left us. Mine says he's been miserable for 8 years, right? Well when I told this to a mutual female friend who was also his running partner (originally I thought it was her who he was seeing), she said " I don't buy that for a second" " we had many talks when I was going through my divorce and he was appalled at what his father did" "said that what was the only thing I could complain about B, maybe that she's always late". That was only a couple of years ago. So, he was happily together with me at that point for 16 years. What changed? And by the way, after running with her for 10 years, he doesn't return her calls or texts. So you see it is more than just me. I just got the brunt of his own turmoil. I suspect it's the same for many of our exes. As for their new parteners, they have sat there and watched them lie to us. Regardless of what our exes tell them they know in their hearts that these men lie. When things aren't new, the suspicion will kill the relationship. As the stats show only 30 % last more than a year. Very few last 4 years and only 3% marry. Of those 3%, 75% result in divorce.
Any way, all that to say, I don't think of them as responsible men anymore. I think of them as immature babies that couldn't deal with responsibilities of family life. They chose to go play. So what my ex's girlfriend has now is an immature baby. I really feel like that.
Happy Mom
Sorry about your dad. What a rough time for you and your son. It is like a death and like you say two at once must be unbearable. The only thing I can tell you is that I feel much better now than I did way back where you are. Slowly will start to realize oh, I just realized I didn't think about it for a while. It becomes less and less all consuming. The other thing is that while we are grieving the loss of our partner they are not. Because we are grieving we are healing they are not. Often they just jump to the next and all the feelings get stuffed and brought to the next relationship. They can only forget for so long. At some point they have to remember the good times. You say your relationship is amical. That is good in one way but harder in another. It makes it all the more difficult to detach your feelings from him. At the same time it wasn't nice of him to not be there for you and your son where your father is concerned. That is whee you are not getting what you need out of the relationship. That is a recurring pattern in all these men. The spouse has been giving to the relationship but not having their needs met by them. So we weren't being treated badly but we weren't treated the way a husband should treat their wife. Years of family life together makes us overlook what we are not getting. We make excuses, he's tired, stressed, or it's just his way. That, I find, is what is so difficult. That I knew he didn't appreciate me(which can happen with familiarity)but I didn't know that it would be to the extent that he would do something so deceptive. I hope that all of us find love again with someone who loves us unconditionally, the way we deserve. I know a few people who were in the same place as us and are now even happier than before.
Peace and strength,
Love you ladies,
Happy Mom
I feel as distraught as I have ever felt tonight. 10 weeks! It's only been 10 weeks since he walked out on me. I told him Saturday I wanted to be friends with him and tonight he comes over and asks me if I am still feeling good. When I say yes, he says that's good and then tells me that he met with a lawyer today and asked him to draw up the divorce papers. 10 weeks! I cried and told him I wasn't emotionally ready for any of this, that I hadn't gotten over him walking out and getting his own place, that I was still mourning my father who died only 3 weeks ago, that I had told him several times I wasn't prepared to do anything during the holidays. He said what difference is a few months going to make? I said, "F--- you!" and he was shocked such language came from my lips and started to walk out.
My son comes through the room as I'm crying and just says he's passing through. He's 9 years old. I told my husband he needed to tell him why I am so sad and he asked what he should say. I told him he needed to tell him the truth and quit leaving me to do all the dirty work when everything that is happening is totally his doing, not mine. He got mad but did sit C down and tell him Mommy was sad because he asked me for a divorce. My little boy cried and said he was sad and then tried to act all happy when his dad tried to tease him about the tears on his eyelashes. There were no smiles in his eyes--he's hurt--and he has asked to sleep in my bed tonight and tomorrow and from now on.
What do I do? He said his counselor thinks he is bipolar and depressed--but he refuses to take any medication because then he would walk around feeling nothing. All you have to do is walk in the lawyer's office and sign the papers, he says, and it will all be done. It's not that easy for me--11 years of marriage and 10 weeks of separation and sign the papers so we can get on with our lives.
Do I sign the papers since he's not going to change his mind? Do I wait until I feel stronger and then just have to deal with it at a later date? Am I just postponing the inevitable? I want the hurt to stop!
God must have a heck of a plan in store for me after I get over this. I still believe everything happens for a reason so I'm trying to trust things will work out but I am so hurt tonight that I can't imagine the reason behind it. I know you have all been there and come out the better for it--hoping I can say the same thing this time next year.
Hello Nancy
I am sorry you are going through this pain. Firstly you need a counsellor to help you through this, if you don't have one, then go to your church for help.
I delayed signing the papers for almost 9 months as I couldn't deal with it, it was almost like delaying the inevitable. My advise to you is to get help for yourself and sign when you can cope with it - not before. You need to consult a lawyer with his offer to you - make sure that you have been taken care of and that you are happy with your settlement and do not settle or be bullied into anything less. I stood my ground until I got what I wanted. To give you an idea, I got my house and 4 yrs of a small maintenance - things are still going to be hard for me. I dropped my lawsuit against her for what I wanted - she was my bargaining tool.
Watch your son please - my 14 yr old started cutting and my 18 yr old broke his hand by punching a door - their pain is enormous - get the school counsellors involved as well. My sons take turns in sleeping with me - even after 18 months!
Take care and do this at your pace - not his.
sending you love and peace
I know it is terrible. It is unimaginable that he could be so callous. Know that they all follow the same pattern. I never expected the disrespect and disloyalty that my then husband showed me. We were a team. It is hard to imagine that you will ever be fine again, but you will. Right now you are probably still in shock. Colleen is right, you should not make any arrangements for divorce as of yet. You need to get your bearrings. You need to eat, sleep, start seeing a counselor so that you can deal with all the emotions. Working out helps tremendously against stress. Consequently, I am in the best shape of my life:) It also helps you sleep. Then, you meticulously start getting your ducks in a row. Do not let him bully, manipulate, or sweet talk you into anything before you are absolutely ready and have things on your terms. He made his decision without you. Now you take your time and make your decisions for yourself. Make sure you know your rights. You were right to make him explain things to your son. That way he has to take responsibility for his choices. You will be O.K. and it is normal to feel like you never will. Several of my friends experienced similar stories and now are happy in their new lives. All have remarried to very nice individuals who love and respect them.
Take care of yourself and keep us posted. I will check in a couple of times a day.
Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
Happy Mom,
Yes my ex husband decided he was going to remarry 7 months after he left. Yes we are divorced but it was hard at first for me to think that he'd immediately jump to someone else. I found out from his OTHER ex wife whom I talk to from time to time. He hasn't remarried yet as far as I know, but I'm sure he will. From what I have seen/heard I think he's a serial marrier and that he jumps to whomever he can use, uses them, then he's done. He did this to both me and his other ex wife. I was shocked at first, and yes it did hurt at first, but now I just feel sorry for her. She must be naive, or not care what he's like..or just doesnt see it. I'm the lucky one. Come to find out he had a bad past, a history of cheating, and was a compulsive liar. She's getting the bad end of the deal.
You will realize that you are much better off without the man who's hurt you even if it hurts like hell now. Good luck with everything.
Colleen, I'm glad you are doing ok! :) You deserve nothing but the best.
Lots of hugs to all my wonderful friends :)
Thank you all for your comforting words and willingness to share your stories with the others of us who are in the same unimagineable situation you found yourselves in. I have read through all of these posts and feel like I understand a little of the ups and downs you have all experienced--and it does help to see the progress made in your lives from the point where you started.
My husband called me at school today (I am a teacher for special education students) and proceeded to become very upset when I told him that I thought he needed to deal with the bipolar disorder and depression first and then worry about the marriage. He claims it is the marriage that is making him unhappy and depressed where I see it as the other way around. I can pinpoint the exact day my life was blown apart. Like all of you, he said he had been unhappy for years which is totally a lie. He has become a stranger to me and that is hard to swallow.
I have seen a counselor 3 times now, the last time with my husband. That worked so well for him that he decided two days later he was ready for a divorce. On Monday, I am taking a day off of work and have a line-up of appointments. I'm starting with my ob/gyn who prescribed me an anti-depressant a week after he left. I'm following that up with the counselor who, I hope, will help me sort through this bipolar thing and what I need to do to make sure my child remains healthy, as well as myself. The last appointment is with my financial advisor--I'm taking his name off as beneficiary of all my accounts and putting in my child's as primary and a sister or two as a secondary beneficiary. I'm going to try and get by the bank as well and see how I get his name off of our joint account. He already took half of the savings (although he has given nothing for child care these past 2 months due to apartment expenses and such). Fortunately for me, all but one of the IRA's is in my name--he has one small account of his own but no say on mine. I've checked into retirement changes too and will get his name off of there as soon as I can.
He's doing what he has to do because he says it makes him happy. I'm going to do what I need to in order to protect myself and my son. He's just too unpredictable now to put much trust into anything he says. I also got the name of a lawyer from the mother of my son's little friend. I will definitely keep an eye on him. Daddy thinks he's dealing great with everything--I can see behind the eyes and smile, however. He has some confusion, but he still is very vulnerable and has been experiencing the trauma from the last months as much as I have, at least to a certain extent.
When he called me on the phone at school, I felt beaten up--exhausted--just didn't even care any more at that point. I just told him "you win." His words? "I'm sorry." I'm not a fool, however, and I will be looking out for myself and our finances first.
Thank you again, ladies, for everything. In spite of your offers of support and the frienship you have extended to a complete stranger, wouldn't it be nice if this webite didn't have to exist? I agree with all you have said--they are not men in the true sense of the word. They are escapers and selfish people who feel their way is the only right way. I know I would be better off in the long run, but the rejection and the callous words definitely carry a sting. Not sure my grand idea about being best friends wasn't just a dream at this point. So correct when you said friends don't treat each other like this. My rose-colored glasses have definitely gotten a chip in them--but I'm not counting out that they will be repaired with time and rest and health.
By the way, I did join a health club two weeks afer he left and it does help--although I do hate exercise. I am 20 pounds lighter than I was a couple of months ago. The one positive in a sea of chaos.
Take care, ladies. You are a great help to me.
Hi Nancy,
Good for you. You have everything in the works. By the way you mentioned that you are a special education teacher. I am a child care worker or integration aid. I help a profoundly intellectually handicapped child integrate into a classroom setting. We are givers. We probably married takers. You said that your husband was depressed about the marriage. Wow, same here. He had told me he was depressed. He had reason to be. his career wasn't where it used to be and he was stressed. when I tried to talk to him about this after the bomb drop he said that yes he was depressed but not because of his career. He said he was depressed about us. They become unhappy, they don't know why and we are the first that they blame. I will send a link to two really good articles.
Happy Mom
These are 3 really good articles. The first is a whole series of articles that are relevant to our situations. The second explains what our husbands do with their rationalizations and justifications. The third describes my husband with the exception on sign 6 & 7.
The minimizing of the effect that this will have on your son is typical. He's rationalizing.He needs to tell himself this. Unfortunately, it isn't true. The kids are greatly affected and it shows more and more as time goes on. Sometimes years later when they can verbalize their feelings, things come out as to what they were going through. Don't take this on yourself though. There is nothing you can do about it. He made this choice himself. You didn't have a say in it. Now we have to clean up their mess. When mine was still at home even my mother in law was rationalizing. The kids had only known for about a week that we were separating. After one visit she said "the kids seem to be fine about it". I said "he hasn't left the house yet". She said "well there's no sense worrying about it before it happens". Everyone just wants everything to be normal but it isn't and it will never be the same again. My children will not live in a house with their father. He made that choice for them when he started up with his affair partner. My mother in law grew up with her father in the house and so did my husband. They have no idea. For them to downplay the magnitude of what he has done, is rationalizing. Add to that the fact that now the kids have to spend time with her wether they like it or not. Now they are put into a predicament where they might not like her or feel guilty if they do.
Happy Mom
Dear Happy Mom,
Thank you for sending the articles. They really are eye opening, aren't they? It still boggles my mind, however, that these men can be so self-centered that they just throw their families away so easily and without compassion for what their spouses and children are going through.
I still find myself so disappointed that I'm going to be a divorced woman. I really did marry for life and it makes me mad that my child will now be a child of a split family--I always took pride that he was going to grow up with two parents who loved each other...and then my husband decided to blow it all apart because he wasn't happy. To hell with the rest of you. Here's a term my counselor used to describe him: "emotionally unintelligent." Even he shook his head when I told him about my husband's timing on his big proclamations: walking out on my birthday, calling me at school right before my first class to drop news about what he is doing to progress the dissolution of the marriage, knowing that I'd have to go face my students and the rest of the day being upset, leaving my son and I to deal with my father's death alone, meeting with a lawyer now when I told him several times to slow down to allow me time to grieve all that is going on--not to mention the holidays coming up and me telling him that I would do nothing during this time to put a black mark on this period for my child's sake. He "forgot" all of that and went ahead with his plans anyway. "Emotionally unintelligent"--sounds about right to me. Focused only on what will make his life better in his mind and bulldozing over my own feelings, not acknowledging how this is affecting his child, not seeming to care about anybody but himself. So why do I still want my marriage back? Or do I just want the marriage and not necessarily the man? I'm not even sure myself anymore.
Isn't it interesting that I took my wedding ring off two weeks ago because it just felt uncomfortable there now and yet my husband still wears his? When I asked him why, he said because he was still married. I asked him if he still felt married and he said yes--said he wouldn't take it off until he is divorced. A good friend of mine pretty much told me that he gets no points in his book for wearing that ring because he feels it is my husband's way of avoiding having to tell people why it isn't there if he took it off. My husband has still not told people he works with that he doesn't live at home anymore. I think my friend is right. If he doesn't take it off until the divorce, then he doesn't look like the callous person he appears to be--then it will look like a "mutual decision" to divorce to others and his character will not be as questioned as it should be now. Good grief--how did my life get so complicated so fast? Where is the real man I thought I had married and how can he really live with himself knowing what he has done to an entire family? What kind of mentality allows people to be so selfish? I still believe what goes around comes around. One day when my little boy grows up and asks me and his father what happened and why we couldn't work it all out, I'm going to be able to hold my head up high and honestly tell him that I did everything I possibly could to keep the family together, that I didn't walk out (which he already is keenly aware of), and that I wanted to be a family for life. Then I think I will just refer him to his father to answer those questions and see what he comes up with. My son is 9 years old--he's old enough to be extremely hurt by feelings of abandonment and he's also old enough to know what is going on, who stayed, and who walked away. You want to be a good father? Look in your son's eyes and tell him how real men behave--and then don't be surprised when he doesn't believe you based on your own actions in his lifetime.
Another comment, if you will pardon me this morning.
I wanted to thank you again, Happy Mom, Colleen, and all, for your kind words of advice and compassion. They really do help.
Happy Mom, I think you are exactly right. You and I are givers. We work with the children who need the help the most--we thrive on being able to make their lives better--we see life as an opportunity to help others and make the world just a little bit better place to grow up for our children. We married takers--people who don't have the same compassion others have. We gave so much to our relationships and didn't necessarily get as much back and thought that it was okay. We understood our husbands and knew they may not be as demonstrative or emotional as we might like but we accepted them that way anyway and would never even consider walking out. We can all hold our heads up high in this life and be proud of how well we are doing and know that we are positive examples to our children of how people should behave and act. Your mother-in-law, Happy Mom, sounded like she was justifying and rationalizing, like you said. I guess it was easier for her than admitting her son was wrong and her grandchildren would have no trouble due to his actions. There's no excuse for any of their behaviors and I think one day our husbands will look back--maybe one day FAR into the future--and know that at one point in their lives they had it all. They had wives who adored them, children who thought they hung the moon, in-laws who rallied around them when they needed it, a true family in every sense of the word--and they chose to throw it all away. I truly think that day will come when they open their eyes and really see what they have all done. Wonder how they will feel then.
I hope you all have a remarkable Thanksgiving and holiday season. I am doing my best to find the holiday spirit if for no other reason than my son needs to continue to feel the magic of Christmas as much as possible. I'll hang those lights, decorate the tree, wrap presents, play Christmas music, bake cookies (hello more hours at the gym), and make it as perfect as I can for the little guy...and maybe in all of that effort I will find that I can enjoy this time too.
Thank you all--I hope to continue to catch up on your progress as the time moves on. I'm so pleased that many of you have found some peace with all that has gone on. I'm not anywhere close to that stage yet, but I'm trying. Please let me know if I can help any of YOU. We are an exclusive and lovely group of ladies who are definitely going to come out on top after the world stops shaking us up.
Happy Birthday, Happy Mom. I hope this year's is much better than last. Best wishes for a new and happier year.
Thank you Nancy for the birthday greetings:).
I knew on my last birthday something was up. Two days later I approached him about it. The season brings back the horrible feeling from last year. I wouldn't want to be back there. I don't wish that on anybody. My self esteem was at an all time low. No wonder he didn't know what he had in me, I didn't know. I had only his criticism as a mirror. Since then I have branched out and found out that many people see my good points and that has been very valuable to me. I bent but I did not break. It felt like I was loosing my grip more than once but I didn't. What I learned this year has been a gift and one that I wouldn't give back. I am a different place now. I know my worth, am reminded of it regularly and will not start a relationship until I am sure that person absolutely knows my worth as well.
Somebody had submitted a composite apology letter. It went as follows:
This is a hard letter to write, so just hear me out.
I know I should have said all this a long time ago, but back then, I was just too angry and couldn't think straight. I know I blamed you for everything that went wrong in our marriage and I suppose I felt so deflated by you that I wanted you to hurt too, and that's why I said and did the things I did. And once they were said, I didn't know how to undo them so I just kept saying them.
You were shocked when I left, but I was shocked at how you reacted. I didn't think you would take it that hard but there was nothing I could do about it because I knew I wanted out. I was afraid that if I let myself feel badly for you, I'd chicken out and come back and I knew I didn't want to do that. So I blocked you out in order to protect myself.
I just want you to know that you didn't deserve the way I treated you. Even if the marriage wasn't perfect, you loved me and tried to be there for me. You did so much for me and the family, and I know that, at times, it wasn't easy. I just didn't know how to talk to you, to tell you what was on my mind. I was afraid you'd be mad or we'd have a fight, and I hated that. I'd get so frustrated that I felt like I'd explode, so I didn't go there. I didn't think that things could ever change between us, but I see now that I should have talked to you.
I know I did a lot of damage. I'm accepting that now and I'm sorry. I mean that. I hope you find the love you deserve.
From one who appreciates what we once had . . .
When I read this pretend letter it sounded a lot like what my ex had said to my sister. It is unacceptable this piece of trash after what he did. The disrespect. Having us sitting at the same table. Her knowing our intimate details. Him criticizing me to her. Our son in the same class getting to know her without knowing who she was. There is no excuse. No apolology that he could give me for that. My comment to the writer of the pretend letter went as follows:
This letter would only be another slap in the face for me. It is full of rationalizations and cowardess. I loved my husband with all my heart. We were together 18 years. I was a very good wife, mother, and I thought, best friend. I look the same as the day I got married (his words). We did things together all the time, I helped him with his work, and he always talked to me about his everyday goings on. Until he left for another. He replaced me. His loyalty and respect changed from me to his affair partner. I lost my best friend. It is like he does not remember our past. What he does remember is skewed as is his view as me as a person. I have been demoted to the position of the babysitter. She is wonderful, family oriented, and a go getter. Too bad she was oriented toward getting my family. As for appreciating what we once had... that would be a bold faced lie like his many others. Because if he had appreciated me and our family, he wouldn't find a dread headed, tatooed, and face pierced moron, more valuable than me.
Happy Mom
Thank you Nancy for the birthday greetings:).
I knew on my last birthday something was up. Two days later I approached him about it. The season brings back the horrible feeling from last year. I wouldn't want to be back there. I don't wish that on anybody. My self esteem was at an all time low. No wonder he didn't know what he had in me, I didn't know. I had only his criticism as a mirror. Since then I have branched out and found out that many people see my good points and that has been very valuable to me. I bent but I did not break. It felt like I was loosing my grip more than once but I didn't. What I learned this year has been a gift and one that I wouldn't give back. I am a different place now. I know my worth, am reminded of it regularly and will not start a relationship until I am sure that person absolutely knows my worth as well.
Somebody had submitted a composite apology letter. It went as follows:
This is a hard letter to write, so just hear me out.
I know I should have said all this a long time ago, but back then, I was just too angry and couldn't think straight. I know I blamed you for everything that went wrong in our marriage and I suppose I felt so deflated by you that I wanted you to hurt too, and that's why I said and did the things I did. And once they were said, I didn't know how to undo them so I just kept saying them.
You were shocked when I left, but I was shocked at how you reacted. I didn't think you would take it that hard but there was nothing I could do about it because I knew I wanted out. I was afraid that if I let myself feel badly for you, I'd chicken out and come back and I knew I didn't want to do that. So I blocked you out in order to protect myself.
I just want you to know that you didn't deserve the way I treated you. Even if the marriage wasn't perfect, you loved me and tried to be there for me. You did so much for me and the family, and I know that, at times, it wasn't easy. I just didn't know how to talk to you, to tell you what was on my mind. I was afraid you'd be mad or we'd have a fight, and I hated that. I'd get so frustrated that I felt like I'd explode, so I didn't go there. I didn't think that things could ever change between us, but I see now that I should have talked to you.
I know I did a lot of damage. I'm accepting that now and I'm sorry. I mean that. I hope you find the love you deserve.
From one who appreciates what we once had . . .
When I read this pretend letter it sounded a lot like what my ex had said to my sister. It is unacceptable this piece of trash after what he did. The disrespect. Having us sitting at the same table. Her knowing our intimate details. Him criticizing me to her. Our son in the same class getting to know her without knowing who she was. There is no excuse. No apolology that he could give me for that. My comment to the writer of the pretend letter went as follows:
This letter would only be another slap in the face for me. It is full of rationalizations and cowardess. I loved my husband with all my heart. We were together 18 years. I was a very good wife, mother, and I thought, best friend. I look the same as the day I got married (his words). We did things together all the time, I helped him with his work, and he always talked to me about his everyday goings on. Until he left for another. He replaced me. His loyalty and respect changed from me to his affair partner. I lost my best friend. It is like he does not remember our past. What he does remember is skewed as is his view as me as a person. I have been demoted to the position of the babysitter. She is wonderful, family oriented, and a go getter. Too bad she was oriented toward getting my family. As for appreciating what we once had... that would be a bold faced lie like his many others. Because if he had appreciated me and our family, he wouldn't find a dread headed, tatooed, and face pierced moron, more valuable than me.
Happy Mom
My husband of 3 years,together for 13. left me 4 weeks ago. I couldn`t make sense of what he was saying. We have been struggling with money problems for over a year now and I thought he had got a job to make some quick money..I was wrong. Over the years I had become so dependant on him for everything. He would munipulate me to go against my better judgement in are financal decisions. My fault for believing his crap for so long.We found ourselves unable to pay the water bill,gas bill and without money to repair our vehicle he drove into the ground.The utilities have been turned off which makes things almost unbearable.Then he left.Moved out of state.He did this knowing that I have no friends or anyone I could call that could help me. The days seem to never end.It is the end of week 4 and somehow i`m feeling a little hopeful. Much better than before. He says he is coming back,when he won`t say,but I am finding myself wondering if I even want him to. I guess I can`t blame him for not having what it takes to take care of a family, wanting to isn`t enough. I am ashamed of myself for burying my head for so long.
Dear anonymous,
Sorry for your situation. It does feel unbearable but you will come through it. While I understand the feeling of shame, from an outside perspective you need not feel that way. You were looking at things in a positive light. There is nothing wrong with that. It is he who should be ashamed for not telling you the truth and for checking out when things got tough. Should we live day to day not believing what the people who are closest to us tell us? Does it put us at fault if we do? As well, what would happen to our families if we checked out because we didn't feel like having the responsibility anymore? The fact that you already feel better without him is a good thing. It will get better and you will feel more and more like yourself. You will slide back a little but then forward again. Here is a post from a woman that I take comfort in. It is good to know that others have experienced the same and come out better and stronger for it:
I was right where most of you are right now...grieving, and hurting. because of a MAN who left. I cannot explain how I finally just WOKE UP and realized that it is a total diresrespect of ourselves if we allow another person to cheat on us, leave us, lie to us and come back into our lives. We tell ourselves.."I want him back"..."He still Loves Me"..."What a Connection we had".."we were Best Friends". BULL...to all of it. I allowed my so called HUSBAND to leave me and come back so many times, that I should have installed a revolving door in our home. I don't need or want this. There is no security in this type of living. Yes, I grieved...but when I realized I was grieving for something the HE had thrown away...I stopped. If he did not value what our life together was, then he was the loser, not me. I tolerated asking no questions as to where he was, putting up with him returning my calls to his cell, four days later...not knowing where he lived, or worked anymore...and THAT DAY CAME. THE DAY HE DROPPED BY...AND IT JUST WAS'NT THERE FOR ME ANYMORE. I felt no anger, no love, no "pity"....I felt nothing, except that I just wanted him to be on his way. He actually wanted to drop by and ask for a reconciliation...and it BROKE my heart for me to tell him.."I Don't Love You Anymore". I wished at the time, it was him telling me, instead of me telling him as the veangeful attitude I had once held had gone as well.
How did I get there? TIME...I stayed busy. I didn't sit and dwell on him. I stopped all thoughts of him as soon as they came into my head , whether good or bad...I do not want to give anyone that kind of power over me.
Your significant other does not love you or respect you ...AS they should if they cheat, lie, or disrespect you. Everyone makes mistakes, yes, but these mistakes usually get repeated. If a spouse can see you in utter pain and not stop immediately what they are doing and fix the situation, forget it. It ain't easy, but it's easier to live with yourself, all by yourself, and be prouder of yourself ...if you do. GOD BLESS...PRAYER WORKS WONDERS TOO!
Wishing you Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
I just want to thank you all for your comments and hope on this day. My situation is so similar to all of yours and I thought I was so alone. Thanks.
Dear Anonymous,
I totally agree with Happy Mom when she said that you have nothing to be ashamed of. You were a loyal, trusting wife--exactly what we are supposed to be in a marriage. Of course, that should work in reverse too with our husbands but unfortunately we have all found out that there are many men in this world who ended up acting in a way that we never expected. I did the same thing you did--felt like I must have done something wrong, wondered what I could have done differently to have avoided this heartache--but when I look at it in the moments when I see things more clearly, I realize that while there may be some things we wish we could go back and do differently now or undo, it is ultimately the responsibility and fault of the men who picked up and just left when times got tough. It wasn't us, it's them and the fact that you are such a caring and trusting person is a wonderful compliment to you as a person.
You didn't deserve what he did to you--you did nothing wrong--he will have to answer someday for the way he treated you. He can run away from the situation and even from you, but he can never run away from himself--and I firmly believe all of these men will one day have to answer for what they did to our trust and love.
Hang in there. It's been 3 months for me and while we are friendly about surface things, my husband would like to bulldoze right over my feelings and get the paperwork completed so we can "get on with our lives and be friends again." Uh-huh...great way to treat a friend. I am glad to hear that you are feeling a little stronger. Reach out to people around you, if you can, and you may be surprised at the support you find--people who want to help but haven't known how to offer. Like you, I have no family within a 5 hour drive, so I feel very alone at times, but I have also found that people out there really do care and want to help if you will allow them to.
If there is nobody right now, come back here and know that we will all walk with you and support you in friendship and understanding.
Happy Mom, your advice is wonderful, as always. The letter you posted written from the husband's point of view last week was exactly what I could picture my own husband saying if he had the nerve. It's the words I'd love to hear but would know deep down that it wouldn't be sincere. Having a tough time with the holidays but hanging in there. Hope you are all doing the same.
Wishing you all a peaceful weekend--we all deserve it!
Got a check in the mail today from an IRA I cashed in early--account was totally in my name and I put most of the money in it but was intended as a retirement acct for husband to catch up to my own retirement account. It's not a huge amount but if I divided it in half, he would get several thousand dollars. Here's my question: since it was originally for him, should I at least give him half of the amount if not the majority of it? I guess I'm trying to be as fair as possible, but yet I also am trying to remind myself just how crappy he has been treating me--he is more polite to strangers than he is to me lately, and I actually feel like he is more of a stranger to me now--there is little feeling shown by him toward me, like he's just biding his time until he can officially throw our marriage--and me--away. Unfortunately in those moments when we do seem to connect as friends again, I am tempted to tell him about the check because I know he could use the money. He talks about how little money he has until the next paycheck, and I do make more than he does--yet I spent over $1000 of my half of the savings account that was left on property taxes for OUR house--now with Christmas and needing new tires and such, I'll probably have to pull more. He has not offered to help with any of the house expenses and has also given me just $75 for our child in the last 3 months--granted, he offered another $75 last weekend but said he was basically broke, so I told him to just keep it since he was having trouble making ends meet this month. (of course, he did get a tattoo of a barbed wire heart--over his own heart in September and asked me if I would pay half of the $150 it cost him as an anniversary gift--and no, he wasn't kidding! Putting something symbolic like that representing his hard luck emotional experiences and then wanting me to pay half of it?) Would it be wrong to just deposit the whole amount of this cashed IRA in my own personal savings, not tell him anything about it, and just see how he acts? I've actually started keeping a list of the negative things he has been doing to me because I tend to forget those things and how he makes me feel most of the time when we really are getting along. I'm so tired of being his acquaintance now instead of his wife--he is showing no compassion or affection at all, even as a good friend. Now I'm almost as uncomfortable around him as he said he was around me when he left. It's getting to where I dread seeing him in person because I know I mean no more to him now than the neighbor does, but the neighbor gets treated with politeness and respect and I get treated like he could care less.
Can you tell I had a rough day today? I went to the mall by myself today to try and get into the Christmas spirit a little and left there totally depressed. Never noticed before just how many people shop hand-in-hand--all the couples, all the big families laughing and having a great time--and then there was me walking by myself not enjoying anything around me, feeling like I had a big arrow pointing at me saying "failed at her marriage" or "husband left her because she wasn't good enough" or "all alone at the holidays." Thank goodness for my son--but I don't want to use him to make me happy either--I need to be the one to make HIM happy. So hard to have an only child sometimes. I feel like I kind of cheated him too out of having a sibling around to commiserate with him about his messed up parents. I really don't want him to grow up remembering his childhood as lonely. Good grief--all kinds of negative thoughts tonight. ...and down the hill she slides again. Darn--just when you think you are feeling more positive, little things like happy couples and sales at jewelry stores or ornaments like "Our First Christmas Together" at Hallmark set me back down the darker path.
How did you all get through that first holiday season as a broken apart family?
nancy, i know this is really hard. i totally relate to the mixed feelings/messages of feeling friendly and getting along and then suddenly being just nothing again. many times i did my husband an act of kindness at those times, only to feel stupid for it later, when he treated me badly again. yours can't make ends meet, but he's getting elaborate tattoos--obviously if you shared the money with him he would blow it. just deposit it into your own account and use it for all that stuff you need...tires, christmas, etc. it's yours anyways. it was intended to supplement him, but that was assuming that the two of you were actually married forever, in which case it would have been both of yours anyways. he decided to blow his marriage, just like he'd blow that money. part of his "new life" is providing for himself, right? i'd tuck that into my account and not feel bad at all. maybe even get myself a new tattoo with it ;)
I would have to agree with Meagan. That money was yours, you keep it. I know it is your nature to be kind and think of him but you have to think of yourself and your son. He is a grown man, he can take care of himself.
I know it is hard to go out in public and see the new loves and old and the shared affection. I had a hard time with that even when we were together (at the end). I just shake myself out of it and tell myself that one day I will meet someone and I will enjoy all those firsts again. As well, when we see these people we don't actually know the whole story. Try to broaden your social circle. Go out with friends or join a class or club to meet people. Have mothers of your son's friends over for tea. Concentrate on keeping yourself socially busy. You will meet more people like this and you will have positive feedback from others instead of the negative feedback you get from your husband. This lesson was the biggest for me over this past year. To have people enjoy my company and actually listen when I am talking. You will find yourself laughing again and you will feel yourself coming back. I was so used to seeing myself through his eyes that I had no self esteem left. I was also so used to him not listening to me that I began to stay silent even in social settings. I felt like I had nothing important to say. It's ironic that his affair partner talks like a teenager with no class (I'm not exaggerating) and is far from silent.
As for the feeling of failure... oh yes, that is a big one, especially when I was studying family life education :( But it is they who ran our marriages off the cliff. We didn't have a choice or a say in the matter. The decision was made for us. Were we perfect? of course not, but no one is. Now I have turned that doubt into "now I can be of more service in the area of Family Life Education because of my experience".
It is hard to know that they don't think of us, but you have to realize that it is because they are in an extremely selfish mode at this point. I used to take it personally. I got my feelings hurt over and over. Then I realized, this is ridiculous behavior. It is HIS behavior and it is separate from me, it is not because of me. Now I have detached. I remember and grieve the loss of my best friend, lover, and husband who I loved so much. This other person I talk to regarding the kids is someone I don't know and I don't like as a person. He is selfish. He lies and manipulates. I expect nothing from him except that I can't trust him. He can't hurt me any more, he's not my husband. I don't mean by law, I mean he's not the person I once knew. Even where the kids are concerned this is true. His new love still comes first. But that is only because he thinks solely of himself.
All this to say, put you and your son first. Take care of yourself so that you can be happy and so that you can take care of your son. You will be fine even though it doesn't feel like it.
Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
part 1
I am so very thankful for this site and I wish I would have come across it years ago--two years ago today to be exact. It pains me that so many women have to go through so much pain because of dishonest men.
All of you women here are so much stronger than I could ever imagine. I have been through an emotional hell I only allowed myself to go through. If I had been more confident I would have never let this continue to happen to me.
Please allow me to share my story:
I am now 28 years old. I met my "fake" husband in 2006 where i worked, he pursed me relentlessly.I was a single parent of one four year old girl.I finally gave in and after three months together he and I discussed the importance of marriage and I explained that I could only carry on seriously with marriage being in our future.
Finally around New years Day in 2007 he proposed and we eventually set a date to get married in the summer of 2007 since I would be finished with school then.
So as the date got closer and closer somehow there was always the excuse that he wanted me to be okay finically before we got married.
So in June 2007 we purchased a home together outright without any debt attached to it.
So I began to feel more secure but there was always the question of when are we going to finalize on a date.
It started in 2007 only less than a year after we met were he would leave after an arguement and I would literally chase him and beg and plead that he stay. This went on at least once every two months from August 2007-2009.
I soon would realize that he had several women that he was seeing, etc. I actually made the mistake and confronted one of the women in January 2009 because his phone records showed he called her as much as me.
Needless to say of course she knew who I was but actually got a kick out of hurting me and called herself his mistress and laughed in my face.
So of course I called him to confront him while he was working and he ignored all my calls, etc.
He didn't talk to me for 5 days and didn't see my daughter who unfortunately looked at this person as there daddy for the past few years(now five years).
Sadly I had thought of suicide and bought sleeping pills and debated over and over if I should do it. I thankfully didn't and I am out of that dark place that I was in and I know I can never ever do that especially for the sake of my dear child.
part 1
I am so very thankful for this site and I wish I would have come across it years ago--two years ago today to be exact. It pains me that so many women have to go through so much pain because of dishonest men.
All of you women here are so much stronger than I could ever imagine. I have been through an emotional hell I only allowed myself to go through. If I had been more confident I would have never let this continue to happen to me.
Please allow me to share my story:
I am now 28 years old. I met my "fake" husband in 2006 where i worked, he pursed me relentlessly.I was a single parent of one four year old girl.I finally gave in and after three months together he and I discussed the importance of marriage and I explained that I could only carry on seriously with marriage being in our future.
Finally around New years Day in 2007 he proposed and we eventually set a date to get married in the summer of 2007 since I would be finished with school then.
So as the date got closer and closer somehow there was always the excuse that he wanted me to be okay finically before we got married.
So in June 2007 we purchased a home together outright without any debt attached to it.
So I began to feel more secure but there was always the question of when are we going to finalize on a date.
It started in 2007 only less than a year after we met were he would leave after an arguement and I would literally chase him and beg and plead that he stay. This went on at least once every two months from August 2007-2009.
I soon would realize that he had several women that he was seeing, etc. I actually made the mistake and confronted one of the women in January 2009 because his phone records showed he called her as much as me.
Needless to say of course she knew who I was but actually got a kick out of hurting me and called herself his mistress and laughed in my face.
So of course I called him to confront him while he was working and he ignored all my calls, etc.
He didn't talk to me for 5 days and didn't see my daughter who unfortunately looked at this person as there daddy for the past few years(now five years).
Sadly I had thought of suicide and bought sleeping pills and debated over and over if I should do it. I thankfully didn't and I am out of that dark place that I was in and I know I can never ever do that especially for the sake of my dear child.
Part 2- (Sorry for the double post of Post 1)
He also has a seperate home that he had for sale but because of the economy he did not sell it, so that is were he lives 50% of the time. He also says that it is for me and my future that we don't get married so that I will not be responsible if he goes in debt or if his business goes bad.
He claims that the I would have to give up my home if that happened because they would take my home as an asset. I really don't know what to believe regarding that.
So basically he leaves for like two months in 2009 from January until March. He would come back off and on or maybe a day or two but I like another lady said allowed my home to be a revolving door.
The worst part is I allowed my daughter to see me constantly as a weak and desperate person.
He repeatedly denies everything and to this day calls me wife to everyone in public and all of our friends, etc. but claims we can't get married due to the economy because he does not want anything to happen to me if he should become in debt, etc.
So he made the home that was purchased in both of our names transfered to just my name in 2008.
Somehow I came to accept the life full of lies and pretending that he loves me and respects me, but I had direct evidence that he lied to my face on a daily basis.
He also stopped having sex with me and touching me altogether since last year.We have not had sex since early 2009.
He claims this was due to stress from his losses and work and so I have accepted it.I have to live everyday with low self esteem because I don't know the truth about or what to believe because he stopped having sex with me before his loss of a friend and his mother.
This would continue to go on until September 2009 he left right before school was starting for "our daughter" I somehow mustered up myself to get through her first week of school and spend time with her. By then I was pretty used to being hurt and I just didn't even bother to call or beg, etc I already knew he was leaving to be left alone to do whatever he wanted to do.
Then due to tragic losses of a friend an mother he started to be a better person or so I thought. He treated me with respect and I felt comfortable and like I could trust him this past year all up until last month.
I also developed a chronic colon condition in March 2010 and that alone has been draining and devasting for me emotionally and phsyically. It gets even worse at times like this when I am under stress because my body is not relaxed and on edge. I even sometimes forget to take my medicine.
In October Things stated to feel strange. You don't know what it is but just the way you feel around your spouse and get a feeling that something just isn't right.
Part 3
I had been smart and learned from my lessons of him leaving me over and over again the past five years and I had been saving some money since the start of this year. Well he forced me last month to take the money I had been saving out of my account (which I now truly regret telling him about). So I had to pay for all the last two moths of expenses and bills with basically all the money I had been saving for myself and my daughter.
He promised things would get back on track soon and that I don't need to worry. Well it has been worrying me for the past two months and I cried to him the other night because I was so sad and worried that all my savings was gone.
Then wouldn't you know that I found a document of a payment he made to a name I knew of and discovered about her last year but he denied he knew this her. This girl was no stranger because I had discovered a year ago that he was cheating with this person. I have just come to accept it today.
Needless to say the payment/money he gave her would have covered at least one months worth of the bills I had to pay.
I just discovered this on Thanksgiving Day and I am just so disgusted.I didn't even bother to confront him because I know that he will deny everything and yell at me.
So I called her to ask why he payed her such a huge amount of money. She of course is a fool and says You should ask your husband, then hung up and she knew exactly who I was.
That was this morning when i called her and guess what no sign of him anywhere he left to go to work and didn't call all day and we always spend Saturday afternoons and evenings together as a family. I tried to call him only once but he didn't answer my call and I didn't leave a message.
I feel like I am living in a bubble that it is so real what he is doing this but I honestly feel like until now that I finally have read how this similar thing has happened to so many women, I suddenly don't feel alone.
I understand that I am not a fault that I deserve to be loved and cared for with respect.
Its been such a long time coming, I knew he would leave again one day I just didn't know when and I never thought it would be during Thanksgiving weekend.I had a very horrible childhood and I have had to have help getting through my issues with my family.
Sadly I don't have any family today that I can trust and that I feel safe with. Writing this and reading these other posts helps a ton. i am taking this step by step, but I know I must not let him control me anymore.
I have always said after going through so much with my sickness and the last five years that if he left again like this that would be all that I could handle. I would give up once and for all.
And I give up I must figure out how to live my life for myself and my daughter and take it day by day.
Thank you to all of you amazing women.
With Love and Honesty
I will call myself
"fake marriage"
Hi Nancy
I agree with the girls - keep the money and cross that bridge if and when he asks. Ask yourself has he been fair with you?
By the sounds of it the money will be wasted if you give it to him and you are carrying the financial responsibility of the house, etc. which should by the way be half his responsibility.
Good luck and take care
Hello and welcome Fake Marriage
You have certainly been through a rough ride in the last 5 years - do you really want to be abused in the next five - NO.
You need to take care of yourself and your daughter first and foremostly. By the sounds of it, you are answering your own questions - follow your gut instinct.
And please do not divulge any savings to him from now on.
We are all here for you.
take care and go in love
love Colleen
Thank you so much Colleen for your sweet words of wisdom.I know I must take care of myself and my daughter and I find it hard to figure out what to do when it comes to my daughter. She is used to seeing him everyday and each time he leaves he makes no effort to know how she or I am doing. I feel I need to distance ourselves from him so that I can heal because otherwise if I let him back into my life I feel like he won and that he can do as he pleases whenever he wants as he has done and is doing now.
It's just really gut wrenching and confusing especially now because my daughters birthday is in less than 10 days and there are things we had planned. Plus with Christmas coming very soon how do I let her spend Christmas: Alone and happy with me, or with him included.
Im at the point where I feel like I can't let him back into my life or I will lose and continue to take whatever he throws my way.
He has a way of making me feel like I was wrong for everything and when he comes back he claims he was not with anyone etc.
He just looks at me in the eye like nothing ever happened as if I was overreacting and tells me i have to stop fighting with him and finding excuses to be unhappy, etc.
I have mentally put a lock and key on what used to be the revolving door to my home. I simply can't hurt from his selfishness any longer.
I just am at loss on what to tell my daughter. She knows something is wrong and she also is used to this. I was thinking of telling her that he went out of town for work for a while as he does often travel a lot for work. Would that be appropiate or should I tell her the truth?
Fake Marriage
Dear Fake Marriage,
Welcome to a place you can feel safe, cared about, and free to express yourself. These ladies are great counselors and cheerleaders all rolled into one.
You have certainly been through one long journey these last 5 years. I agree with Colleen when she said your "husband" (and that is what he is in your eyes no matter if there is a legal paper involved or not) has been abusive toward you the last few years. The man who should be treating you better than you treat yourself has been tearing you down piece by piece over the years. It's hard to realize that somebody had such control over you and you probably wonder when that happened--when did you lose yourself in this relationship and allow one person to pretty much dictate how you felt about yourself and how you reacted to situations. I think the trick for you now is having to find that strength that was there more than 5 years ago when you were a single parent of a little 4-year old girl who was making it on her own. You are a special person and you deserve to be treated like the person you are inside, not the person he has tried to make you into.
I don't know a whole lot about the house/debt situation, but I do know that I think you are fortunate that house is in your name alone. I had sold my house two weeks before I got married 12 years ago, we went on our honeymoon, and one week later returned so I could pack everything up and sign the sale papers and such. I had lived there by myself for 14 years, had bought it by myself, etc. My husband of one week, however, had to sign all of the papers to sell the house right alongside my name. I questioned why his name should be required and the realtor said it was the law in my state that once there was a marriage license, the property became both of ours. I sort of rolled my eyes and laughed about it, but that check that was written to me for the house was in both of our names even though he had never lived there even one day. Funny how that works.
Try to see him for exactly what he is, but don't mourn the time spent with him too much. This has been a hard-lived lesson but one which will guide you in future relationships. It is so hard, I know, and when he comes around again (and he will because he's a manipulator and likes the game he's been playing with all of the women) it will be so hard not to believe his words of love, not to think of all the good times you had in the midst of his deception, not to want to believe he is a changed man--but read back over what you wrote here and remind yourself that he doesn't deserve you. He doesn't deserve to have a daughter as wonderful as yours is. Don't worry about your daughter seeing you beg him to come back in the past--what she will see now is that her mother is a very strong woman who went through a rough time but had the courage to pick herself up and start over with her head held high.
You did nothing wrong to deserve any of his abusive actions. You only loved somebody so much that you desperately wanted the relationship to work for all three of your sakes. That's an admirable trait, not something to be ashamed of. The difference now is that you realize the love is one-sided to a certain extent. You and your daughter gave him everything and he gave you only enough to keep you in his life, but not enough to keep you happy. Happiness is out there, with or without a man, but show your daughter and most especially show yourself that you are somebody worthy of being happy. We are here for you as much or as little as you need. You are NOT alone and anytime you need to talk or just vent, you have women friends here who undertand exactly how you feel and will be here for you.
It's time to take care of YOU now.
In friendship,
Dear Fake Marriage,
Sorry about you situation and sorry for the cliche but you are better off without him. That rollercoaster is hell. You have to get off of it. That would sink anyone's self esteem. You are young and can do so much with your life. You don't need him dragging you down. As for the house being in danger if you marry, I don't think that is so if it is in your name, but you can look into all these issues. Don't take his word for it. As for all the women, let them have him. What exactly is that? The same that he has done to you he will absolutely do to them. It is who HE is, it isn't because of you. Look at what you have. You have a child and a house. That is a great start. Clean slate. You work on yourself. Physically and mentally. Do things that make you happy and feel good about yourself. Think of it this way, your daughter needs a good role model. What would you want her to do if she was in your position?
Let us know how things go.
Wishing you Peace and Strength, you have it in you,
Happy Mom
Dear Fake Marriage--
Me again. As I posted, your new message came in. I wanted to reply real quickly about what I've experienced with my own child.
Like your daughter, my son has a birthday coming up in less than 2 weeks. He will turn 10 years old. He kn.ows the truth about his father, but only what he can handle. He knows that Daddy moved out because he didn't feel the same about Mommy anymore and needed to live by himself. Each time my husband drove away from the house, my son would put on his happy face and wave goodbye to him like his dad was just going off to work or to the store. I could see under the mask, however, and when I prodded him, he would break down in tears and say he was sad Daddy didn't live here anymore. Those emotions do need to come out, in my opinion, or they will build up inside and come out later in a different manner that will be negative to their lives and esteem. Only you know what your daughter is ready to hear and understand. Go with your instincts about it. In my situation, I don't think I would tell her that her dad has gone out of town on a meeting. That just sort of postpones the inevitable and, unless you plan to return to this relationship, it may be better to start preparing her now. I know he is a coward and a man who doesn't deserve to be in her life based on how he has treated her mother, but to her he is still her daddy. Does he treat her well? If so, no matter how big of a jerk he is, he may need to be there for her birthday and for Christmas--for her sake. She is going to have a lot of adjusting to do, and anything that is safe to her now like the love of her father may be what she needs. Unfortunately, she will eventually see him for the jerk he is down the road and will then understand what happened, but it might be good, if you have the strenght and if he really does care about her and vice versa, to have him participate in those events like birthday and Christmas. If you feel that would be best for her, you will just have to find the strength, grit your teeth, and remember it is about your daughter on those two occasions. Just do what your gut instinct tells you to do.
He will most definitely try to convince you that this is all your fault, that you are overreacting, that you are trying to come up with things to make yourself happy. I've had to literally write down how I felt when my husband did things that were hurtful to me like not answering text messages or words spoken because I knew that I would conveniently forget those times when he started to be friendly and I would have hope that the old husband was back. Just stay strong and take it one day at a time. He's probably not a total jerk, and you see those moments when he can be loving, but don't hold on to those rare moments--remember how he has made you feel and you will find the strength somewhere to hold yourself back from totally believing his words.
Holidays are hard--children's birthdays are hard--but remember they need this magical time in their young lives and do what you need to do (without allowing yourself to be sucked back into this abusive man's game) in order to give them the happiest memories they can have under these circumstances. You don't want to give your daughter more than she can handle, but also be as honest with her as you feel you can be. She's seen more than you probably think she has and may not be as surprised as you think.
Good luck! Let me know how it goes as I am facing the same two big events here in the next few weeks.
Thank you for your great response to my money question. I know that in the scheme of things, trying to decide who gets the money is sort of good problem to have, especially when the check is in my name and he knows nothing about it. Your suggestion that I might even want to spend part of it on a cool tattoo got the laugh I needed at just that moment. I'm afraid this body is tattoo-free, however--I thought getting my ears pierced when I was 11 hurt--can't imagine a tattoo. I'll just get out the washable Crayola markers should I feel the urge, but thank you for the smile.
I also wanted to say that it was nice to hear that you too have found yourself falling for the feelings of friendship coming back at times and doing nice things for him only to regret them later. Yesterday I did the same thing--again. I had bought him a small Christmas tree for his apartment--didn't want him sitting there without anything holiday-like (stupid of me, I know). We were at a store with our child and he said that he thought that tree was a little on the artsy side (and it was--not the traditional thick green type) but the other trees where we were at the time were just too expensive (a whole $50 for the smaller ones). I don't know who said the words, "Just get one and take it out of my account" but there they were--and I reinforced them a minute later when he said he didn't know. Good grief--snap out of it, girl! Oh well, it felt right at the time--now I'm mentally slapping myself silly.
Thank you too for your words of support and agreement with what I already knew I should do with the money. It's sitting in my personal account right this second and makes me feel better having that little back-up amount just in case.
Happy Mom,
Always appreciate your good advice and will keep it all in mind as I go through these holidays. I'm thinking online shopping might be my best bet right now--staying out of the malls until I feel like I can handle all of the happiness there. (bah humbug) Overall, though, I do feel much stronger today. I think I may survive in spite of myself. :) Hey, why is it I was not happy to hear my son say he wished he was at his dad's apartment? Of course, Dad plays video games with him all day there then sends him home when he (Dad, that is) needs a nap and gets grumpy? Dad's the playmate, Mom is the one who tells him he hasn't earned his allowance this week, needs to go take a shower (and no, you did not have one two days ago), and stop pestering the puppy or she'll bite you. Hopefully the 10-year old attitude will emerge yet again today--what is a weekend without attitude? :) (and don't tell me the teenage years are worse--don't want to hear it!)
Have a great day everyone!
Dear Nancy,
You truly spoke to my heart and my soul. Thank you dearly for sharing.
I am so sorry about your home, it seems that when we are in the cloud of misguided love we never think of all the bad results that are possible.
I know I have an emotional journey ahead but I will always look back to these posts each day to remind me. I's something that I did before I would write down to myself that I can never trust him again and to remember how I feel.
It never really worked because I only wrote the thoughts to myself but having experinced this through this site and getting priceless advice I know that I am not alone and that its not all in my head what I am going through.
Happy Mom- Thank You So Much
I agree that whoever he is with can have him. The thing that bothers me so much is how different than me these women are that he chooses. From just speaking over the phone its like talking to someone who is without any class, respect for others, and unkind. I know I shouldn't get hung up over that but that has always bothered me about his cheating that all of them appear to be the total opposite of me?!
He is a good father to my daughter, yet I am not sure how I will handle things. The thing is that he has promised me and her that he would never do this again. We had grown the closest we had ever been as a family this past year because he kept his promises and was always there for us both. I don't know if I can allow her to take more of this abuse although he is a good father she has been through this just as much as me and so maybe I will let her decided what she wants to do regarding her birthday and Christmas.
I will not ask her right away but I know that she already knows what is going on and i plan to talk with her about it tonight. WE are going out to have a good day today. WE are meeting her friend from school to go to the movies. She thankfully spends a lot of time with her friends from school and that keeps her happy and active.
I know I can get through this and find my happiness with or without a man.---Thank You for that Nancy!
All the best to everyone,
Fake Marriage
Hi Fake Marriage,
I think asking your daughter what she wants is a great idea. That way you don't have to wonder and she will feel she has some power to choose something. I believe that is important for them. Like yours, my ex's affair partner could not be more opposite to me. If you read my past posts you'll get the picture. It was to the point that for a long time I was convinced that it wasn't her that he was having an affair with, that he was covering for someone else. My 10 year old son refers to her as the thing at the gym. My 16 year old son says that his father is very smart in some ways and not at all in others. As for teenagers, they understand more than the younger ones. My younger son kept asking if I was cheating on daddy. I kept telling him, no and that I would never do that. It was daddy's choice not to be married anymore and that I was sad about it. When he met the girlfriend a few weeks ago (she goes with them places now) I then told him that mommy knew about her for a long time and that I am not upset anymore. I think he put 2 and 2 together because he asked how long I knew. My ex had told my 16 year old in the summer time because she trains at the same gym. I have a very close relationship with him. I told him right then that was the reason that I had made his father leave. That I would not have him seeing someone, when we were in the same house. I didn't want my son to think it was new and that I would be upset and I didn't want everything to be passed off as if we just grew apart, like he(my ex) likes to tell everyone. As well, and very importantly I was tired of his affair partner befriending my son at the gym without him knowing what part she took in his father betraying his mother and giving up living with his kids.
Don't worry about the teenage years it is a wonderful time when they are becoming the adults that they will be. Just keep him close.
Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
Gosh people can be so cruel. So I finally took the step to call my "husband" and he finally answered and said "why are you calling me?"
Then I say "excuse me" and he says that he has nothing to ever day or to do with me and that I know what I did to him. Saying that who I called had nothing to do with me.Referring to the very respectful phone call I made to the other woman yesterday.
He said I made it clear to you a long time ago that I will never deal with behavior like that and going into his personal business will not be tolerated. Then I said well everything we had and been through means nothing. And my daughter means nothing. He says she knows I love her and It pains me to have to do this.
Then I say so you are leaving because of a phone call I made to someone he said that I don't love you anymore and don't call him because he has to go back to work. And hung up. (he supposedly works all the time) The thing is that he wanted to make it seem like it was just because of my disrespect. But we all know that it was because I called his "girlfriend" if it was just a friend or associate then it would have been water under the bridge to both him and her.
If this had been the first time he did this to me I would have wanted to die. Never in my life have I ever let someone have so much control over my life.
But today all it is tears that just flow because my daughter said to me today thats why she is never getting married. What are we women to do? Is there really any faithful and committed men on this planet anymore.
Everywhere I turn women are getting cheated on by their husbands its like a plague. I just don't know anymore. And I don't want to go into my next relationship always feeling like I can't trust the person and have to watch my back all the time. It's just not worth it!
Right now I really don't think he will ever come back and really that would be for the best. This other woman may just have saved my life from going into further turmoil than needed. I keep feeling like somehow this is just a dream because he was a different person just yesterday morning now he is a total stranger forever to me.
I am off now to eat home made dinner alone but respected with my daughter. We always had Sunday dinners together, oh well. The good thing about today was my daughter and I had so much fun on her playdate with her friend and my daughter and I got to play with Barbie today.
It's hard to focus on living now without him but I will never let him disrespect me and abuse me like this again. Apart of me is relieved that I know the reason why he left now I feel I must bot wear my rings anymore and let it be known for the first time to the world instead of me hiding behind a facade.
Formerly "Fake Marriage"
Now ---"Sunshine"
Dear Sunshine
I agree that you should ask your daughter what she would like to do for her birthday and christmas and you CAN make it fun for her.
Last Christmas I invited him to my home for the sake of the boys - bearing in mind I had only 10 days prior discovered his 2 year secret affair. It was hard but somehow I managed.
I also bought myself a caravan to give my boys a different type of holiday which I could afford.
It is only now after 18 months that I can view him with emotional detachment. My anger surfaces from time to time as I was the "perfect wife" in his words - so what gave him the right to rip my life away from me.
They are selfish and only think of their own needs.
You can move on with your daughter. Firstly and foremostly she needs to feel secure and loved by you (which she already does). Do things together that she enjoys and slowly she will realize that the two of you have each other and don't need him.
My boys (18 & 14) have come a long way from being shattered and devastated. This is my doing not his. They know how I love them and am always there for them - no matter what. My home is full of teenagers every weekend - I have a happy home.
I also phoned the other women and told him so. I needed to know how and why she did this to my family. Like yourself, I was very polite but she felt she had done no wrong.
You have your answer from him - he wants out - you cannot change someone's feelings.
I also had many thoughts of suicide - but the ones you will hurt are the ones you love.
Remember - God has placed this rock in your life - you can stumble and fall - or you can use it as a stepping stone.
Go in love
Dear Nancy
Yes, the malls are very hard at Christmas time and it is better to avoid them. I had many breakdowns last year at the malls.
Like you, certain dates are etched in my mind forever: 14 June 09 - said he loved me so much but not as a wife - 6 Aug - moves out to "find himself" - 14 Dec - I discover the real reason - 6 Feb 10 - I discover how much money has been taken out of our bond. But - I have survived all.
We've all been there feeling sorry for them despite what they have done to us, that is because we are kind and caring. Ok - so you bought him a Christmas tree - but this is his choice - he wanted to move out so let him learn what it's about.
I had a secret cash stash which has enabled me to pay legal fees as well as living expenses. You are going to need that money - trust me.
I went to high court for the final divorce order but the judge would not grant it as his lawyer had lost my original marriage certificate - so sadly I'm still married to the arsehole.
But ... I am polite to him because I get more out of him that way and so do my boys.
Go in love
Good morning everyone--
Sunshine, I am really sorry that he is exhibiting this side of himself to you, although I have a feeling it's not the first glimpse you have had of it. Of course he has to blame you for everything because there is only one other person to blame and he certainly can't point the finger at himself. He's justifying his actions and probably doesn't feel like he has done anything that wrong-you are obviously overreacting and just a high-strung woman, right? You are going to have such a better life without him controlling you and your emotions--just take it one day at a time and join me on the roller coaster. It's a rough ride sometimes but made easier with friends who really care.
Colleen and Happy Mom, your boys really do sound like such wonderful young men. Have you always been close to them or has your relationship with them become closer due to the problems in the family? I guess there is nothing to do about the situation, but it shows what good mothers you are that you can bite back your words in front of them and still encourage them to have positive relationships with their fathers. Knowing how selfish most of these men are, it's hard to encourage the children to stay close to them--they are not the types of people I would want my son to make friends with, but if you took out the other women and the affairs, would you say your husbands are good fathers otherwise?
I had a dream last night that my husband asked if he could move back home and, interestingly enough, I told him I didn't think that was a good idea--that I didn't have those same feelings for him and wasn't sure I ever would again. Isn't that interesting? Funny thing is that he moved out to think and to figure things out in his head--said we didn't communicate anymore and had become more roommates and needed to learn to communicate again. I told him that his leaving would not help the communication but only drive a wedge in any attempt to make things right. That's exactly what happened to me. I don't really see the man I lived with anymore when I talk with him, but just a person that I used to know--kind of like running into an old high school pal. You have a nice history with them, but that's about it. I really can't picture him back in my bed or even coming home from work with the kiss and hug we used to share. Interesting that I'm not craving him right now. I liked being married, but I'm not sure I miss him specifically--just the relationship. Does that make sense?
Oh well, off to get ready for work. I wish all of you a positive week. Thanks for sharing your stories and advice--it truly does help!
Hi Ladies,
Nancy, yes I have always been close with my son. My husband has always worked a lot so for a long time it was just him and I until the two young ones came when he was 6 going on 7. As well, my son has always been extremely open with me. Sometimes more open than I wanted:) I've always allowed him to share openly so that I know he feels he can tell me anything. As for my husband's fathering skills, I would have said before that he is an excellent father however the weight always fell more on me. He was a very good family man. I am very shocked at his selfishness now. His priority is his new relationship. Everything else revolves around that. He didn't show for Canada day, he was having his son take a bus to the gym while he drove (because he was driving in with her), and now because we couldn't afford to have a go carting party for my soon to be 10 year old, he took the 2 young ones go carting with his affair partner. That cost more than half of what he gives me in a week. As always a manipulation and this one to bring her around the kids for something that my son really likes. You know... she can have the as##h*le but stay away from my kids. I have such anger I don't know what to do with. I just get over one thing and am feeling like things will be normal and then I get hit with something else. I don't recognize hi anymore. I have memories of my husband and how our life was. We were so close. That man died and in his place is this stranger that doesn't remember that we were married. What he does remember of it is that he was miserable. He has a skewed view of me. It is surreal even to this day. I still wake up thinking I have to tell him about this strange dream I had and him say to me don't be silly sweetie it was just a dream.
Happy Mom
Thank you Ladies so much for your generous advice, and ears. I have been really busy with my work and keeping my daughter happy. There are so many emotions. And yes this is not the first or the worst of his behavior.
In February 2009 during when he left he said to me over the phone you are dead to me and slammed down the phone all this after I called the other woman, and he was gone from Jan 11, 2009 until mid March.
There has been so much hurt and abandonment that I can't even think about it anymore. I always regretting taking him back in 2009 and regretting begging him to come back constantly for three months straight. He would just ignore it all and I lost all my pride and dignity.
That was one of at least 20 times he has left since we have been together and I always knew that I would never allow him to put me through that ever again. It's been a crazy exhausting ride and day. I have to try to get some rest now since I was up most of last night crying I guess my body can hopefully finally rest now.
Wishing All you Beautiful Spirits Goodnight and Hopefully Peaceful Dreams...
Hello Nancy
I have always been close to my boys. Their dad was their role model while I was the nuturer. They have taken 18 months to settle and have lost all respect for their father. The next hurdle for them is when he tries to introduce "her" to them.
In fact for his birthday last week they suggested giving him condoms!
My relationship with the boys has changed to a degree that they no longer see me as the "mom in the kitchen" but as a woman with feelings, strength and humour. They have become very protective of me and we have bonded even closer. I have promised them that should I ever meet someone I will tell them. I have taught them to make lemonade from the lemons we have been given. That life is not always fair, but what you make of it.
I am eternally grateful for these 2 amazing young men and the gifts they bring into my life each day.
take care
love Colleen
Dear Sunshine
It's time to move on my friend. Pride and dignity are very important to us women and we have all been abused in that sense. At some point you need to take a deep breath and wonder if you want to carry on being treated this way - by the sounds of it, nothing will change. By becoming an emotional wreck you are only giving him the power.
I know it hurts like hell and you feel your life is over - it's not!
You are beautiful and caring and deserve so much more. If someone told you to run into a fire - would you? No!
I want you to sit somewhere peaceful like your garden and talk to God. Place yourself and your daughter in his hands and ask for strength. Hand all your fears over. Do not let your fears consume you. It is easier said than done and you need to rebuild your shattered self esteem. You are young enough to do so. You have been blessed with a beautiful daughter who loves you dearly and depends on you.
Walk in the light and go in love ...
Dear Happy Mom
yes my friend - the one we loved has gone for good. I get this sms on Friday when I went to court from him:
"I am so sorry our lives have come to this, I look forward to rebuilding the future with you. Good Luck Today".
What on earth does he want from me! I have detached myself completely from him emotionally and can never ever see a future with him again.
In fact we went out for a sports dinner last night and I made sure that I sat at the opposite end of the table and ordered the most expensive things on the menu - silly isn't it - but gives me pleasure to hit his wallet. I can be around him but can't look in his eyes as I get angry - does this make sense?
Did I tell you that the judge wouldn't grant the divorce as I didn't have the original marriage certificate - so he went off yesterday to get a copy from home affairs and wants to go back to court for the divorce before 15 December when the courts close. I am quite sure the reason he is pushing this is because he is planning on spending Christmas with her and her kids. Who knows? Who cares?
My 18yr old has already said he is waiting to meet "her" and have his say.
At least our kids have us. We will never let them down - ever!
I haven't been out forever as I am in a happy place being on my own. Spending time in my garden and restoring my soul.
take care
love Colleen
Hi guys ... this Cathy ... remember me?...married 31 years to a jerk who cheated on me x God knows ... spent every cent we had ... told his mistress I was dead ...he's unemplyed and is taking me to court for support and half my pension ... and can do so under Canadian Law ... because I set a standard of living by tolerating the situation in the time before he left ... so do I have regrets???
... a few to say the least ... but it has been 15 months now since he left ... I have my kids ... my own place ...friends ...hi Colleen ... and my integrity ... I can't change what I did ... it's water under the bridge but I can hold my head up high ... and I have begun to love myself... by loving myself I have been kind to me ... realized I did the right thing but for the wrong person .... hope that helps Sunshine ... I understand totally where you are coming from ... from the suicidal feelings ... embarassment .... guilt of staying ... the shame ... I had to take it to wall ... till I had had enough ... do I still hurt ...do I still cry ... am I angry ... you bet your boots I am ... but not as much ... My kids have not seen their father since Dec 24th of last year ... why? ... because they refuse to accept his mistress and pretend what he did was OK ... they are 30 and 26 ... and have minds of their own but as usual I am to blame in his eyes ... he crushed my daughter by declaring his mistress's grandaughter as his ... she told him and her the only real grandaughter he would have would be from her and her brother ... his mistress laughed at her ... stupid stupid man... anyway just wanted to let everyone know I am still around ... everyone has had the perfect words ... wish me luck ...send prayers cause once again I go before the judge on Dec 22 (Merry Xmas) to have him try for support ... he wants $1200/ month from me ... wishing everyone love and faith ... Cathy
Wow Cathy, what craziness eh? It makes you wonder how everything got so weird. I'm wishing you luck and hoping that the judge has some common sense. What a ridiculous law. Those laws were supposed to help women who's husbands left so that they could take care of the kids not for the men to take off their working wives while the women still are taking care of the kids. Good luck,peace, and strength!
Happy Mom
Seems like this world is getting crazier and crazier. I can't even imagine a judge granting your ex-husband $1200 a month in support, Cathy. That is just insane and would totally twist around the purpose of the law. I'm sure the judge will be able to see through his plot and call him out for just what he is. We haven't been introduced yet, Cathy, but I feel I know you a bit just from reading the old posts. I wish you luck in 3 weeks--my prayers are with you.
It does seem like it has been a challenging week for all of us lately. I've had a rough day myself--spent too much of it in tears. I got a text message from my husband at 5:30 this morning saying, "I know you don't want to hear it but my lawyer wants you to call him." I just replied with, "Of course he wants me to call him. Nothing says 'Merry Christmas, Darling' more than divorce papers. Maybe they will even print it on holiday paper." The conversation went downhill from there. I found out tonight that he had gone in and signed the papers on the 23rd and, while he was sitting in that lawyer's office waiting to sign away another part of our marriage, he received a text from me saying how much I appreciated his kindness in backing off of the legal talk and pressure and allowing me to breathe and feel normal again. What a fool I was to believe he was being nice to me. I had asked him three things: go to a counselor with me; back off on the legal dealings until I can cope with my emotions over him and my dad a little better; don't do anything legal during the holiday season. Well, he went to the counselor--it was a joke--the rest he totally ignored and then becomes angry with me because he feels like I am bashing him when I become upset. Do any of these "gentlemen" have any amount of common decency left in their souls?
Sorry your court meeting didn't go as planned, Colleen, especially now that you are finally so close to being rid of his manipulations. I hope it will be over soon for you if that is what you wish. (good job on hitting him in the wallet)
Sunshine and Happy Mom, I'm sorry you two also have had a couple of rough days. You deserve so much better than these men have given you and taken from you. I do believe there is justice in this world and it is best to live your life with class and compassion which is what you both are doing than running roughshod over other people's emotions as the men in your lives feel they have the right to do. You will be rewarded in the end with happiness, peace of mind, and a future that is bright and exciting. I do believe that--now if I just could convince myself of the same things....
Good luck to all of us during this holiday season. We all have some major challenges coming up and I pray for the best outcome for everyone.
Hi from Cathy ...
Thanks for your support ladies ... it means a great deal ... the next few weeks are going to difficult for all of us ... I thought the first Xmas was going to be the worst but I'll tell you the second one isn't going to be "a walk in the park" either ... I do take solace that I am not alone and that there are women out there who are on the same journey ... you are right Nancy when you say that justice will prevail ... and you are also right when you say that now you have to convince yourself of it ... what I have come to believe is that I have been grieving ... for a loss of a dream ... the family unit that I so desperately tried to maintain ... I often wonder how my ex and his mistress can live with the lies and selfishness ... but then I have a conscience and they don't ... they have become "ITS" ... lacking humanity ... and that ladies is my tirade of the day ... good to blow off steam ... love and hugs to all ... Cath
You know what ladies, I truly believe that you can't treat people that love you, the way we loved our husbands, in a manner in which they all have and not have any consequence for it. For some I think that the consequence is the miserableness that they feel inside in the present, for others it is what is to come for them. You reap what you sow. If they are self centered and deceptive then they will narrow their social circle to those who are like them or are transient and aren't long term steady friends. It takes a while but it will happen. What I see in all of our husbands is a lack of respect for someone that they spent a considerable amount of years with in an intimate relationship. In most of our cases we are the mothers of their children. Who does that? If they can be so uncaring and dismissive of us, of all people, then what of the next one. Those who chose to believe their lies are a step or more down from us, because they believed them knowing the truth. They sat there and watched while our husbands made excuses to us and still they believe them. I never would have respected a man who did that. Nor would I trust him for myself. I would even have thought poorly of him if he was telling me about his problems with his wife... but these women didn't so they have already accepted less than what we had with our husbands when we first started. How can they trust them? We now know first hand they really shouldn't. Our husbands' disrespect for the mother of their children should have been enough warning for them to run for the hills. In many cases our exes have disappointed a lot of people and have fallen from grace in their eyes. They have to live with that. If they thought they were not happy before, wait. Guilt will set in. When the kids get older and understand what happened they will pull away. They don't know what they have lost because they are busy denying and rationalizing; the kids will be fine, 50% of marriages fail anyway, what was I supposed to do stay miserable? you didn't love me either! that one took the cake. What??? I am living in a parallel universe? Classic rationalizing and projecting.
I know of a few cases where the ex has done much worse in their next relationship. One had the same problems and worse with his new wife. I believe he is on his third now. Another has been in and out of jail, something that never would of happened if he had stayed where he was. These men are discontent within themselves. When you lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas. It is about choices. When you do what our husbands have done they have already made the first bad choice. It usually goes downhill from there. Colleen wrote me something that she had read somewhere and it explained this well:
Step One: If you allow Satan and evil to enter your life and Step Two: you then wrestle with the decision between right and wrong, Step Three: if you take Satan's path - every word out of your mouth will be a lie from then on.
This is where we are at. Can any of us believe anything that they to us? I know I can't, and it has been proven over and over that this is so. The one thing that I can be certain of is that he will screw me over every time. Truthfully, I just can't figure out if he means to hurt me or his thinking is so skewed that he doesn't realize it. So, we must carry on with our lives, do what makes us happy, and love ourselves because of our strengths and regardless of our weaknesses. Everything will fall into place as it should. Here are two quotes that I liked:
"Don't fear becoming broken, because you will heal stronger in your most broken places."
"Not to forget the journey that has taken me to where I am now. It will forever become the fabric of my being, and its up to me that its made of the most beautiful and durable of cloth. "
If we can let it lie, we'll all be fine,
Happy Mom
Hi everyone. My husband of 10 years (will be 11 on New Years Eve)and best friend for 14, left the day before Thanksgiving. We went Christmas shopping that Friday morning and we seemed to have a fun time. We even went and had breakfast together afterwards. I was so upset when he dropped me back off at my car with no mention of returning home. I called him Friday night to ask him when he was coming back and he told me that he loves me but isn't in love with me. That he hasn't been for a while. He said that he still loves and cares about me and would do anything for me but that he just wants all of us to be happy. We have two little girls together ages 10 and 9 and they are not taking this well. I am so lost and I don't know what to do. Reading everyone's stories helps. I must say, I never knew this happened so often. It's shocking.
Much love and hugs to you all
Yep this does happen way to often to us women and specifically women with children to take care of. Although I'm not saying either is okay but how in the world are we supposed to ever get better completely, or let along at least try to move on with the constant idea of the family we one were.
I really wish there was a way to prevent us from going through what we do.
I just want to not feel anymore. Yesterday and today early I was doing okay then I just suddenly got really upset. But the thing is I have been really upset with the fact that in my case this jerk pushed himself into our lives and made himself my daughters father. I didn't ask for this to happen and always made it clear to him that I didn't want him to come and go.
I'm just really upset and having really bad thoughts. I need to get my inner peace of mind back. I feel it's just so much better altogether to feel nothing. I find myself staring into space and then crying in tears. I'm just not sure how All you other ladies have taken things with such grace and kept your sanity!
I just still have so much hurt and betrayal built up that it drains me. Sorry ladies if this post doesn't make sense today's just not a good day, who am I kidding this whole weeks been horrible under the surface.
I feel like I need to send a hug to each and every one of you. It has certainly been a stressful time, hasn't it? You know, Cathy, I can't explain why I feel it so strongly, but the one thing I have always known to be true in life is that everything happens for a purpose in the long run, and that if you ignore the Golden Rule, you can expect to get back exactly what you dished out. Our husbands really need to be worried in that respect. I'm sorry this is the second challenging Christmas for you--you deserve to be looking ahead to your new life instead of having to continue to deal with all of his insane thoughts of spousal support. My prayers continue for you and all of us.
Happy Mom, I so agree with you! There is no doubt at all either that there will eventually be some guilt in their hearts, if it's not there already. They are so busy justifying and rationalizing all of their actions that they have bulldozed over our own emotions, the women they vowed to love forever--they cannot fool us with any of their stories and down deep they know it, which makes them act even more badly than they already were. Any women who choose these men, knowing how untrustworthy they are, will one day be writing letters to a site similar to this one not understanding how they could be treated so poorly (again, the Golden Rule).
Sunshine, I'm so sorry you had such a bad day. I'm with you there, girl--more tears than smiles today. He is not treating you the way you deserve, but then he thinks he deserves more than you do so it's not really a surprise, just a deep disappointment that he is capable of playing these mind games and doesn't seem to feel any remorse.
You know, I think you are right too when you said, Cathy, that you are mourning the loss of the dreams and the family relationship. I am feeling the same way--I miss the companionship, the secret signals, the looks that only you two understand--but I'm not sure I miss the man himself as much as I should at this point. He's sort of ground the love I have for him under his heel and I have to remind myself daily that he could stop it at anytime but he chooses to continue treating my feelings with such disregard. My real husband would not have done that.
Vicki, welcome--and I'm really sorry that you find yourself on this site because it means your heart is hurting and you have been run through the wringer. Your story is so familiar. I also have been married 11 years (one 10 year old son) and I got the exact same speech--I love you but I'm not in love with you...I've been feeling this for months...you weren't happy either no matter what you say. He feels that if we just get the divorce over with then we'll get along great as friends again. It's all a bunch of crock in my book--if you can't explain to me exactly why you left then you don't have a reason for leaving, at least in this way. I wish you all the luck, Vicki--hang in there and let us all know how we can help. It hurts so terribly, but this support system does help ease the pain a little. My journey has so far been pretty rough at times, emotionally, but if we weren't the caring, lovely people we are, we would be able to walk away too. We just know that running away is not an option--somebody has to stay and be the adult and unfortunately all of our husbands are choosing the "easy way" out. They all married wonderful women and one day they will see just what they gave up and find themselves mourning what we will already have survived by that time. I plan on being around when that realization happens because I know it will eventually come and I want to see the regret on his face. Not revenge I'm seeking, just justice.
Tylenol PM is setting in, so time to head to bed. You ladies are great! Not a one of them deserves us!
Dear Sunshine,
Believe me I have not felt like I handled this with grace. There were times that I thought I was loosing it. To this day I still wake up in disbelief that he isn't beside me and it has been just over a year. I read an article that talks about the difference between the mutual break up of a marriage, the break up of a marriage by one person, and then the devastation of the break up of a marriage where a third person is involved. Here is the link:
It feels horrible then you start to feel normal. That feeling that you referred to before you got upset will come back and wil stay longer and longer. Every time you feel bad just think ok I'm just processing this and this too shall pass. Do things to boost your self confidence, things that make you feel good about you. Maybe it is cleaning the house, working out, or volunteering. Something that makes you proud of yourself. You will get over it and you will be better off in the long run.
Take care,
Happy Mom
Nancy, Happy Mom ... thanks for your kind words ... Vicki ...a big welcome ...even though your heart is fractured, I truly believe that the unconditional love and understanding found in this site is a beginning to mend your wounds ... a good friend told me once that God doesn't come down from the sky and fix everything ... He has a better plan ... he sends people ... ever wonder why you tapped into this site? ... for me it was the last thing I ever expected to do but on that day I was on my knees wrenching in the most horrible pain to the point I wanted to vomit. So you see Sunshine we have been there ... there is nothing graceful about sitting on a floor sobbing and wanting to die because the pain was intolerable ... and ALL of us know that level. I am not there now ... thank God because I listened to what others said and I trusted in their words ... and did what I was told ... don't know how many times I cleaned my house ... forced myself outside ... but I did and glad I did ... Today my ex has little power over my emotions ... just the aggrivation of the pending court stuff and I have done all that I possibly can in that area ... You are right Nancy ... his mistress can have him ... lies and all ... I have proof that he was lying to me ... to his mistress cause there was a second mistress ... I also warned his mistress that she was not the first and doubted if she was the last ... oddly she said to me ... Why are you with a man like him anyway ... now if that isn't the definition of stuidity ... what is lol. Sometimes like you Happy Mom you just gotta see the humour ... no one could write a soap opera like this ...
Once again thanks for the support ... your ears ... your words ... your patience ... glad I have you ladies in my life ... sending love and good vibes to all of you .... Cathy
I want to also thank all of you here for your support, friendship, willingness to listen, and just being available during both the good and bad times. It is good to surround yourselves with friends and family, but there is nothing that compares to the understanding and compassion of those who have walked the same road we find ourselves on now. It's like we all are holding out a hand to help each other over the rough spots and cheering each other on when we start to feel better, knowing very well that the hands will still be there when we begin to slide back down that hill.
Handling things with grace is something that we all are working on, but please don't think that we are any stronger than you are. We have had a few more months to get over the initial shocks, but I can tell you that, like everyone else, I have found myself begging, crying, screaming, guilting when I felt as if I had no control over what is happening--not sleeping more than 3 hours a night, walking around in a fog for weeks, not eating, not being able to concentrate on even the most simple of tasks. I even had what I guess is a panic attack last night (in front of my child) when I opened a manila envelope mailed to my home and containing a copy of my husband's petition for the dissolution of the marriage (and we have been separated a WHOLE 3 months). It even had answers typed in for me that I agreed the marriage could not be fixed, would not want counseling, and was under no stress to sign. Oddly, I have never met with the lawyer or answered any questions--guess they just assumed I would say those things. It was not a very good night. Today, however, I found myself standing in my kitchen having a calm discussion with him about the paperwork and telling him that even though he was basically signing everything over to me other than his vehicle and tools, I was going to take it to a lawyer so I could find out what all the legal phrases meant and have my answers changed to the truth, if at all possible. I have resigned myself (at least tonight) that the end result will be the same whether I agree or not--he will never change his mind at this point, so you can't have a marriage if only one person wants to save it. Such a sad way to end an otherwise wonderful marriage (at least in my eyes).
On a different note, I have to ask Cathy what you responded when you were asked by the mistress why you were with him? Were you tempted to smack her upside the head and see if there was a hollow sound? He definitely went for the scholarly type with this one, huh?
Happy Mom, thank you for the article site--I read it and I could relate to it almost word for word. It obviously was written by somebody who either did their research well or has been through the same situations as the examples given. It's worth a read.
I hope you all have a peaceful weekend. Take care of yourselves and know that you are all in my thoughts tonight.
Nancy, to answer your question ... no I did not smack her ... but hiring a "hit man" ...two for one crossed my mind .... would have been cheaper than the legal bills ... lol
I'm not a violent person but the thoughts of jail kept me relatively sane ... I think????
Sometimes ladies you just gotta laugh and I think the Good Lord gave me a sense of humour ... a little dark at times but still a sense of humour ...
Boy Nancy you named all the feelings ... I suffered from horrible nightmares ... still do ... dream about him more now than I did married ... go figure ...
Love you all and thanks for being who you are ... wonderful class act ladies to be cherished ...
You are right when you say that only we understand what it is like. I still have fights with my sister who is grieving the loss of her brother (brother inlaw) only to hear him say things like, "well I wouldn't call her my sister". "She's a nice woman maybe down the road...WHAT!!! Nice woman? We all watched movies together in bed with the covers pulled up. He knew her for 18 years. He counselled her like a big brother on all the duds she brought home. She's a nice woman? Like the one that lives down the street? Still I find she faults me. Like I should have known or why didn't I see it coming? All of a sudden she has 20/20 hindsight. Then why is it when I told her that he was finished, she told me that I must have misunderstood or I was over reacting? In any case, I have many friends who empathize with me. They know how we were and they are shocked and feel terrible at all the goings on. However, my touchstones are the three friends that have lived this themselves and reassure me that while I feel terrible I will eventually feel normal. and they are right. They have helped me along the way. By the way two of them are women and one is a man. Two are also counselors (not mine) and say it is a midlife crisis and he will regret it one day. My other touchstones are you ladies because while I feel like all this lunacy is so out of the ordinary I am struck by the similarity of our husbands' language and behavior. I no longer feel that it is about me. It is about him and he is typical. There is nothing unique in his story which is exactly what i told him the day I found out who it is that he chose over his wife and kids. He thinks he is so in love. Big surprise... he is seeing someone around the same age as I was when we got married they are living the single life. They have alone time when ever they want. he's teaching at the gym he used to own when we were first together. She has no kids. They work out together, cook together, and **** together. I'd say he is reliving what we had before kids. Surprise, he's in love. Who wouldn't be. The apartment he took when he moved out is even on the same street as when he moved out for the first time at 18 yeas of age. He's a former professional kickboxer who had to retire because of an injury. Now he has his younger affair partner fighting. It's classic. In any case, I am enjoying my life. I am doing things that I would not have done if we were still together. I get compliments all the time which I never got before and I feel better about myself overall. For what I've gotten out of it for me... I would not give back the last year. Obviously, he didn't appreciate me. Now I know, others do. So do I.
Good night ladies,
Happy Mom
Good morning, friends--
I hope you all have had a good first half to your weekend. I've been awake for several hours--still waking well before dawn--and have spent the time looking up things like how to cope with the holidays during a divorce, how to get past feelings of resentment, how to look at the person who walked out on you in a more positive light (that's a hard one to grasp), how to make the holidays fun for your child, etc. There is a lot of advice out there, some of it good and some that seems like it was written by people who have never felt what we are feeling. That college degree in psychology is great, but I prefer to get my advice from people who are in the same situation I now find myself in.
Once again, I found myself at the stores trying to do a little shopping and, once again, I came home in tears. I need to stick to grocery stores. Is it bad to just want this holiday season to hurry up and get over with?
On Friday, I made a couple of calls to lawyers' offices. My husband feels that I do not need to spend the money on another lawyer to look over the dissolution papers/separation of property papers the guy he hired drew up. Granted, when reading it it all sounds very reasonable, in fact it sounds more than reasonable. With all the legal phrases, however, I feel that in order for me to sign that I totally understand it, that I need somebody with a legal degree to go over it with me. He may say to change this or that...or he may say to sign it quickly because you are getting everything...but I am not a fool who will sign whatever is put in front of me without legal advice no matter if my husband feels it is a waste of time and money or not (ESPECIALLY if he feels that way). I'm not wasting money at all...I'm using the IRA that I cashed in that was originally set aside for supplementing his retirement. I figured if he is going to push this hard for something I don't necessarily want, that he can pay for it (whether he realizes it or not). It is well worth a couple hundred dollars for me to have peace of mind--and for me to show him I can take back a little control of this situation from him. He'll get his divorce but it will now be on my time schedule instead of his and he can just wait until I've had the chance to go through everything to my satisfaction. It feels sort of good to feel in control of at least one aspect of all of this. One thing I definitely want changed is the date of separation. He told them, and it is documented on the paper, that it was August 27. In reality, it was August 29--my birthday. I told him the date he gave was incorrect and he said it didn't really matter since it was just 2 days. I will insist on the date change because I want it documented in court records for anybody to see who comes across it that he walked out on my birthday--is that petty of me? I don't really care if it is or not--that date is getting changed.
I hope you are all doing well this weekend. You are all in my thoughts, as always. I'm off to color my hair now--not brave enough to go blonde, but covering up the graying roots will be just fine. Taking my son to church for the first time in a LONG time this morning. I'm getting little signs that he and I both need to be there--figured I'd better start listening. Hope you all have a stress free day with your children.
Hi Nancy,
Good for you. You put the date you want. Don't let him sweep reality under the rug. Also, take your time with decisions. You are still reeling and should not be signing anything too fast. Absolutely have someone look at the plans because there are so many little details that we don't know about that can trip us up later. You need someone looking out for your interests. Unfortunately we cannot trust them to do what is right. Believe me, I never thought my husband would do the things he has done and neither did anyone else. Then you think ok they want out but they will be fair... nope. Very disappointing after all those years together. But remember, it isn't personal. It isn't what you did or didn't do. It isn't about you, it's about him. He's in self centered mode and will take care of himself. You take care of you and your child.
Happy Mom
Hi Nancy,
I absolutely agree with Happy Mom ... you are still in a state of shock and better to be safe than sorry ... loving yourself involves having the strength and fortitude to look after your own interests and in doing that your child ... way to go girl ... you be in control ...
As for the holidays ... yes it is rough and as I said this year is surprisingly harder ... I think because last year I was in shock ... hard when he has someone and I don't ... I am like you I don't have any family close by ... they are 800+ miles away ... but I do have you ladies and that does help because I am not alone ... I have resorted to shopping on line and go to stores in off hours ... I miss the parties and dinners with friends when I was a couple ... it's a new life now ... love to all ... Cathy
Dear Happy Mom and Cathy,
Thank you for your support and advice when it comes to me having to make some legal decisions soon. So hard to believe that it has only been a little over 3 months since he walked out. Just the end of August we were at an amusement park as a family, going to my son's school together to register him for his 4th grade year, going to the end of the year baseball picnic--and I had no idea at all what was to come. I certainly would never have believed it if somebody warned me to prepare for it either.
Here's what really gets me when I think about all of the husbands who packed up and left--how in the world can these men not be in a deep depression at being away from their children? I can't even imagine not being there when my son wakes up, not picking him up from school, not watching him sleep if I wanted to...just knowing that I am down the hall should he need anything at all is of great comfort to me. I think my husband feels he has made a huge sacrifice--feels as if he is sort of a martyr for learning to live away from his son--so brave of him to give it all up--but I don't see it that way at all. I see it as very selfish that he puts his needs before those of his child--something that I think he will look back on one day and regret. He talks with him twice a day (or should I say texts him in the mornings and phones at night), and sees him every 2 or 3 days...but all of that time added together doesn't come close to equaling the amount of time I get to spend with him in a one day period. How can they all give that up? He has missed so much and he will never be able to get that missed time back. I find it very sad that he thinks he's doing the right thing when we can all see just how wrong it really is.
I came to a realization today that if I wrote down all the characteristics I dreamed of in the ideal husband for me, that my husband would not make the list anymore. In some ways I'm not even sure he would make the list of friend requirements. I don't know if that means I'm progressing in my emotions or if all of that was there before and I just chose to overlook it. I'm not sure that's the case, though--I think he really has changed.
It sounds like you two are both progressing in positive ways as well with a few backward slips now and then. I guess that's to be expected. Can I ask you again how long this has all been going on for you two? Happy Mom, it was last November for you, right? Cathy, was it last December or earlier? Also, if it is not too personal, I'm curious as to your ages. I'm 49--got married when I was 37, had my child at 39 (a late bloomer, I suppose). I lived alone from the time I got out of college at 21 until my marriage so it's not like I don't know how to take care of myself...but I loved being married and being a couple. No matter how bad things would get at work or anywhere else, being part of a couple and living with your best friend always put things into perspective--someone always had your back no matter what. I miss that feeling...that feeling that somebody wanted me just for me.
Cathy, I'm thinking of you as your court date nears and wonder just how you are feeling about it all. What a terrible time of the year to have to focus on legalities. Happy Mom, how do things stand on your end of everything? I can't believe your husbands--they have no idea what wonderful women they are giving up. It is definitely their loss and they will wake up and realize it one day and feel so much regret and shame over everything they did--maybe give us a little glimpse again of the men we loved for so long. Can you tell I love fairy tales? :) Thanks again for being here--hope I can be as supportive and positive for you as you always are for me.
Sweet dreams, friends--
PS Better hurry up with my online shopping too, Cathy--can't imagine going back into that mall right now. Makes me want to push over an elf in the Santa picture line.
I just turned 47. My last birthday I strongly believed he was having an affair. I confronted him two days later after an exam at school. That was the night I got the; no I'm not but...don't love you anymore...haven't loved you for a very long time...tried very hard...you rejected me sexually...it won't come back. When we met I was 27 married a year and a half later at 29 shortly after had our first child. We were very close and very much in love. We endured my mother's mental illness, her death, his parents' divorce, losing and regaining a business and 3 miscarriages. Before this happened I thought we were home free and could endure anything. But when his ego was bruised from a career dip (the 6-12 months leading up to this his pay had slipped to less than 20% of previous years) and he was forced to work back at the gym (that he no longer owned) he had to face all the young guys doing well with the ufc. He was no longer the top dog. He started sparring to prove himself. So he proved he could beat the young guys and get the younger girl that they wanted (she is fifteen years younger than me).
We are separated and waiting for jan. 1 to finalize the divorce (he had moved out in January). I can't wait to have everything settled. I am tired of having to deal with someone whom has ulterior motives and is untrustworthy. Soon. I think it will be emotional but very good in terms of closure. It has really bothered me that we were still married and yet I am so completely replaced. She attends, openly, as his girlfriend, the gym that I helped him start. I don't feel comfortable going in now even to pick up my son because I feel humiliated. She goes to his mother and sister's house for supper with my kids. ASSHOLE!!!...sorry did that come out. At the same time I do realize that everyone (including his OLD friends are shaking their heads not knowing what happened and the big question....HER??? That;s what you screwed your family up for. Oh well, I will do my best to make sure that we have a good family life regardless. I get the benefit of appreciating life with my kids and eventually I will find love again.
Happy Mom
Hi Nancy,
I have just turned 58 Nancy and my ex left offically on August 21st of 2009 ... I found out about his affair in April 09 when his mistress turn up on my doorstep and he invited her into the livingroom. I had suspicions he was having an affair ... you know in your heart ... but he denied it ... After the altercation he moved into the basement to give us time to think things through. He said he had given her up ... yeah right ... he had his own business ... had liquidated everything ... run up debts ... spent the kid's insurance money ... every penny I had went into keeping us going ... he wrecked up my car ... I had no heat or hot water for 9 months ... never told anyone due to shame ... then one night he became angry with my son ... said he had enough of our abuse ??? and stormed out of the house in a rage ... he never returned that night ... we worried he was suicidal and my son and I went down to his puter which he left on and there it was ... he had left his Facebook open ... all the slimmy messages etc. I looked up an old phone bill in his drawer and found the same number repeated and called her place and said he could pick up his things ... there is more but that is the jist of it.
What makes them do these things I do not know Nancy ... I just know I hit bottom and my self respect was at the bottom ... I don't try to figure him out ... he's too sick and the only thing I can do is look after me and be the best Mom I can be ... I can't be the kid's Dad and they know that ... all I can tell you is that I have their respect and their love and that is the base of which I am trying to grow from... We were just about married 31 years ... I've never been a quitter but if I hadn't walk away from the marriage or him run away I don't know if I would have survived ... I was living from crisis to crisis and woman to woman ... it was his 4th affair that I knew of ... it is too painful to speculate how many others there were.
Anyway here i am today on line with you ladies forgiving myself for "taking it" so long ... but the good news is I am out of it ... you know the rest ... the bastard is sueing me for support because he is unemployed and under Canadian law he can ask for equalization ... it sucks but he will never never take my integrity ... it's not for sale ...
That's my story in a nutshell ... off the bed ... think of everyone often ... gives me peace that I am not alone ..
Love to all Cathy
Hi Nancy,
I have just turned 58 Nancy and my ex left offically on August 21st of 2009 ... I found out about his affair in April 09 when his mistress turn up on my doorstep and he invited her into the livingroom. I had suspicions he was having an affair ... you know in your heart ... but he denied it ... After the altercation he moved into the basement to give us time to think things through. He said he had given her up ... yeah right ... he had his own business ... had liquidated everything ... run up debts ... spent the kid's insurance money ... every penny I had went into keeping us going ... he wrecked up my car ... I had no heat or hot water for 9 months ... never told anyone due to shame ... then one night he became angry with my son ... said he had enough of our abuse ??? and stormed out of the house in a rage ... he never returned that night ... we worried he was suicidal and my son and I went down to his puter which he left on and there it was ... he had left his Facebook open ... all the slimmy messages etc. I looked up an old phone bill in his drawer and found the same number repeated and called her place and said he could pick up his things ... there is more but that is the jist of it.
What makes them do these things I do not know Nancy ... I just know I hit bottom and my self respect was at the bottom ... I don't try to figure him out ... he's too sick and the only thing I can do is look after me and be the best Mom I can be ... I can't be the kid's Dad and they know that ... all I can tell you is that I have their respect and their love and that is the base of which I am trying to grow from... We were just about married 31 years ... I've never been a quitter but if I hadn't walk away from the marriage or him run away I don't know if I would have survived ... I was living from crisis to crisis and woman to woman ... it was his 4th affair that I knew of ... it is too painful to speculate how many others there were.
Anyway here i am today on line with you ladies forgiving myself for "taking it" so long ... but the good news is I am out of it ... you know the rest ... the bastard is sueing me for support because he is unemployed and under Canadian law he can ask for equalization ... it sucks but he will never never take my integrity ... it's not for sale ...
That's my story in a nutshell ... off the bed ... think of everyone often ... gives me peace that I am not alone ..
Love to all Cathy
So great to find this page. And to learn from others' experiences.
My partner and I went to New York last week to see his mother and to introduce her new grandchild to her. We were all staying in a short-let apartment in Queens, where'd I'd never been. (We live in London.) On day 4, we had the tiniest of arguments while out for a walk, and he walked off. When I got back, he told me he and his mother were leaving RIGHT THEN. He left me in a strange city, with a 3 year old and a two month old, where I don't know anyone and no food in the refrigerator. Oh, and it was snowing outside. It's been 3 days. I've heard nothing. (Aside from his appalling behaviour, I can't believe his mother left with no concern for the children.) Luckily, I managed to get the kids and me on a flight and we're now home.
Dear on and on...
I am just sickened that you and your childrenwent through that ordeal which constitutes nothing but sadism and abandonment by your partner and his mother ... I am so glad you are safe home and you must still be in shock ... What I will say is that you are one strong lady ... seek out the support from Women in Crisis ... they can offer you help to get legal counsell to find out your rights ... I am glad your children have you and you have them ... keep in touch on the site and know that we are here for you and will help suppport you in the days to come ... sending prayers your way ... love Cathy
Dear on and on,
I too continue to find myself shocked at just how callous some of these men can be, but this one is beyond callousness. That was just cruel beyond belief. I am so sorry you found yourself in that situation, especially with two babies to protect and care for.
I can't even imagine how frightened you must have been in a different country, knowing nobody , but I am very thankful you made it home safely where you can be in familiar surroundings and hopefully have people around you who can support you and love you through all of this. You have already proven yourself to be a very strong young woman who can stand up and face whatever is thrown at her--and you certainly got thrown more than anyone should ever have to face.
Cathy's advice to contact this group who can offer you some guidance, if needed, is a wonderful idea. I hope you will let us know how you are doing. Please remember we will be thinking about you during this difficult time.
Well, ladies, I have found myself on the opposite side of a lawyer's table for the first time in my life. I found somebody who could explain these stupid papers my husband had drawn up and had his lawyer mail to me last week. There was no way I was going to sign anything without having a lawyer of my own go through them, no matter how simple they were supposed to be. I was sitting in the car outside the lawyer's office and texted my husband asking him one more time if he was 100% certain that this is what he wanted--if he had any doubts at all that this was what was right for our family. Normally he doesn't answer texts right away but his answer this time came in a matter of seconds: "No. No doubts at all." I knew he would say that, but I still had to ask.
45 minutes later, out I went with a list of information to gather and send back to him tomorrow. I do feel like I found somebody very compassionate who understands this is the last thing I want--that I feel this is too much too fast--but that who understands when I say that I really don't have any choice as to whether or not my marriage will end in divorce. It's basically a done deal unless I want to fight my husband and have a judge force him to go to counseling. That would take a semi-friendly relationship (most of the time) and turn it into a hostile one--and the result would be the same no matter what. Darn it! This really isn't how my life was supposed to be going at this point--ever think that thought before? Somehow I'm guessing it may have crossed your minds a time or two.
Know how sweet my little boy is? He asked me if I was going to throw away my wedding rings and i told him I would never do that, but he could have them one day when he was older if he wanted them. He told me that I needed to pick out a new ring to wear on that finger--and he helped me pick out a very pretty one online--and told me it would be a symbol of happier times to come--my ring of happiness, he called it. He then asked if he could have a piece of jewelry too so he could have something to represent his beginning of a new, happier chapter in our lives (not his words--he IS only 10 afterall--but his thoughts). We're going to pick him out a bracelet or watch or something at the jewelry store later on so he can feel a part of this turn toward more positive times to hopefully come. I told him our lives would be different but they didn't necessarily have to bad different--could be much more fun different. We just have to make a point to look for positive things. Think that sounded ok?
I'm off to bed soon to read the newest People magazine (yes, nothing like scholarly reading before sleep). I hope you all are having positive days yourself this week. I think fondly of all of you and pray for each of you to continue to find peace and happiness--there is not a finer group of strong women anywhere.
Me again (last time tonight, I promise)--forgot to mention to you two, Happy Mom and Cathy, just how much I appreciate you sharing your stories with me. I know you two have been on this site much longer than I have and have already shared them, but I wanted you to know that I think you two are remarkable women. You have both been given very tough challenges and you are facing them with such overall strength that you are both inspiring to the rest of us.
Happy Mom, uh yes you did just use that term to describe the girlfriend and/or husband. You know what? I totally agree! I know that his mother and sister are probably trying to be supportive of their son/brother, but I cannot even imagine how they can invite her to Sunday dinners with your children. I would be livid--how you continue to restrain yourself, I do not know. Such an over the top situation your husband has created--does he have any amount of the person you knew left in him?
Cathy, all I can say is that for all you have been through over the years, for you to come out with such a positive and caring approach to life is truly remarkable. It shows just what a wonderful person you are. You deserve so much better than you are facing now--just you wait--the reward for all of your troubles is coming. I know that you are in for a real treat once you get all of these current challenges behind you. You still keep your sense of humor about you, as well. I know you continue to have the up and down moments--but it sure looks like you are mastering that roller coaster ride too. Stick with it--want my son to pick out a happiness ring for you too? :)
Take care of yourselves and sleep well--a new day, a new challenge, perhaps a day where something great will happen that will change our lives for the better and make us wonder how we ever could have mourned the men we used to know? Okay, maybe just a day where we won't dissolve into tears at thoughts of the good times that are long gone. I'll take that and hold out hope for the other.
Good night, ladies--
Nancy ... love your son's idea ...out of the mouth of babes ... I believe the whole idea of getting through this is too look at your cup as half full instead of half empty ... thanks for your support ... touched my bruised heart ... off and running ... out to supper with the team that I work with ... not a couples gig thank heavens ... this I can handle ... love to all ... Cathy
What a smart and perceptive boy (young man) you are raising. I love the ring idea. I thought of buying myself one for my right hand. It is good that you have each other. You will both be fine.
As for my ex, it looks like him but I don't recognize him anymore. He isn't the man I married. My sister was over the other day when he was here. She hadn't seen him in a long time. After we left she said that it was strange to see him. She said he seems the same but not. It is easy to forget what he has done. He acts like nothing has changed, but it has. My oldest just the other day expressed how he was, in his words, pissed off. He said, " mommy, I used to train at the gym on Saturday mornings. Daddy could never come. I understood because he had been there all week, but when m**** started training on Saturdays then he came in". I knew this. I knew that he was putting his "new love" before his kids. He has been for the past year. So while it has plumeted my self esteem and made me feel less than, I feel in my gut that it is not a healthy relationship. I also find it uncharacteristic of him to let someone come before his kids. Thankfully he did not walk out completely on them. However, It might have been easier on me if he had. To see the little ones unknowingly be so happy that he is there while I know the reason why he isn't there all the time is because he chose her over all of us. My oldest knows the truth and does not understand his father's behaviour. He knows the girl that could very well end up being his step mother. Before he knew his father was seeing her, he referred to her as a weirdo and over the top. Now he says she is gross and unintelligent. My middle one calls her the thing at the gym. My ex is oblivious, parading her around as the love of his life. That is what I am baffled about. He didn't value me, yet thinks this "weirdo" is worth giving everything up (me, living with his kids, the house that he wanted, in the town he wanted), not to mention that we probably can't keep the house and we will all have less because of him. I wonder if he will always think she was worth it. Will he regret it one day? Will he regret throwing me away?
Happy Mom
One other thing about what you thought your life would be... yes absolutely. I still wake up shocked...how did this happen? When my mind goes off of it for a while and I come back to it I think, darn, it's not over yet. It's like if I can just get through this then it will be over, and everything will go back to normal. 18 years is a long time to spend with someone for them to just decide to replace you. He still has a confidante I am alone. I keep thinking wait till I tell C about what happened to me. He was my partner and best friend we talked daily about everything although in the last year or so, I realized we were only talking about him. I feel all this even though I know it is completely over and I would not want to go back with him. He has surprised me in so many ways and not good ones. If I had known him to be like this years ago, I never would have dated him. Therefore I have to think that she has gotten the short end of the stick because she knows all this and yet (even if he has lied to her) she still stays with him. What happens when you marry a man who cheated on his wife? You are married to a man who cheats on his wife.
Happy Mom
Good morning, friends--
Another day, here we come! Please treat us nicely.
How are all of you? I hope you had a nice supper with your team, Cathy. I can tell that you are in the United States--you are one of the few that use the word "supper" like I do. :)
Your son sounds very mature, Happy Mom. Actually, all of our children sound like they are handling things fairly well. Like you, I don't necessarily want my child to know everything that is going on, but I have to admit down deep that it sort of irritates me that he still views his father as such a wonderful man. It's like his father has gotten everything he wants that he feels is important enough to abandon a family over--his "freedom" to live by himself and have few responsibilities outside of his own needs, his ability to come and go whenever he wants and answer to nobody--and he still has a son thinks he's a pretty wonderful man. He sort of has it all, I think, in his opinion. In MY opinion, he sure paid a huge price for his freedom--and I guarantee the relationship between father and son will not be as good as it would have been had he stayed and showed his child what a real man does when faced with challenges. I guess it is up to me now to make sure my little boy knows that you never run away, that you never put your needs above those of your family, and that you work out differences--or at least try your hardest--before you do anything that can't be undone.
It really does seem like we should look at our husbands and see something physically different too, doesn't it? How can they look exactly the same and yet be SO different on the inside from what we knew. It still makes me wonder if this side of mine was there the whole time and I didn't know or if this is a new side. His family is totally a mess--thought he had gotten out of their destructive cycle--but I wonder if those roots are so deep that they are the true comfort level, even though they are anything other than comfortable. I am so disppointed that he is turning out to think like the rest of them--just leave when things get tough, don't bother working at it. What a lousy approach to living your life.
Hey, my new "happiness" ring was delivered yesterday--how fast is that! My son tears open the package, finds it, gives his approval, and insisted on sliding it on my finger himself--sort of bittersweet, as I flashed back to his father doing the exact same thing years ago. I sort of got the same result, though, when my son told me, "Now, take it off so you can put it back in the box." Deja vous. How come these men are giving rings and then wanting them back off. :) The ring of happiness awaits--in a box.
All of you ladies here have a wonderful day and weekend. It's birthday sleepover weekend here--little 9 year old boys running up and down the hallway shooting each other with Nerf guns and talking over each other at a volume that will send the cat desperately search for peace and quiet (with me right behind her). Feel free to come join me in the chaos--oh wait, we're already dealing with that issue--but THIS chaos comes with cupcakes. Any takers?
Hope this finds you in positive spirits this morning--thinking of you all!
This happened to me two nights ago. Husband left when me and the kids were at my son's last graduation from yr 12. HIs father was going to be there, didn't show only to send text messages saying he needed a new life! OUr son received the highest award that night and everyone on such a high then he drops the bomb. Such a shock and so much pain. Megan - your words are such an encouragement - thank you so very much.
I don't know why I continue to be surprised at the callousness of so many of the men I have heard about lately. Your husband's actions are so hurtful! You have been hit in a triple whammy--he decides on his own that he needs a new life and just leaves to find it without any discussion (that, in itself, is a horrendous shock)...he leaves on such a happy, proud day for his son and the rest of the family...and, almost worst of all, he doesn't have the courage to talk to you in person about any of this but text messages you instead assuming that is good enough??? I am so sorry, Ali. You definitely deserve so much better than how he treated you. I'm sure you are still shocked by it all. I hope your children are doing okay, although I know it is a shock for them, as well.
I have to tell you that there is definitely a pattern that we have been seeing among many of our stories. So many of us have husbands who just picked up and left on or around important events in the family--mine left on my birthday, a couple of others had husbands leave within a few days of their birthdays, others around Christmas, and now on your son's graduation day? It is so hard to comprehend how any man in his right mind would even consider leaving without trying to work it out first, much less leaving on a date that will forever be remembered in a different manner now. I can't figure any of it out--it just does not make sense to me why they choose these important times to rip apart their families.
I hope that you will be able to find some answers soon. Your pain seems so unbearable, so unfair, and I'm sure you are feeling so much shock and pain over how somebody who vowed to be with you forever could just disregard those vows and turn into a totally different person overnight. Try to be strong, Ali--your children need you and you need them. It will not take away the pain, but it will motivate you to keep stepping one foot in front of the other every day. Lean on friends and family, if you can--you will definitely find out who your true friends are and if you let them help you, you will find that their care and understanding does make a difference. I hope you will let us know how you are doing. Please know that you have come to a site where you are surrounded by women who have walked and are still walking the same path you have found yourself on for now. These ladies are the most supportive, compassionate people you will ever find--and we all understand the emotions, pain, fear, disbelief, and even anger over what you are being forced to deal with through no fault of your own. If we can help you, please know that we are here anytime you need to talk or vent or just need a shoulder to cry on, and we will all be thinking of you and your children.
Be sure to take care of yourself and try to relax and sleep if you can. It will get better!
With friendship and understanding,
Ali ... I'm glad you wrote in and shared with us ... once again our hearts ache because of the ill treatment that goes beyond words ... we are you and vice versa ... we understand your pain ... we feel your pain just as much as we feel our own ... feel free to reach out to us ... you are NOT alone ...
Nancy re your comment about supper ... had to laugh ... go north girl ... across the boarder eh!
Have been down about Xmas as you know ... friend of mind reminded me what Xmas was about ... joy and giving ... not looking at what is missing ... I think I just got some slap therapy ... needed that ...
Love to all and to all a good night ... oops I'm a little early ... Cathy
Your friend's comment about Christmas is a good reminder, Cathy. I can't seem to find the joy in anything, though, no matter how I tell myself to try and look past my own feelings--trying not to be so self-centered this time of year but having difficulty not focusing on these problems.
Doing my best to make the holidays special for my child, birthday party, decorations, tree up, even lighted reindeer outside--all things that we used to do together as a family...laughing, playing Christmas music, drinking hot chocolate when finished, standing back and admiring the effort....but that I now do by myself. Inside, I feel empty today--so lonely, so disappointed, nostalgic for the holidays when I was a girl and thought the world was a magical place. Logically, I know it just takes time and life will be promising again and we will all be happy again; emotionally, I feel drained and bruised and can't imagine being excited about anything. I know, I know--plan events to get you out of the house, talk to friends, exercise, take your mind off of it. Why is it so easy for them to leave and move on with their lives and so darn hard to be the one left behind? So un-Christmasy of me, but I feel a need for him to hurt as bad as I am hurting--not a very attractive thought and not one I have very often. I should be above those thoughts, but I just want him to feel even a fraction of the pain he has caused me by his rejection. I want him to acknowledge that he has hurt me and apologize sincerely for his actions. I know it reflects more on his personality than mine, but it sure bruises the ego and the heart a lot. The thought of divorce makes him happy--that shocks me still--how easy it is to throw a person away today without thought of how it affects them. Get over it--move on--we're not meant to be. So, why didn't you tell me that 12 years ago when I gave up my job, my friends, my house and moved across 3 states to be your wife--paid for you to go back to school--used profits from my house sale to buy that truck you needed for work--cooked, cleaned, put up with your entire dysfunctional family not showing up for our child's first birthday party, leaving our baby and me both in tears sitting there alone with a birthday cake and no family who cared enough to come, combed your mother's hair as she was dying, held you when life was tough, listened to you complain about the people at work, swallowed my hurt when you would walk out of the room as I was in the middle of telling you a story about my day, opened up my entire family to love you only to have you reject them as fast as you rejected me. I lost a husband, my son lost a father, my family lost a brother, a son, and an uncle--but just "get over it and go on with your life."
I have no idea why I am feeling this way today, but just going to try and swallow it, deal with it by myself for a day or two until the feelings go away, try not to say anything I will regret, and know that I will surely be feeling more positive again in a few days.
Just needed to wallow in my self pity for a little while. I hope you all are having much more positive thoughts today.
Thanks for letting me vent!
OMG. You just told my story, right down to the part where he walks away when you are talking about your day. I have no answer for you as to how they can walk away without looking back. This has been the most hurtful to me of everything. We had a very good marriage. We were on the same page and very in sync with each other. I loved him so much and I know he loved me. There is not a doubt in my mind about that. I do however think at some point he started valuing other people. I never took it seriously because often they were misfits from the gym who were somewhat dysfunctional so I assumed he knew my value in his life. Well, I found out the hard way that he didn't. His affair partner is the queen of dysfunction. In his own words (insecure}. Oh, is that why she doesn't know how to hold a normal conversation with people? O.K. he wants to be with her and not be married to me. He wants to take a walk on the wild side with a character from a movie. I get all that, but there isn't some part of him that is thinking, "am I making a mistake"? None? Everyone that knew us was shocked. They are even more stunned when they find out who it is that he seeing. It's not like he left for a beautiful young voluptuos thing. She is attractive in a way... sort of, but also quite gross in another. You know I've said from the beginning she is the type you might be curious about but certainly not to hurt and leave a loving wife who he had so many happy years with. That he could be so sure is very hurtful. How could he be so sure and I didn't even know he was finished? He made a unilateral decision. One that I wasn't included in. My counselors say that he most probably started with her then started making reasons to leave our marriage. Because our marriage was good he had to be even more unhappy and I had to have more things wrong for me. It could never be about him.
Anyway Nancy, all that to say they all blame and they all run away without looking back. A friend down the street indirectly has been good for me to see because everything was opposite for her(at the same time) but with the same outcome. For instance, she found out he was having an affair he admitted it and they went to counseling. Mine never admitted it until he realized I had proof. Both said the exact same lines; I don't love you, haven't for a long time (dating back to birth of last child) , you rejected me sexually. Here is where we differ. She works full time, I was a stay at home mom and worked part time or temporary. She was too critical , I was too easy going. I threw him out right away, she tried for 6 months only for him to say, "I think I should go". I was quiet and even tempered, she jumped on his back scratched him and tore his t-shirt. So when I think , I should have done this or that, I remember that it wasn't me who made the decision and it would have been the same anyway. As my counselor says, I am experiencing the grief from the break up of my marriage. I am healing. He is not he is with someone already. Down the road he will have to go through it. Add to that that he caused so much pain for so many people. It has to wear on him even if he doesn't show it.
Is yours with someone? How old is he? What is his profession?
Peace and Strength
Happy Mom
Thank you for your response, Happy Mom. Well, I was awake at 3:45 again this morning--even took that Tylenol PM and still waking up at these times. Stress does weigh heavily on the mind even when sleeping, doesn't it?
I had another really bad day yesterday that just got worse as the day went on. I was throwing out a pizza box that my husband brought for my son's bday party--looked to see how much it had cost him since he is now so strapped for money--feeling really bad for him. On the label with the cost, name, there was a phone number listed that he ordered from--a number I did not recognize. So what did I do? I looked it up online and it only showed it was a cell phone in my town but did not list a name. I'm telling myself no big deal, but I still called it. A lady answered and I made up some story as to why I was calling. She said I must have the wrong number but when I asked who I was talking to, she hung up on me. I texted my husband and asked if he knew anyone at that number because I think the pizza company many have mixed up the orders and he may have paid for someone else's pizza (yes, I know it was a lame lie). 30 minutes later he texts back. He says he knows nothing about it--said not to worry about it, no big deal with the pizza. So, I decide to call the number back again and ask for my husband just to see what reaction I get. When I dialed the number, I immediately got a response on the other end that the phone has been disconnected. This 30 minutes after calling my husband? I text him back and tell him I had tried to call to find out but the phone was disconnected--and isn't that odd? He calls me (no texts--imagine that) and asks if he is being investigated again. (I've confronted him one other time way back in August about another phone number and I was dead on there) I told him there were too many coincidences for there not to be something going on now. Why would she disconnect her phone? "How the f--- would I know? I told you I don't have a girlfriend. I'm not f---'ing around, you've asked me before so why wouldn't I tell you if I was screwing somebody else? I'm sorry if you don't believe me--I'm sorry if it would be easier on you if I was f---'ing someone." (say what?!) "I have friends, I'm out living my life, I've moved on." So I ask if it's so innocent, why did she disconnect her number after I talked with her, why won't you tell me her name? He gets irate and says it doesn't matter what her name is--she's just a friend and I don't need to know who his friends are--it's HIS life. He swears up and down that he is not having an affair, that he has no intentions of having one, that yes he will date in the future, but he has not screwed around on me. He had just asked her to order the pizza for our son's bday party--I'm making a big deal and spying on him and accusing him of things he never did. He never would tell me her name, but apparently while I felt so sorry that he was home blowing up 3 bags of balloons by himself, he was at her place or vice versa having a great time visiting with his no-name friend. ....
....The conversation did not end well--he's sorry I'm hurt, he's sorry I can't move on with my life, he's sorry he has new friends and a new life and that I can't understand that he wants to live his life without me in it as his wife. I'm sure in his mind I'm a shrew--and it makes me wonder just how long he talked to his little friend last night about how distrusting his wife is, how she keeps looking for things to accuse him of when he's doing his best to work through this divorce and remain friends. Is he seeing new people? Yes. Is he having an affair? I don't know--he swears he is not, that he's just friends with people, that he doesn't have somebody waiting in the wings to date the second he is free of our marriage. Is he a liar about these things, even by ommission? Yes. Do I trust him? no..and that breaks my heart. He has gone from somebody I would trust with my life to somebody I can't trust to even talk about his new friends. I don't care that he has friends...I care that he won't tell me about them and that he defends this one particular lady--says he didn't blame her for changing her number the way I was interrogating her. Hmmm...I asked her name and that's it...no interrogation. So I'm the bad person here--the one who has all the problems, the one who is out of control with accusations. Worst of all? I apologized to him for acting irrationally and asked him to stay my friend. I cannot believe I did that. He has a way of twisting everything around to where he looks like the honorable one and I look like the crazy, suspicious wife. I hate that!
I immediately hung up, still in tears,and called the counselor's office to set up an appt. Why is it he has done off of these things to us and I'm the one who needs to see a counselor? I'm so unnerved by all of it--by the way he was talking to me, cussing every other word. I know he was frustrated, but he's talking to me like I am the enemy.
Happy Mom, he is 43 years old and a diesel mechanic for a nearby school district. They have just one other mechanic--a barely 21 year old boy--and I was really surprised at the amount of time my husband is spending hanging out with him on the weekends--fixing the boy's truck. He says this is a nice kid, so it doesn't sound like he's walking on the wild side of life, but why would my 43 year old husband spend more time with a kid than with his own child on the weekends? I think that in addition to the bipolar that he told me a long time ago his counselor thinks he has, that he's going through a midlife crisis...and I'm just a reminder of all that he gave up. I'm the one who needs to go grocery shopping on the weekend, needs him to mow the lawn...I'm the mother and wife. I'm not the fun one who wants adventures and a carefree life. He's looking to have fun and no stress and he can't find that with me, apparently. I'm a reminder of his bad life...the friends he has been making are the ones who are getting the fun person I used to know. I was the nag about house stuff...with them he can be the life of the party, the fun one, the charmer. It makes me so mad that he has these two lives and they are getting the better side that I used to get.
I'm not sure what to do now. I've put our "friendship" back about 100 steps over where it was this weekend. He doesn't trust me--thinks I'm trying to control what he does, who he sees. And I don't trust him not to be a liar to me. I do hate the thought of him having this secret life that I know nothing about. It's his hidden little world that he cherishes more than he cherishes being part of this family. He's thrown me out, but he can't totally leave me because of our child. I come across as desperate to hang on to the marriage and he tells me I'll have to get over it and move on with my life like he has moved on with his. He's sorry I don't like that, but that's the way it is. Get over it. ....
Our husbands' attitudes sound very similar, don't they? Do you think your counselor is correct, though, when he says that your husband will one day grieve for the marriage and feel guilt for all the people he has hurt? I used to think that too, but now I wonder if he will ever look back. He's so enthralled with the present and how much freedom he has and all the new friends he has made, that I can't see him ever looking back anymore and grieving. His family doesn't look back--they just move on to the next relationship. Funny thing is he used to shake his head about all of them and ask me how he ever got out so sane when the rest of them were crazy.
I guess yesterday was a slap in the face for me. I had felt so sorry for him having to live in that apartment by himself, having no money, just all alone. I've been buying his Christmas trees, sending him things from home, texting him because I thought he would cherish the contact. Meanwhile, he's been having the time of his life out with his new friends. Those times he wouldn't answer my texts, I thought he was napping or just in the shower--now I believe he was at a friend's house or out "moving on with his life" and just chose to ignore me.
I guess maybe I needed this wake up so that I can stop being the one who wants to take care of him and ease his pain and start remembering that he is the one who is causing all of the pain for me. He says he cares, but he really doesn't. He cares only for what he can get out of life and has left me on the side of the road to take care of myself and "get over it."
I think I'll just stop the contact for now. It's hard when we have a child, but nothing says I have to talk to him on the phone or text him. I guess I need time to recover from discovering this side of him and how he really doesn't feel anything for me anymore. Four months ago we were loving spouses...now he's cussing me on the phone and accusing me of trying to control all parts of his life..and get over it. Wow--my head is spinning at the changes.
How do you remain emotionally healthy after all of this? Guess that counselor is a place to start. Thanks for letting me vent, all. I'm slowly unraveling the layers that i didn't think were really there and not liking what I see about the man I swore to love my entire life. Again, where did he go? I hate to say this, but sometimes it feels like it would have been less painful on me if he had passed away in an accident than knowing he just threw me away. That sounds terrible, I know, but I could have mourned that man with respect...now I have to mourn the man who continues to throw his decisions in my face and tell me to deal with it. Thanks for helping me try to figure it all out.
Hi Nancy ... Cathy here ...
Nancy I'm going to say some things out of love to you ... it may not be what you want to hear but I'm going to say it because I am you and you are me ...
I know exactly where you are coming from ... You are beginning to connect the dots and the pieces of the puzzle are starting to fall into place and it's not the story that you ever thought you would hear ... you probably feel like this is some sort of nightmare that you just want over ...
Like you I gave my husband everything ... but it was never right ... I couldn't make him happy. All my energy went into him ... Yes I too did a lot of investigating ... oh God what I found out ...
I was devastated ... but more to the point when he left I didn't know who I was other than being his wife and the mother of his children ... I felt I was defective ... why could he not love me ... what could I do differently ...
The answer is simple Nancy ... there is nothing I could do differently ... he made choices and they were out of my control ... I have stopped trying to figure him out ... I am not wasting my energy on him ... I am putting the energy into me ... I am trying to love me ... to rebuild me ... to discover the things I lost ... and to give up the things I hated ... Counselling refocused me so don't feel ashamed because you are getting help ... you are actually learning to love yourself my doing that ... you are growing ... it may not seem like it but you are ... go back and read your early posts ...you'll see it there ...
I remember one particular bad day when I really didn't want to go on ... I was frozen ... I sat down and I forced myself to sit in a chair and at that moment write what I was grateful for ... I was so angry that I wrote down ... I'm glad my bowels work ... I remember throwing the pen across the room and then I thought ... shit it could be worse what if my bowels weren't working ....
You are entitled to bad days Nancy ... we all are ... you are going through a reality check here ... as I said connecting the dots ... your heart knows the truth and by looking at the truth you will heal ... you may feel like you are going to melt into a puddle on the floor but you won't and we'll be here to mop you up anyway ... lol
My ex rsorted to behaviours I never thought possible ... lies upon lies to save his own ass ... he invented stories and cover ups ... used other people for excusues to run around ... lied to the children ... spent my money on other women ... bought them gifts ... went to motels ... love letters ... all this from a man who at one time wanted to be a priest ?????? The man I married ceased to exsist and I am NOT responsible ...
Hope that helps ... thinking of you and sending love ... Cathy
Thank you Cathy. Your words are very kind and what I needed to hear. I am you...I am all of us. I appreciate your talking to me and I know that you do it out of friendship and love and that means more to me than I can ever express in words.
I still feel very sad today, but I think it's probably a needed sadness. I think I have begun to see my husband for what he is. I have never been talked to in such disrespect in my life by anybody, and in that 10 minute conversation, I felt so unloved,so much a stranger to him that it was a bit of a shock. He talked to me in a manner that I have never heard him use with even the worst of the people he has encountered since I met him. Part of what irritates me too is that I wonder when I ever let him have such control over my heart. I didn't get married until I was 37 years old. I was independent, I owned my own house, I was making it on my own--and I met him and fell into such a pattern of neediness and dependence. I'd never had the opportunity to let somebody take care of me and it felt good to know that he cared so deeply about my happiness. It took me years to totally let go of my wariness that it was too good to be true--and when I finally got to that point where I believed I had it all, then he left a few years later. Just like you said, I've been questioning every thing and trying to pinpoint what happened. All I can come up with is that he is a complete jackass. (there's your smile for the day) But doggone it, I loved that man dearly and it hurts unlike anything else I have ever felt in my life.
I think back about it and I came to the realization that he has never apologized to me about anything. Isn't it odd that I just realized that? To keep things going smoothly over the years on the rare occasions there would be some uneasiness, I would be the one to say I was sorry. I would tell him I'm sorry for overreacting or for being in a bad mood or for making him be in a bad mood. It was just easier for me to apologize and get things back to normal again. I also realize that I did a huge injustice to both of us by taking those faults onto my own shoulders. I felt resentful that I would apologize even when it wasn't my fault, and he never learned to take any responsibility for things that went wrong.Of course he's not going to take responsibility for any of this--why should he? He's never apologized for anything at all--I honestly can't remember him ever saying I'm sorry to me or anyone else. Isn't that odd that I would just now figure that out?
Like you said, I had basically just defined myself as a mother and a wife and forgot about the other sides of myself. I've been fired from part of that job and I don't remember how to not be a wife. Does that make sense?
All of the women here are such good people. My child and I have made a blessing jar, although I haven't put in many blessings lately. It's just an old mason jar and we write what we are glad about on slips of paper and put them in the jar to read later. I think I'm going to write that I am glad that your bowels work. lol (stop making me laugh when I'm supposed to be feeling crappy)
You are a very wise and wonderful person. Life can always be worse, I do realize that, and there are a whole lot more people with much bigger problems. I know that too. Guess I just need to get this time in my life over with so that I can look back on it as a growing experience instead of a huge tragedy. Keep telling me that time will come...thanks for telling me that I have grown...I feel much weaker now than I was earlier, but then I know more now than I did then. You take care of yourself too and know that I am thinking about you and all of you ladies out there. I feel like I am monopolizing this site, but it has been such a lifesaver to know it is here when I feel like I am burdening my friends with nothing but negativity.
Thanks again--I appreciate the honesty and loving words.
Hi again Nancy ... Your issues are important Nancy and it's okay to talk ... that's how you get better ... you are not as weak as you think ... your just wounded ... we all are...
I am off to the lawyers today ... a battery of papers has come in from the other side ... I can only imagine what is in them ... the next week is going to a storm ... God give me strength and let justice rule ...
Glad my bowel story made you smile and by the end of next week they may have worked overtime !!!
Keep the wish in the mason jar for me ... lol
Thinking of you with love
I hope your meeting at the lawyer's office was less surprising than you thought it might be. I understand why courts want only the facts, but some things are just not black and white and need an explanation as to what the real story is behind the legal papers. I think if the judge knew the real truth behind your case--how your husband acted and how he treated you--there would be no question that he would settle in your favor and give your husband community service for just being an ass in this whole thing. Now that would be justice!
God will give you strength to face all of this, made especially even more difficult given the happy time of the year this is supposed to be for everyone. I know that He will be standing with you and comforting you in this challenging time. Your friends will also be sending you strength and love, and I hope that will help. One thing to remember is that you know in your heart, no matter what happens in court, that you can continue your life holding your head high and feeling proud of all you have done to transform your life into something positive for you and your children--your husband will never be able to say the same thing.
Keep that sense of humor as much as you can. You are in my thoughts and prayers...and will continue to stay there throughout this entire next week.
Hi Nancy,
I don't know if I posted this site before or after you came on but it is worth a read. This site consists of some really good articles about what midlife crisis is. As well, it has some articles on how to detach and focus on yourself. You must remember his actions are his own. You didn't cause them and you couldn't have changed them. You said that you felt that you had done both of you an injustice by take blame on your shoulders. You are blaming yourself again. Is it terrible that you interact in a collaborative manner and that you are kind. He benefited from having you as his wife.
My professor once told me and I am telling you, do not let him unload his miserableness on you. He does this and then he walks away feeling better and you feel like sh*t. It also lets him feel justified in what he is doing. Leave him alone to lie in the bed that he made. People who are unkind to those who love them are nasty inside. Take yourself out of the line of fire and let him unleash it on her.
Let me know what you think of the articles.
Happy Mom
Awake at 3:45 this morning after going to bed just 4 hours ago. It irritates me that I'm sound asleep and then he enters my head and I can't get him out again.
I think I have read that site before, Happy Mom, but thank you for sending it again. My husband meets almost every sign of the MLC checklist and that sort of makes me feel better, knowing that it really is his hangup and lack of character that have resulted in him leaving. I also feel sort of a pity for him because until a few months ago, I viewed him as an adult who was responsible, well respected and loved by his wife and child and in-laws, and somebody who had beaten the odds by growing up in a dysfunctional family to become such a dependable man. Now, that man is gone and as his story comes out to people we know together, I can see the surprise on their faces and sort of feel like he has slipped in their respect. I think that's appropriate, though, because he sure has slipped in mine and our child's too, I'me sure.
On on hand, he has his freedom--he can now see whomever he wants to see (although it's still a HUGE secret to the people he works with--only 2 people of well over a hundred know basic facts, not even that he moved out--and he still wears his wedding ring because he doesn't want them to know)--on the other, leading that hidden life that he wants to lead, not being open and honest with the people around him the most, must really wear on his soul even though he may not be aware of it. I could not carry that burden that he is carrying, but then he must like it that way or he wouldn't do it. He wants the respect of his peers, but he is acting in a way in secret that goes against the respect he wants. Weird way to live!
I saw the counselor on Thursday and came out feeling great. His take on my husband: "he is a self-centered, emotionally unintelligent man who is trying desperately to justify in his mind why it's okay that he treated you so shitty." Thank you very much for just confirming everything I thought about him. Now, the next step is the conversation I'm having with him on Sunday (because he is too busy tonight and tomorrow night) about how I do not want my son to be exposed to "new people" for awhile--he adamantly denies he has a girlfriend or anybody waiting in the wings--but I don't believe him. He has lied to my face, looked me in the eyes, and I still find out about the lie, so I know inside that I am right about this too. Again, I feel pity for him that he has sunk so low as to lie to his wife instead of being man enough to just lay it all out there on the table now and deal with it. From respected husband and father to someone who abandons his family, sees his son in person once a week, lives a hidden life from his coworkers, lies about his new friendships/relationships, and says he is finally happy now. Wow-enjoy that happiness--starting a new life based on lies sure sounds like the road to happiness to me, huh? I think I'll take my chances on this other path of honesty, compassion, true friendship, support, healing, and respect.
Why would these men even want to live in such a jaded place? Can they honestly feel good about themselves--is that the type of person they want to really be inside? Lying, disrespected, shadows of the real men they used to be? Guess so..they aren't home, are they? Pretty sure that welcome mat wouldn't be out if mine wanted to come back in now--too different in values and personality now.
So, how are all of YOUR days going? Mine have been very introspective, but in a good and revealing way (at least for now).
HI Nancy,
Mine did the same thing as far as denying. Had my sister telling me that I was jumping to conclusions after she had a four hour talk with him. He can still manipulate her but at least now she knows that is what he does. In her own words, "he even manipulated me".
Well, I had my second mediation session last night. It went better than the first. The first one was in June and I was still so hurt and devastated. I also still thought of him as the man I used to know but going in there last night I was on top of things. First of all, I have right on my side and I know he knows that too. I am not swayed by his words anymore. He has told so many lies that now when he talks, I see his mouth moving but I don't hear what is coming out. He is a very smart man and as my counselor said very good at getting people to do what he wants but now that I see how he is behaving I notice his story changes. For example in terms of child support. When I ask him to watch the kids on a day that isn't "his", he is booked with back to back privates. When it comes time to determine a child support level, "well, the privates aren't reliable". "I only had one today". I say to that, "then you better get a job that is reliable so that you can support your kids". Of course I didn't say that in the meeting but that is the truth. I also in a very unemotional, practical way, turned things back on him. For example when he tried to say he was strapped for money and having to pay for his apartment and had a crappy t.v., I said well no you are living with ***** so you share expenses and you both have t.v.s. I continued with, "in the next couple of months you won't have to pay your apartment". I said straight out, "the money that you give pays for your three kids. The rest pays for you alone with someone to share expenses". Of course, he tried to play that whole thing down. Now it is,"well that isn't for sure". Oh yeah, then why is she doing things with the kids like they are a family. He can't have it both ways. He also wants us to stay in the house. I tried saying that we can't afford it. Also, the idea of me paying the whole mortgage and taxes with the child support he gives me for something that is still half his doesn't sound right to me.
On another note my oldest expressed to me his dismay with his father. He said that he was pissed off at him because when he was training for his fight, he used to go on Saturday mornings and his dad could never go. He said he understood this because he worked at the gym all week. However, when the girlfriend started going then his dad was there every Saturday. I knew at the time he wasn't going because he was with her. She is his priority. That is where I say he blamed his unhappiness on me and our relationship but then why is everybody else in his life second to her.
Well that is my rant. Now I have cleared my head I can go on with my day:) Thanks ladies! It is great to be able to express my feelings to you knowing that you truly understand on a personal level. When husbands do what ours did, it is different. Ours aren't like regular marriage break ups. Friends and family while they mean well don't really understand the shock and devastation that we are going through.
I am wondering about Ali and And on and on. How is everything with you both?
Peace and Happiness,
Happy Mom
Hello everyone--
I hope this finds you all having a fairly positive weekend. Mine was about half and half. Started out a little rough, but I did some things to try and take a little control back today and that helped me out. I first found myself at the mall yet again (too late to finish online shopping now), but I did a little better with it. I just reminded myself that appearances can be deceiving and maybe I WASN'T the only person in that mall that was depressed during the holiday season--guessing under some of those happy faces are minds that are as confused and frustrated and downright disappointed in their lives as we sometimes find ourselves feeling.
Tonight, however, I decided to give something new a try. I found a divorce support group here at a church in my area. If any of you haven't looked at this site, it might be worth a quick glance: www.divorcecare.org. I subscribe to a daily inspirational e-mail called "1 Day at a Time." It's a good way to start my day. Anyway, through this site, I found a group and decided to just go for it. I sat in my car about 5 minutes before I worked up the nerve to go in. I found it very helpful--even if there were only 3 of us there. I think I'm going to give this a try--it's a 13 week class and something told me to just go today, so I'm guessing it's a nudge from above that these people can continue to help me...or maybe there is somebody there that needs MY help. In any event, support is great no matter what direction it comes from.
Speaking of special support people, how is everybody doing today? Happy Mom, your mediation session the other night sounds like it went fairly well. It's nice that you could approach it from a different place now than where you were months ago at the first one. Each of your responses to your husband was perfect! He can't fool you any longer, can he? I bet it drives him nuts that you have an answer for all of his excuses--and a quick one too, not one of those that comes to you hours after the conversation ended. I hope you went home feeling good about everything and that those good feelings are staying with you. I think you are doing a remarkable job with everything--one of these days, I hope to feel the confidence that you seem to show.
Cathy, I'm thinking about you this week and hoping everything went okay at the lawyer's office and that you are also feeling positive about the court date coming up. We are all praying for you to find that justice does indeed win out in the long run.
Colleen, Ali, Sunshine, And On and On--all of you and other ladies that may be visiting the site and trying to understand the pain they find themselves in--thank you all for just being willing to share your stories. It helps to know that we are not alone on this sucky roller coaster. I hope you are all doing well...would love to know the changes, if any, that have been going on in your lives.
Have a peaceful week, all--my thoughts are with each and every one of you!
Hello ladies ... just a quick note to thank you all for your prayers re court ... the past few days have been difficult ... lots of emotions running ... mainly fear ... My plan is to stick with the truth ...
Will let you know the outcome ... sending you all good vibes ... Nancy you are incredible ... keep going forward girl ... you are making some huge and positive choices for yourself ... the group sounds like a wonderful wonderful idea ...
Thinking of you today and sending you prayers and positive thoughts for the best outcome you can have tomorrow. I hope you are able to sleep tonight. You have the truth on your side and by sticking to it, just as you plan to, no matter what happens you will know down deep that you did the right thing. God is watching and He knows the truth and you will receive justice in the long run. I'm hoping that in the short run too, though, that you hear the words you deserve to hear! You are a wonderful lady and we are all better for having you in our lives in whatever ways we can.
Good luck tomorrow!!
Hi ... back from court ... both sides presented the cases ... the judge is very fair and no foll ... he wants to reread all the transcripts ... look at all the finances and will give a ruling in mid to late Jan ... I will pay ... how much is the question ... and it will terminate when I retire ... right now I'm pooped ... thank you thank you thank you for your prayers ... there is more but right now I need my bed ... love Cathy
Good to hear the judge is fair or as fair as the law will allow. I hope it ends well for you. Soon it will be over eh? Some closure at the end of a long ordeal. Best wishes for peaceful holidays.
Thanks for saying I seem confident:) Most of the time I don't feel it. It's nice to hear that I at least give off that impression. You see we learn more about ourselves from others. That is where I say this year has been good for me. Instead of having one person tell me everything that is wrong with me, I have many people telling me what is good:) As well Nancy you seem to have taken the bull (no pun intended) by the horns and regardless of feeling badly you are rising above it. You should be proud of yourself.
On another note, as usual, every couple of weeks something new. I can't seem to get any peace. Just when I think ,o.k., i can accept this, something else is pushed in my face. Last night my younger ones went with their dad. I called home to see if they were back and if they had decorated the tree with their father and my daughter said that they didn't have time because they went to the affair partner's house for supper. My heart sank. Take my husband...good riddance to him after knowing what he is capable of, I don't want him, but stay away from my kids. Then I come home to find that she sent brownies home with them. One for each kid with little decorative flowers on them. This is the 3rd time I have food from her in my house. I would never do something like that. Then again i wouldn't do what she did in the first place. If I were to start seeing someone they most likely would have kids. I wouldn't try to win them over like this. She better stay away or I will tell the little ones that she is why their daddy left. My daughter especially likes her and it is driving me crazy because she doesn't know the truth. Why does she have to bake with her and woo her? I have to watch while he endears my kids to her without knowing the truth. I realize it is because in the new year he will get rid of his fake apartment and they will have to go to her house but that doesn't mean they have to hang out with her. It's like he wants the whole family thing, he just wanted to change the actor playing the wife role. Thanks. As well, I can't help thinking that it is a little dig at me for food to come to my house. Months ago when he first left he would wash clothes at my house. One time when I did my washing I had to move his clothes(which he had mixed with mine) I pull out this huge hoodie. I thought it was his until I realized that it was too feminine for him. Either he made a mistake bringing it or she put it in for me to see. There have been a number of things over time that have made their way into my house so the food I feel it is another possessive issue. If it is the case, it means she is extremely insecure. Good she should be. Perhaps she needs to have a little of it back at her. Although, his coming in for the kids bdays and Christmas morning must not make her feel too good. She should get used to it though because she started with a family man. That is how it will be even when they have children and I'm sure they will, she will have to share.
Thanks for letting me vent:)
Take care of yourselves ladies,
Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
Guess what the "kids" got their father for Christmas. Lounging pyjamas, the kind that he likes. I have to admit I guided them a little. So every time he wears them she can think of me:) They are from the kids after all so he will wear them. She wants to get personal, she'll get personal. I've got 18 years of personal.
Happy Mom
Dear All,
A moment in my day to let you all know you are in my thoughts and prayers through this holiday ... we are all experiencing a different type of Christmas this year ... my wish is for all to find comfort in the unique friendship that we have found by sharing on this site ... God has given us each other and it is not with without extreme gratitude that I have this in my life ... each one of you has unconditionally given me acceptance and love and that is the most cherished of my "Christmas gifts" ... thank you one and all ... you remain in a very special place in my heart ... Merry Christmas all ... love from Canada ... Cathy
Merry Christmas Cathy. I'm thinking of you as well. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
Love Happy Mom
Christmas was harder than I thought. I thought since I knew last year that he was finished and it was so horrible pretending in front of the kids and family that this year would be a breeze, fun even. Now I feel depressed. Maybe last year I was in shock and denial, that he would change his mind and realize that he was wrong. This year it is evident that it is real. He is still with her, my biggest fear. I'm lonely and I miss my husband and friend, not the man that comes in to see my kids but the one that I loved so much and he loved me so much. Where is he and how can this happen?
He was here Christmas eve and came back Christmas morning at 8 am. Everyone opened their gifts. He opened the one from the kids. Then he came in the kitchen and said that he had forgotten the the gift he had gotten for me from the kids, it was at his apartment (of course because he doesn't live there). I wonder if he wasn't able to bring it to her place. In any case, I stewed over that for a bit then remembered the statement, "you have to teach them how to treat you" (like a child). I called him down and calmly and politely told him that it was important that the kids give their mother their gift, to go get it (not my usual behavior). So he did without hesitation. I have to tell him this now? This is a man who always got me something nice, never forgot. Just 20 minutes before this was grilling his oldest son for forgetting his girlfriend's gift, "it's unacceptable, you just don't do that". Can you believe the audacity? He doesn't see and hear himself? I would be embarrassed. So he got it and came back. It is the same thing that the kids got him, chocolate and wine minus the pyjamas.
to be continued
So they all had a good morning, then at 1 o'clock I was showering my daughter, he calls in and says, "bye tt I'm going now". She asks, "where are you going"?. He says, "I have plans". He couldn't wait until she came out of the shower? Why didn't he say he was leaving early? He knew that we weren't leaving for my dad's until 4. He could have spent time with them, took them somewhere, done something. For all his, blah, blah, blah, about wanting to see the kids, he certainly didn't take advantage. Then again, I guess that is what he worked out with the boss. You know, for me it is better if he doesn't come at all. I only want him there so it is the same for the kids, but he does something thoughtless all the time. What he is teaching the kids with his behavior, is disgusting. Sometimes I wonder if it would be better if he didn't come around at all, because then they would know he is wrong in his behavior. This way they just feel less important and they learn bad things about relationships. They quite obviously come second to her. As a child and especially his daughter (who is adopted), that is heart breaking, in my opinion.
Then, when we were at my dad's he called about 9 30. I didn't get to the phone but when I saw it was him, I passed the phone to my son and told him to call. He did, spoke to him then passed me the phone. It looked closed so I hung it up and put it down. He calls back and starts asking if my son had passed me the phone and such as though he thought something. I said yes but that I thought it was closed, he continued. Like as if I would ever not take the phone or not answer. It was a misunderstanding. I've had this talk with him before. I told him, look you know I would never do that it isn't me, but he is so suspicious. He's never reacted this way before. I find it so strange. So now, not only do I not have my husband but I have this stranger who has me twisted and yet I have to be in constant communication with him. So he says "I will pick up the kids at 3 tomorrow instead of 4 or 5. I said ok good, talk to you tomorrow. The next day he calls at 3, "ok so I will pick up the kids soon". I said "oh you aren't outside"? I thought you were picking them up at 3"? Oh did I tell you that? I forgot that I told you?.....????? His mind is elsewhere. Last night was monster ex the next day is normal ex.
Normal ex doesn't remember what monster ex says and does, I think. That is the only way I can describe it. In any case, it isn't the man I married and had many happy years with..... between that and the anger about the kids, I guess that is why I am feeling depressed. Gotta start back working out :)
Peace and strength,
Happy Mom
Hello all--
I've just returned from my mother's home in St. Louis where I was able to visit with my family--but more on that in a moment.
I wanted to tell each of you that I hope this next year finds nothing but happiness awaiting--you are all certainly due a good year! I'm with you there--cannot wait to get out of 2010--so much heartache there that I never knew was coming this time last year.
Cathy, it sounds like your court date went about as well as it could under the circumstances. I'm glad to hear that the payments will stop when you retire...sure makes playing the lottery sound better so you can speed up that date of retirement, doesn't it? Thanks for sharing the results with us. I was wondering how it had gone.
Happy Mom, I'm with you on the missing our husbands that we used to know comment. Mine came over on Christmas Eve, like yours, and again on Christmas morning. During both of those times together, it sort of felt like old times in some respects--eating dinner together, playing games, talking, laughing. I guess it gave me a real dose of what I used to have and made me very nostalgic for times past before I met this other man that shared the same name as my husband but a very different personality. I guess it gave me so much of a blast to the past, so to speak, that I got my feelings very hurt when my husband came to get my son earlier on Christmas Eve and took him to see his dysfunctional family (and that is an understatement). I had always been the person who tried to keep the good feelings between all the siblings/parents--I worked very hard for the last 11 years to try and start a family relationship with all of them--but the second my husband left, I was dropped from much of any concern from all of them. In fact, my husband said that when he showed up at his father's house, my father-in-law was nothing but critical of him, as well as our son--talking about how much weight my little boy had gained. He's 10 years old, 5 foot tall, and weighs 100 pounds. I don't care if he weighed 350 pounds--you never talk to a child like that. It's like all the hard work I have done since our marriage to try and include them in "normal" relationships went right out the window. My husband didn't stay very long, thank goodness, and when he told me about that great visit, I was quite determined that my child would no longer be easily available to people who do not love him unconditionally. Anyway, they come back home and we had a lovely dinner together--just like old times. The next morning was nice too, once he actually showed up. He said he would be there at 7, and finally showed up a little after 8--of course, my little boy had been awake since 5:30 waiting. Not necessarily a huge deal once the presents began flying. I had gotten my husband a few things since I knew he would get nothing from his family--had even spent several weeks making him a little scrapbook of father/son pictures since birth--somewhat sentimental pictures. I think he was pleased...then it was my turn to open my gifts, and I had two presents from my son...and that was it. I don't know why I was sort of surprised, but I was. Not necessarily hurt, but just sort of surprised, but then I don't know why I would be--I don't recall the last time he ever gave me a gift. No Valentine's Day, no anniversary, no birthday (oh wait--he did walk away on that date--was that my gift??). But in spite of that, we had a good day...
(to be continued)
I guess I got to thinking that things were falling into place again and it felt so good to have the old husband back, even if for just a short time. He called on Sunday morning and said he was going to take our son out for a movie--one that I really wanted to see--and I thought that it might be nice to do this as a family after the great connection we had again over Christmas. Well, he made it abundantly clear that I was not invited to the movie with them--was quite curt again with me like he had been before the holiday and i was left standing there looking at him and wondering what happened to the person who was normal just the day before. I texted him later that night and thanked him for the presents he had bought for my son to give me. No response. I texted him something else I needed an answer to and still got no response. So I called him, asked him what was up and he said nothing, that he didn't feel like talking so he didn't answer. Well excuse me! All the positive feelings I had for him were thrown right out the window again. I prayed that night for God to open my husband's heart and restore our marriage--not the first time I had made that prayer. I packed up my son early on Monday morning and headed to my mother's home about 5 hours away. On the drive there, as my son slept in the seat next to me, I started having what I guess are flashbacks to all kinds of events that had happened since we've been married and I realized that during all this time my husband has been extremely selfish...everything revolved around what HE wanted to do or how he felt...and I just got used to going along with it. I hadn't put all of those incidents together until that drive and then I realized that as I prayed for God to open my husband's heart that I think what He did was open my eyes to the patterns I had been accepting all of these years. I actually felt a bit better. We made it "home" and were immediately surrounded by my mother, sisters, brother-in-law, nephew, niece, etc. I had forgotten how wonderful it was to be in the middle of such a loving, NORMAL, fun group of people who loved us no matter what. For the first time in 2 months, the knot that had been living in my chest completely left. We laughed, we played, we talked--it was a taste of what I used to have before I got married and before I allowed my husband to sort of control my life. I'm not saying that I want the divorce now, but I am saying that I think I view things a little differently now. I realize that I had lost myself somewhat in this marriage and had accepted being treated not necessarily as an equal, but more of the person who went along with whatever he wanted. I guess I thought I was doing it all out of love, but I think I had just fed into his ego and didn't until just a few days ago realize that he is probably one of the most selfish people I have ever met, made even worse during these last couple of months. He's made all of the decisions about the separation, divorce, etc., and I think that when I didn't just automatically go along with what HE wanted, it surprised him--that's what he was used to--and all of a sudden I was going against him and it sort of ticked him off, making him even more of a stranger to me--wondering how he could treat me like he has been--but then I'd never really gone against him on anything important before so who's to say this reaction wouldn't have been noticeable back then if I had?
to be continued -- again!
Happy New Year to all of you here. Best wishes for a happy and peaceful year.
Happy Mom
Sorry for the length of my previous comments--guess I was just thinking aloud and got a bit carried away. I tried to go back and delete them, but no such luck. I'll try to keep any future comments short and to the point, although that is not necessarily something I excel at. :)
I also want to wish you all a joyous 2011. I hope that this time next year we will all be looking back and realizing what a great year we all had and see the great strides we have made in our lives to turn a negative situation into one of the most positive years we have ever experienced. Happy New Year to all!
Don't be sorry... really. I'm speaking for myself but I am sure most here would agree that we've all been to the same place and understand the need to get it out. That is what we are all here for: to rant, to listen, and to empathize with each other. What has happened in our lives is very difficult. It is not the average break up so not everyone understands. It is comforting to know that when we tell our stories we are telling them to other people who truly get what we are feeling right to their core. It is lunacy that we are living. It is the only way I can describe. So when you have someone in your life telling you that this is normal and you have to accept it, you have us to remind you that no it isn't. You have to release the negativity that is being served to you. Then you can go on with your day.
Peace and strength,
Happy Mom
Hello ladies,
Sorry you haven't heard from me ... right now I am in Halifax at my sister's house. My brother's daughter age 34 died of ovarian cancer on the 27th ... the service was on the 31st so I was able to make a quick flight down ... she enetered a coma on Xmas eve ... but she has been released from the awful pain ... She left a beautiful 7 year old daughter and the most endearing husband ... gives me faith that there is some hope for the opposite sex ... anyway all of you have been on my mind ... Nancy I will be in touch so check your junk mail in the future ... give me a chance to get back to the mothership in a few days ... I am very glad to see 2010 leave ... luv all ... Cathy
Sorry for your loss. My condolences to your family. So terrible to loose a daughter, niece, mother, and wife so young.
Take care,
Happy Mom
Such a sad time for your family. My thoughts are with you, your brother, and your niece's husband and daughter. So hard to understand why something like that would happen to such a young woman who has a wonderful family and a bright future ahead of her, but I hope it is at least a small degree of comfort to all of you that she is no longer in pain, as you said.
I'm sure they were all glad that you were able to make it to the services. Have a safe trip back home. I'll be thinking about you.
Take care,
Good afternoon, ladies--
I hope the new year is finding you all in good spirits.
I don't know what happened...or how long it will last...but I have been feeling somewhat positive the majority of the time lately. I can talk about the divorce without breaking down, and oddly I am even kind of looking forward to the year and seeing what changes I can make in my life that are different than what I have done in the past. I've been using the gym as much as possible and have taken great satisfaction in pushing myself to do things that are positive for me. Today, I kept going on that exercise bike and was pleased when I hit the 16 mile mark. My ultimate goal this year is to run/walk (okay, mainly walk!) in a mini-marathon this summer in memory of my father, who died of multiple myeloma 3 months ago. I have 7 more months until I turn 50 years old, and I am determined to find the real me inside that I have been holding back for so many years. I want to experience the fun in life again. The divorce is moving on--papers are still being fixed to reflect the changes I requested--but I actually feel okay about it at the moment. I am finding a bit of happiness inside now and then and feel almost as if some of the extreme sorrow of the last 4 months is beginning to recede and be replaced with feelings of hope.
My husband took our son bowling this morning while I was at the gym and when we met up at McDonald's for me to pick up C., his concern was about money--the bowling was $27, his truck insurance is due in 2 weeks, the apartment rent is due in 3 weeks, and he's wondering how to make that paycheck stretch. For a moment, I thought about just paying his truck insurance for him to help him out since he seems so down about his finances. I haven't asked him to start child support payments after the holidays, however, and I think that if I just took care of all of his problems for him that I would be giving him too much. He wanted this divorce--was very insensitive and cold when I would practically beg him to reconsider or go for counseling--and now he needs to learn that taking care of himself in all ways is part of what he wanted. It's not the fun part, but it is part of "having my freedom." I wish no hardship on him at all--I do like him and hope we can maintain some friendship for our son's sake, as well as mine--but I have felt that I have begun to move on to thinking of him as a pal, but not a romantic interest any more. Funny how that worked--or maybe it was there all along and I just realized it. I do miss being married, but I miss the comfort of the support and the company--not really the moody individual my husband had turned in to. I know he will do fine, but I need to reserve my energy for myself. It's very odd to let myself think about what is good for ME instead of what is good for him. I feel sort of selfish in one respect, but in another it is very freeing to be thinking of what makes me happy and going for it (along with my little 10 year old shadow, that is).
So, dear friends, 2011--all 8 days of it so far--has been good for me. I hope it is the same for all of you, as well. I am thinking about all of you and sending love and best wishes. Let me know how you are all doing when you find a chance.
Take care!
Hi Nancy,
You sound like your doing great. Fantastic. Remember you might slip back but now you know you will go forward. You are working on yourself and it is paying off. Excellent.
I had a bit of a set back on New Year's Eve because my young ones spent the eve with my ex and her. Last minute I found out they were going to her house for supper so I asked will they be spending the night at her place. He hemmed and hawd then said maybe... yes. I said I wasn't good with that and a stupid conversation ensued with me saying that I didn't want them to bring in the new year with her to him saying, "why do you have to make it a religious thing"?...What??? How did it go from one to the other. I'm not even religious. I stayed focused and didn't bite. After that was straightened out I said I didn't want her baking with my daughter, that she was there to see him. His reply was, "so you want her to be an ogre with her"? You see what I'm dealing with. He wants to fight so he can say (and he did), "you see...we just don't agree". So the kids ate at her house went back to his place to bring in the new year. She didn't sleep over. I told him (why should I have to?) they only met her in October and you and they are going to do a sleep over with her. What does that teach them. Last year they didn't know we were broken up, this year you and they are celebrating with someone else. You teach them that you just replace people in your life like that..."the conversation is over"...Of course it is. In any case, I was proud of myself because I was able to say everything I wanted to say without fighting with him regardless of him twisting things. We ended the conversation on a good note. Later on he wished me a Happy New Year. When I phoned the kids at 12:02 (I left time for hny wishes so that I wouldn't interrupt), for the first time ever, he didn't answer the phone, the kids did. He didn't even get on to say Happy New Year...wow...that leash is a tight one. I guess he had to go with his story that we don't talk or something. I wonder what she would do if she knew the truth? I wonder just exactly what does he tell her and what did he tell her in the first place. I dislike him more all the time. Not a nice person. The kids told me the next day that they were racing there cars, going in front of each other (on New Year's Eve!!!), then when they came to a stop, he bumped into the back of her as a joke. How old are they...16? Again I had to say something to him. "We weren't going fast". I said I realize that but you have to think of it from their perspective. They were racing, their father says it's ok. I said they are going to do a lot of silly things as they grow up, they don't need their father telling them indirectly that this is acceptable road behavior. Why do I have to tell him that? I had a rough holiday season because I was really alone, it's really over and he's still with her and celebrating with our kids. I am officially replaced. However, I now feel like 2010 is over, I can get on with my life. I don't think of them as much. I started back to school and I am looking at new houses to see what I should do about moving. It is too irritating sharing a house with him with him not taking responsibility on anything for it. All so that my kids get to live in a great neighborhood but if I could move somewhere close by and reasonable it would be better for me. He wouldn't have a key. I have a handsome real estate guy (divorced father of a friend of the kids) :) looking into it for me. We're supposed to go for coffee:)
So that's it for my story...how was all of your holidays ladies. I hope you're feeling the growth that comes with this process.
Take care,
Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
Hi All,
It has been a while since I posted on this site. Just to recap quickly, my husband walked out on me and my 2 kids on March 21st of 2010. I was totally blindsided. He is/was suffering from clinical depression and self medicating with alcohol. Blamed me for how he was feeling, etc.
He forced me to give him a big financial settlement and I got the house. We live in Northern Europe. He threatened that he would never let me leave the country.
I had a trip to the US scheduled for the summer. I took the kids, left as scheduled and never went back. (I am leaving out alot of details).
On Thursday this week, we will have been here in CA 6 months, at which time my kids become habitual residents.
He is mad, to say the least. He has filed a Hague case against me. The police were her last week saying if we don't work this out, they will take the kids and put them in foster care until we agree how to split custody.
To top that off, I found out yesterday that he has a girlfriend. It has only been a few weeks, but still. I can see the emails they send and it makes me sick to my stomach.
He never calls the kids, never makes any effort. I keep thinking that this can't get any worse and it does. Every day it does.
I am going to court on Friday to change our separation papers to divorce. We have agreed now on the financial split, it is just the kids that need agreement. I want that decided in CA, not europe. It is so complicated.
I just can't see the light.
I left Europe with 4 suitcases. That is all I have. I own a house there that is sitting empty. I am living with my parents.
He just arrived in South America where he will be sitting on the beach for the next 4 weeks. Shows you how worried he is about all of this.
I will begin my negotiation with him on Friday after court (that he will miss....). I need some positive thoughts. I guess we all do.
I haven't posted in about 6 months, but if you go back and look, I used to sign my posts at Sunshine.
(new name)
I'm afraid I was not here when you last were on this site, but I am very pleased to meet you. I read back over the old posts and can see what all you have had to deal with this last year. Doesn't it feel in some ways that it has been much more than just 10 months or so since everything blew up in the family--and in other ways, it probably feels like it has all gone so fast.
I'm glad you were able to get home with your children. I'm sure it has to feel hard, though, when you are split between two continents. Are you still working and financially able to take care of yourself and your kids? So very complicated and it sounds as if your husband is not helping make the situation any better...but then why would he want to do that? His emotional suffering will hopefully ease some as he sits on those beaches in South America for the next 4 weeks (is it too early to be this sarcastic?).
I wish you the best of luck this week and will be sending you positive thoughts that your legal dealings will go in your favor this week and just help you get back to a point where you can get this behind you and start living a more normal life with your children. Do you think you will be staying here in the United States or do you have a desire to return to Northern Europe? Just out of curiosity, has your husband come to see the children in the last 6 months since you've been with your parents? You are right--very complicated--but it sounds as if you have done remarkably well taking charge of everything and doing what you need to do in order to make sure that you and your children are taken care of.
Sending positive thoughts your way. Let us know how it goes this week when you have time, ok?
So nice to meet you--
Dear Happy Mom,
Is there anybody at all out there who can say that 2010 was the best year of their lives? Like you, I was more than ready to see that minute hand go past midnight and into the new year.
I'm sorry that you had a rough holiday. Would you ever have imagined your husband doing the things he is doing now? He does sound like he has lost a few decades maturity over the months--your estimate of age 16 sounds about right other than I know a lot of 16 year olds who don't act that way and if they did, they have a reason--they are 16, for goodness sake, not a grown man who feels the need to relate to people not yet old enough to vote. Do you ever see little glimpses of the adult man you used to know? If you are like me, those little glimpses sometimes makes it even harder because you can see parts of him still inside and wonder why he is suppressing the wonderful man he used to be for somebody that even he wouldn't have approved of a year or two ago. What happened? Can this all be mid-life crisis? I'm not sure we will ever know, but I do look forward to the day (and I truly believe it will come) when they shake their heads, open their eyes, and just cannot believe they ever did what they did to the only people in this entire world who loved them for what they were at that time, who would have been there forever. It sounds petty, but I want to be there when that happens. The interesting part? When that happens, we will probably be the people they come to for comfort and understanding. The even more interesting part? We will probably try to comfort them--even though by that time it will be too late for them to ever be trusted in the same way by us again--but we will still do our best to understand and try to help them find their ways back to the people they used to be. I actually feel sort of bad for my husband in some ways because I can see so clearly that his life has not improved, that all of his actions are doing nothing but sabotauging the person he really wanted to be inside all of these years--and he is blind to the harm he is doing to himself (and to me and our son). But I can see it and am doing what I need to do to move on with my child and make a positive life for us...but he, at least at the moment, is going backwards in his life.
You did absolutely great being assertive in your situation. You stood up and said what you would and would not accept, and your husband backed down. You did exactly the right thing in your discussions! I know it had to be a painful holiday for you feeling alone, and even though you tell yourself you are not really alone, it sure feels that way sometimes, doesn't it?
You are taking really positive steps already this new year--yay for you!!! Going back to school is a wonderful start--what kinds of classes/program are you taking? Looking for that new house too can be exciting. I know it may be bittersweet to leave the old house, but think how nice it will be to have a house that is totally your own where you don't have to constantly be reminded of things you'd rather not remember. Enjoy the time with that handsome real estate agent too--be sure to let him buy the coffee! :)
You are doing absolutely fantastic! Those little emotional setbacks are still there for all of us, but look how far you have come in your attitude and assertiveness with your husband. You should be very proud of yourself for picking up the pieces and moving forward in steps that are nothing but positive for you and your kids. I'm so impressed by all that you have been through and how you continue to hold your head up high and weather through those tough times. You are already remarkable, but you are going to emerge from this emotional storm with your integrity still intact, a much stronger person than you probably ever thought you could be. Way to go, Happy Mom--keep hanging in there and moving forward. You are doing great!
Much love,
Thanks for your post.
I hope to be able to stay in the US. If he fights me through the Hague Convention, I will lose and probably be forced to go back.
I am still working. I have been able to keep my European job and work out of my house in California. I am very lucky that my boss has given me some flexibility. I have been back to Europe twice and have to go again in a few weeks. Every time I cross a border, I am afraid I will be put in jail. It is awful.
For those of you out there who's husbands are now with someone else...ugh...how do you deal? I have access to his emails (don't ask...) and can see what they say to eachother and I now feel obsessed with logging in and looking and reading and getting mad. I just think..who is this guy? She is French and has a kid the same age as ours. So, he wants to be a father so someone elses' kid and not his own two.
I feel like it couldn't get any worse and every day it seems to.
He hasn't given me a dime to pay for anything for the kids. I asked him to split the cost of our son's birthday party (125 dollars) and he wouldn't do it.
I am trying to get a custody decision here in California. After Friday, we will have been here 6 months, which is a miracle. He could have forced me back months ago...he is too cheap to pay for a lawyer.
I am hoping for a nice judge on Friday. Family court is awful. If you don't have to go...don't do it.
Hi ... Cathy here ... Nancy and Happy Mom you are making such progress and I know how difficult it is to move on. One of the best things I did was find a new place to live ... it's simple ... affordable and mine ... nothing here of him ... don't even find the odd sock anymore ... I too have moments when I look back and say ... where did he go ... who is this person ... the thoughts don't come into my head as much but when they do ... it hurts... I am thinking about getting involved in some volunteer work ... still in the process of looking at options ... I need to keep myself active and not let him live rent free in my head ... he had 31 years and enough ... Like the rest of you am glad to see 2010 go ... yahooo!
Still waiting for ruling from the courts on support ... but all in all the judge was very fair and I came out with my integrity intact ... not so for the dark side so to speak ... but even a judge can't change the law.
Sunshine / Poppy I remember you ... I am so sad that you are going through all this... I don't know about international law but you have what sounds like a good lawyer ... Someone once said to me when I couldn't see my way out of a mess this ... Cathy ... how do you eat an elephant? ... answer ... one bite at a time ... Just keep breathing ... the fact that he hasn't communicated with the kids and the fact that he went to South America on vacation and made no effort to see his kids will not sit well I'm sure ... you know he is using the kids as pawns to hurt you ... as usual the kids are on the bottom of the list of priorities ...
I will say extra prayers for you ... they have kept me sane over the past 17 - 18 months...
Keep us posted and don't forget that we care ...
Love to all ... Cathy
Hi Poppy,
I remember you and had wondered how everything was going for you. I am glad to hear that you went back home...better for you and therefore better for the kids. I hope you are able to stay by law. As for custody issues I am not sure of the rules in the U.S. but here in Canada they tend to follow what the kids have been doing in the last six months. They usually don't want to change their routine. The fact that he hasn't visited them yet can afford to get himself to South America shows them that he hasn't made the kids a priority and it shows you he isn't serious about custody. As well, he says he has a girlfriend now but he probably did from the beginning. It all follows a pattern. His behavior from the start was evidence of this. In Canada this wouldn't make a difference. They just call it "irreconcilable differences", which is an insult as far as I'm concerned. In the U.S. I think it holds more weight in making judgements in court. You say you can see their e-mails, can you access anything from before, either on the computer or text messages? Even her number on past phone records may help. That you should be able to find out. As for him being with someone else and you feeling obssessed...oh my God...yes. I go to bed thinking of it. I wake up thinking of it. For a while I used to picture it in my head. I don't do it so much anymore but I do try to figure out how their relationship is. He seems to be so head over heels and "commited" to her. She holds sway over everything with him. He used to be his own person and now he puts her before his kids. He is on a tight leash with her which has never been his character. I keep thinking she must be prettier than I remember or smarter. In my head I picture her prettier and sweeter than the street squiggy girl that I remember. My oldest son knows her and says, "Mommy, he's made a very big mistake". "When you're with someone a long time sometimes it gets a bit tired...THAT is going to get tired real fast". So even though he is with someone that everyone is shaking their heads about, it still hurts, he's still with her, and he will probably marry her which in my mind is insulting because how could he think that she warrants my title. I also have to deal with my own ego. I feel that she won. She won my husband and is now trying to win over my kids in an unfair manner (they don't know what she did). However, in saying she won my husband I ask, "just what has she won"? He was particularly deceptive, disloyal , and disrespectful to his mate of 18 years and the mother of his children. She shouldn't want him. On the other hand I am always moving forward and trying not to stay stuck looking back. I have a much more active social life now then before and have begun to be interested in other men. i enjoy my time with the kids and a little free time to myself when they are with him.
Poppy it will all work out the way it is supposed to. I hope you get this whole issue of living in the U.S. by sorted to liking. He broke up the family. Why should he get to decide anything where the children are concerned? Once it is all settled you will be able to relax and start healing. I wish you well,
Take care,
Happy Mom
Happy Mom,
Thanks for you post.
I am still struggling with the strange 'need' to check his email and see what he is saying to his new GF. It is like being addicted to a drug or something.
I also struggle because I still can't answer the question as to why he left and walked out on me and the kids. He just said he was unhappy. In therapy, he said it was all my fault. I am like 'what is my fault?? What did I do?' And, he says nothing. Just walks out of the room.
I am preparing for court on Friday with my lawyer. I have filed for legal separation in Californi, now that we have been here for 6 months, I can file for divorce. So, I will change my paperwork to divorce and ask the court to grant it with 'time served' so that I don't have to wait another 6 months. Then, I will ask that custody be decided here in CA.
I continue to have the Hague hanging over my head. It is very serious. The police that came to my house said that they have the authority to take the kids away and put them in foster care.
My husband doesn't know it, but I got him to sign 2 papers saying that he wants custody decided here in CA. (he thought he was signing something else. I even had him notarize it). I will file those papers on Friday as well.
I don't think I mentioned this,but he did come to visit the kids here just after Thanksgiving. He stayed in a hotel. I was with the kids the whole time, so we did all activities together. I would ask 'what do you want to do?' he would say 'I don't know'. hello. So, I ended up planning all 6 days worth of fun for the kids, organizing meals, etc. Men are seriously retarded. All of them.
I am also fighting a case in Swedish court where he has asked for temporary full custody until we are divorced and final custody can be decided. So, 3 court battles at the same time in 2 countries.
I have been able to keep my job, but it is a European job, so I get up at 4 am and work until noon every day. Needless to say, I am always exhausted. I have to time for friends, no time for exercise...I seem to have lots of time for stress.
Thanks for the support. I wish you all well.
Good morning, Ladies--
Poppy, I am sorry you are fighting those 3 battles all at the same time. You certainly have reason to be stressed with everything going on and, worst of all, you didn't ask for ANY of it. You were just going along being the wife, mother, friend, and your husband--for whatever reasons of his own that he doesn't want to share--decided to blow your whole life out of the water. What the heck! I'm with you there. I never got an explanation other than "My feelings have changed and I'm not happy." Like that's good enough for me? Mine wouldn't even go to a therapist with me--just basically accept that it is over and move on with your life like I have is the message I got. I had to chuckle when I read your remark about all men and their intellectual abilities (yes, I'm putting that nicely). You started my day off with a good laugh!
Hang in there, Poppy! This is going to work out and, unlike him, you have thought this out and made some definite steps to take care of yourself and your children when it comes to court papers. You will definitely have all of our thoughts and prayers with you tomorrow. Please let us know what happens. (By the way, I'm not familiar with a Hague case--something to do with taking children out of the country??? Do your children have dual citizenship?)
Happy Mom, you have come so far. You don't see it, but you really are an inspiration to everyone. I admire how well you are handling things, although I know having to deal with the bizarre relationship your husband and his grunge groupie have has to eat at you. It's perfectly understandable why you feel like she has won, but you are also exactly right--she got the boobie prize, so to speak. The problem is that you remember when he really WAS the wonderful man, the grand prize and it's hard to think that person isn't still in there somewhere and may one day come back out. I try to figure out which ones are the real men--the loving ones they were when we were married to them or the self-absorbed, insensitive men they are now. We surely couldn't have all been blind to their real personalities, so they had to have changed...and if they could have changed so quickly, will they change back? I could drive myself crazy thinking about that so I try to let those thoughts go, but they still seem to hang around the corners of my mind.
Cathy, welcome home and know that we are with you as you wait for the decision from the court. Even as unfair as it seems that you have to give him ANY money, at least you feel good that you had a fair judge. That has to make a difference. I bet he hated making that ruling as much as you hated hearing it. True justice: what goes around comes around! Better watch out, husbands!
Off to school soon--one hour delay because of snow--but if I don't get up and moving, I'll lose all motivation (and that's not far off).
Have a good day, ladies. My thoughts will be with all of you today!
A Hague Convention case is in regard to Internation Child Abduction. Very serious. My husband claims that since I didn't return to the children's country of residence after our summer vacation, I abducted them and they should be returned ASAP. The Hauge really only decided where custody should be decided, not how custody is determined. But, if custody is determined in Sweden, the Swedish courts will make me go back and live there, which I don't want to do.
Update from court today: It all went well. I only needed to file some papers and a judgement. The judge signed everything. What is means is:
1. Husband did not show up, good for me
2. I can now file for divorce in CA (I have been here 6 months, meeting the requirement)
3. Our financial settlement is now done and dusted and he can't get another dime from me
4. CA has the authority to dictate and decide on custody and child support, good for me (in Sweden, I can only get like $300 from him, in the CA is is more like $1200 a month, and I can ask for 'back' support from the date we separated. He has no idea.
The asshole who forced me to pay him all that money will just be giving it back :) He thought he was so smart....
I haven't 'won' anything. I continue to build my case and will hope to agree on custody issues out of court.
Family court is so awful.
I am trying to convince myself that his new girlfriend is a gift for me from above...keeping him busy between the sheets while I manage the international courts.
Glad today is over. This is all so hard. And, I never wanted any of it.
The next step for me is to try to get him to drop the Hague case. I will let you know...
Poppy, it sounds like everything went as well as it could at this point in your case. I'm glad you had such positive results, and I'm sure that in the end you will find yourself and your children enjoying that California weather for as long as you like!
Cathy and Happy Mom, I am so tired today---mentally, physically, emotionally. Happy Mom, I don't know how you do it with 3 children. I love my son so much, and I wouldn't trade places with my husband for anything, but being a full-time single parent with no support or desire from my husband to help me out, has worn me down today. He has been trying to make me feel guilty because my lawyer is working slowly on the changes to the divorce papers my husband initiated in late November. They are still not done--which doesn't really matter to me--but my husband keeps telling me how down he is that the bank won't give him a loan because my name would have to be on it since we are still legally married--then says he doesn't think my lawyer is doing anything. I understand his desperation since he has 45 days left on his lease and nowhere to go--and his apartment really is in a bad area--but the words he says and the message my mind hears are a little different. My mind hears him saying that he can't wait to be done with me and wants to know why it is taking so long. He is so insensitive and cold--doesn't answer text messages if he doesn't feel like it and then cuts me off if he's tired of the conversation, leaving me hanging without any kind of closure, I guess. I feel just so tired today and need some time to myself and I told him that when he texted to ask something and you know what his reply was? He totally ignored my comment and just replied, "I'm tired too and don't feel well." I asked if he needed anything and he said he's just had a busy day and needed to go home and rest in peace and quiet and he'd probably feel better. It was all about him--he didn't ask anything about me at all. I had hoped he might pick up our child for just an hour or two and give me a few minutes to myself to go to the gym or just have some alone time and he cut me off and said, "Have a good night. I'm going home to rest." How self-centered and insensitive. I kind of feel like a dishrag that has been wrung one too many times today. Again, it's not that I don't want my son with me...I just feel so tired at the moment of being on-call 24 hours a day with nobody to relieve me. Do you ever feel like that? He may have found a trailer to rent in the next county where he works, but that puts him at least 45-60 minutes away from my son. As it is, he only wants to see him a couple of hours a week (if he's not tired)...so how will this help? My child is going to lose even more contact with his father and my husband doesn't seem to see it as a problem. What kind of man brags about being a good father and then doesn't spend any time with his son? He's leading a double life--wanting to be respected and admired by everyone, but treating me with indifference and rudeness in private and not spending much time with his son. Anybody want to pack up and go to a private beach for a vacation with me where we can be waited on, pampered, and treated kindly?
Mentally tired and feeling a bit down--
Did you say beach? :) ok I'm in...
Even though I have three kids, the two younger ones go with their dad two suppers a week and one overnight so i feel like I have more time to myself than I had in 17 years. However, I miss them as soon as they leave the door. It is rough to deal 24/7 with no break and excuse me but he is acting like a self-centered dick like they all do. The insensitivity and lack of any concern or empathy for you is typical of these men. I'm sure your deflated feeling is brought on primarily from anger. How could he do this? How could he not care? and when it starts falling on the kids, in my opinion, is when the anger really starts to set in. We try to protect our kids from bad things then their own father trades in their mother and chooses a life away from them. My older son doesn't go with them very often. Maybe once every two weeks for a quick supper. He's already figured out his father's priority. I never had to deal with that growing up. My parents were married for 35 years until my mother's death. I can't imagine what they are going through. The way I deal with it is I tell myself that this is all of our lives. The way our life is supposed to go for whatever reason. I didn't choose it, he did. I didn't have a say. So I deal with what is, instead of thinking I wish it was like this. Of course I fall back to that but then try to catch myself. I also have learned the hard way to not expect anything from him. In fact, if he should be doing something one way expect that he will do it the other and expect the worse. It has been my worse nightmare...him going away on vacation with her on what would have been our anniversary or bringing her to an awards ceremony where he got an award for a movie he made that I helped him with, to replacing me at the table of his family. Finally, celebrating the new year with the kids and her like a happy family. It hurts so badly and the anger is unbearable. This is what causes the depression or low feelings. On the other hand what can he do now that will hurt me...get married?... I couldn't take it seriously and good luck to both of them having to live with each other...have a baby?... again good luck. There isn't anything now. I don't give a hoot about his miserable, self-centered, lying self. He just had an small operation for one of his sports injuries. I couldn't care less. The only thing I cared about was that he didn't let me know exactly how that day was going to go and didn't keep me posted (probably couldn't call in front of her and has to keep painting that picture) so I had all my family and his family over for my oldest sons birthday (turned 17) and the kids kept asking...when is daddy getting here? right in front of his mother. I couldn't answer because I didn't know. Of course he was still groggy and that's what I told them I said if he isn't here, it is because he isn't able to drive yet. He calls a 7 at night and says he'll be coming soon to my son not to me. 10 o'clock he shows up to say good night. Everyone had gone home. My daughter had spent the las 45 minutes crying for her daddy. My middle son was concerned that he was in an accident. He shows up having been driven by her, stays for an hour and then she picks him up. So he probably didn't call and speak to me and explain properly, because she was there. i just can't take that type of relationship seriously. They are like teenagers.
Anyway I have to go for now but will write more later.
Happy Mom
My husband put the same pressure on me. He couldn't buy a new house until I 'let him go', but for us, all we needed was a financial separation. I felt the same way as you. That all he wanted to do was get away from me.
I finally realized that I didn't have a choice. I had to give him alot of money, too. So, not only did I take over the loans on our house, but I had to take an extra loan to pay him off. It was so awful. I felt helpless. And, mad.
I put it off as long as possible, just to piss him off. He ended up being homeless for 4 months, couch surfing. I loved every day of that. But, he finally got his money.
He also was no help to me with my 2 kids. When he was around, he was drunk. It was awful.
That is why I didn't go back. Now, who knows if my kids will ever even have any kind of relationship with him. He never calls them.
It sounds to me like you still worry about your husband and want to take care of him and fix his problems. I would say, try to let him go.
My therapist told me that I could 'guilt' my husband into staying with me and the kids, but that neither of us would ever be happy. She was right. He didn't want me, he no longer wanted our family....I had to let him go.
Good luck. We all have bad days...and, really bad days. I hope today is better:)
I'm glad you got some or issues cleared up and I hope the whole hague thing is put to rest soon so that you can rest easy. I think you are right in thinking that you are better off if your ex is distracted. We all are in a way. They aren't thinking because of it. They are just running and avoiding. Nancy and Poppy I know how you feel when you say that they are rushing you. When I first pushed my ex out, it took me 4 - 6 weeks. He didn't want to rush "things" but he sure felt like he couldn't get away from me fast enough. Funny up until I'd say 5 or 6 months before that, we did everything together. Made plans as a family (for 18 years). Plans for the future, renovations, etc. It's not lie we lead separate lives. It was just that last few months that I noticed something different. All of a sudden I felt like he was comparing me and I didn't like what side I was falling on. I had become the other woman and still am. So insulting to the mother of his children.
You should look up Mid Life Crisis for Dummies. It's worth a read. It's so true and you'll have a good laugh. It brings up everything that we've been through. As they say it is like our ex's have been abducted and brainwashed to spit out the same rhetoric like empty headed puppets. Mine is forever mad at me for what I don't know. I guess it makes him feel better somehow.
I wish you ladies peace and strength with your daily and sometimes hourly struggles. We are getting through and will be better off down the road.
Take Care,
Happy Mom
Here is the link for Mid Life Crisis for Dummies. It's the long version.
Hello ladies--
Happy Mom, thanks for sending the Mid Life Crisis for Dummies site. It was definitely good for a laugh and I found myself chuckling and nodding on almost every section of it. It is so easy to picture these men hiding in the bathroom with the rule book and memorizing what they need to say or do next, then rubbing their hands together in glee at just how smart they are. Too funny! It certainly puts a new spin on it all for me.
Thanks to you and Poppy both for your words of encouragement and understanding the past couple of days. My really bad day is over and has been replaced with irritation again at my husband's indifference and unwillingness to just talk. I don't even want him back at this point, but I would appreciate a little bit of politeness to just reply to a message instead of ignoring it if he doesn't feel like replying. Miss Manners would be appalled!
Last night, he came over to watch C while I went to my divorce support group. While I was gone, he cleared out the last of his clothing, left his house key and car key, as well as his debit card for our joint account on the kitchen countertop. I wasn't necessarily sad, but it did feel kind of like a door was closing that he did that while I was gone and without me asking him to. Odd thing is that he now always seems to be down, tired, or sick--hello depression! If there even is another woman in the picture, she must not be making him happy because he has become somewhat haggard looking. His mood gets worse as mine gets better. When I was crying and desperate, he was in control and said that he had made a new life for himself. Now that I'm on board with everything, he seems depressed. I'm thinking his new life is not as wonderful and easy as he thought it was going to be. He just took one set of marital problems (that only he knew about) and replaced them with a new set of problems but nobody to help him through them. Poppy, I do care about him and would like to help him--to a certain extent--because he seems very depressed--but not to the point where I'm doing anything for him. He needs to learn to get through this on his own and realize that he's getting exactly what he wanted but maybe it isn't as great right now as he thought it would be. On the other hand, C and I are actually doing pretty well most days and beginning to look forward to moving on and doing fun things without the moody one killing the joy.
I hope you both are having a good start to your weeks too. Happy Mom, such a weird thing he did by showing up so late--he really does sound like he has a teenage relationship with her. Can you imagine just how dissatisfied he will be eventually with her--or her with him? By then, you will have moved on and healed and he will still be wondering why nobody understands him and what he needs. Poppy, same situation applies to you--he's living the high life now and thinks he has it all, but eventually that will crash too and he'll really start mourning for what he once had and what he so casually gave up. You are both very strong women who are doing everything just right!! Keep hanging in there. Happy Mom, is your husband an independent film maker? Hope your name was plastered in the credits of the movie he got an award for--you deserve it after all of your hard work!
Take care--talk to you all later!
The kids father (former husband) wrote a script, got the movie made, directed it and acted in it. The award was best actor in a movie in our city only. The thing is he wrote that script years ago. He rewrote it over and over depending on who was thinking of producing it. We used to talk it over all the time. I convinced him to leaving the ending the way it was in the beginning. For years we talked about it. Finally, a friend put up the money. It was a shoe string budget. He did very well. He had built a good reputation in the industry and was well liked so a lot of people helped out. The movie turned out very well especially since it was a directorial debut. He sat in on the casting and would bring home the dvds every night to go over with me. He did the same with the musical score. I helped him choose the cast. Btw, his sister who'd taken script writing also helped with rewrites. His son was also invited to the awards ceremony. He filmed it long before he even met his affair partner. Such lack of appreciation. However, I do remember that when I heard people give speeches on tv, I would wonder what he would say, if anything, about me. I knew he didn't appreciate me as he should but I never dreamed it was to this extent. What a an imbecile for not realizing what I was to him! Everyone else did. I realize he's like that about everyone though. Even though I am the mother of his children, I'm lowest on the scale and she's at the top. Who'd have thought it would be her? If you met her you'd see what I mean. This whole thing is so far from what I thought his character was like, right down to the constant time constraint he has on him. I don't know if that is him or her. It's all so weird that I still feel like it is a dream. Another thing he said on New Year's Eve when I was saying that I don't want them to bring in the new year with her, is "don't make me choose". Since when did NYE ever make a difference to him anyway. Would it be a choice? Who would he choose? I think I know the answer. That is another insulting thing, that he is so head over heels that he puts her before everything and everyone. He wasn't like that with me. For most of our years we were very balanced. We loved each other very much and were very in sync. I do feel that his new relationship isn't a healthy one because of the obsessive nature and the deception by both of them but maybe she is the love of his life that he seems to think she is.
Happy Mom
I quite agree with you, Happy Mom--that relationship does not sound healthy at all. He may be obsessed now, but can you really see that obsession lasting indefinitely? One of these days he's going to wake up and wonder who he has become and why he has let this type of woman have such control over not only what he thinks and how he acts, but how he treats his children and the mother of those children. Either that or she will get tired and decide to move on to somebody else who can give her more of a challenge and then he will be crushed that somebody could ever treat him with such disrespect. You know there is no way they can trust each other down deep--they are both cheaters and they know it, but they choose to tell each other that they are soulmates and so it's okay to treat everybody else involved any way they need to in order for them to be together. One word: karma! It will happen--I have never seen it not happen eventually. Life has a way of evening out the unfairness in this world.
It sounds like the two of you had a great time pulling the movie together over the years. You're exactly right that it is so unfair that she was sitting at the ceremony like she had anything to do with it--but remember that she (and he) knows exactly who it was that was the support at home behind this project--and everyone else involved knows it too. He knows deep in his soul that he is treating you terribly and dishonoring not only you but the man he really is/was inside--that's why he is so angry with you about one thing or another all the time. I bet the guilt he tries to keep at bay is always in the back of his mind each time he sees you or his children, even if he doesn't realize it. You can't do that to an entire family and not have some kind of guilt and know that you were raised to be better than that...but he just doesn't care at the moment because he is in that self-centered mode. She will leave him one of these days if he doesn't wake up first.
I want to see this lady. If she is even close to the picture I have in my mind, even I would be going "you're kidding...right?" and I don't even know your husband other than through your words. You need to have your son sneak a picture of her on his cell phone and then e-mail it to me so I can see. Okay, so I'll just let my imagination go with it...
What is the difference in their ages? I can't say much because I am 6 years older than my husband--and about 20 years more mature.
I can't believe that she is the love of his life. Sounds like something he says to hurt you and make your relationship in his mind less than what it really was--a way to justify to himself why he left.
In the long run, you can take comfort in knowing that you can hold your head up high and look people in the eyes and you have nothing to be ashamed of. People will respect you even more now for the way you have been so strong for your children--and their respect will take a nosedive for him, if there is any left there anyway.
By the way, like your parents, mine were married for life--until my dad died in October. They were married in 1955, so celebrated 55 years together. My husband's mother was married 4 or 5 times, his father 2 times...my husband had even been married from ages 20-28 himself (but was overseas with the military the majority of their marriage so not sure how much time they actually spent together). His example is that if it doesn't work out, you throw it away and try again...no big deal.
You're absolutely great! I'll have to look into that beach vacation one of these days for all of us ladies here--bring the kids--we'll have a great time!
PS Is your divorce final now? I know you said at one time you had to wait until January 1st to make it a full year since he left. Where does that stand?
Btw, do you remember what I said about him, that he always leaves at a certain time like clock work. Well it was 9 o'clock pm when I read your last post. He was here to see the kids. He had been here since 8. I'm thinking ok the kids are still up, he'll stay until they are in bed or at least stay with the older son who he never sees. Nope, a late 9:06 tonight he's out the door, kids asking where he is going. However, it is a record for him.
About the marriages of your ex's parents, my ex's father left his mother suddenly, after 30 years of marriage. They worked at the same hospital and the father started an affair with a woman who shared an office with his mother. No one saw it coming. We were married 2 years at that point and I remember thinking oh, oh, because I know it sets a precedent. My ex was horrified. He was happy go lucky until that point more like his dad. After that he considered his dad weak and his mother the one with discipline. He started relating more to her character. Between that, a sports injury that ended his fighting career and the rollercoaster that is the entertainment field, he ended up becoming critical and judgemental very much like his mother. His dad became caught up in his new life( married a different person) and moved back to Spain, rarely seeing my ex. He used that absence in his acting. There was this mutual woman friend of ours that he used to run with. When I knew he was having an affair, I suspected her. When everything came out I realized he wasn't calling her either. When I told her that he said he had been miserable for 8 years she said "I don't buy it for a second". She said that when she was going through her divorce just 2 years before they used to talk all the time and he always spoke as though he loved being married and that he was happy, that he was appalled at what his father had done. Now he says he understands.
As far as our ages, I am 3 years older than him, 15 years older than her:(:(:(. So he's 44 and she's 32 and acts like a teenager. So strange because he's always liked older women, usually his age or a little older.
On the subject of our divorce, yes it is supposed to be possible as of January 1 2011, however, if I don't make the mediator appointment, it doesn't get made. So far we've only had 2. One in July and one in December. He even called me to know the address. He seems right into getting it done and there is no recourse so I don't see why I have to be the one to take the initiative all the time. I don't know if it's just indifference or avoidance as usual on his part or that he won't have to take responsibility for the divorce this way. Sometimes I want to get it over with because I know it will be better for me. On the other hand as long as all the finances are in order why not let him finish what he started? I think that's what I'll do. He started it, let him be responsible in his own head for ending it. My counselor says he makes a mess and expects me to clean it up. I'll let him clean it up. He can tell me when the next meeting is.
The beach with the kids sounds great. Where are you close to?
Happy Mom
That's really odd how your ex's father left his wife after so many years and then he did the exact same thing to you. It's sort of like he felt he had permission to think that way since his father did it too. A disposable society. I just can't understand that way of thinking. It seems to me that it is such a shallow and immature way to think. What happened to honor and integrity and not giving up so quickly without trying everything else first? What happened to believing in your vows and honoring them even when times get tough? You don't just throw vows away like they never mattered. People who do that certainly show their true character to the rest of the world. I'm not even saying that divorce is always a bad thing and that all marriages are meant to last forever...but the situations here are very different. It wasn't a matter of it not working out, it was a matter of the men dishonoring their wives and the promises they made in order to concentrate on themselves to the total exclusion of their families. My respect for my husband is non-existent now...and if anybody had told me even 6 months ago that I would say that, I wouldn't have believed them. Funny how life changes so fast, isn't it? The good news, the way I see it, is that if life can change for the worst that quickly, who is to say that it cannot also change for the better just as fast? I think my optimism is trying to return...it has been buried way too long.
I'm afraid, Happy Mom, that I live nowhere close to the type of beach I am thinking about. We have a lot of lakes around here, but nothing quite as grand as the gulf or ocean beach. I'm in northern Kentucky. How about you? I know Canada, but care to narrow it down a little? Any good beaches up there? Poppy--California, right? My mother is there in the Los Angeles/Canoga Park area visiting her sister right now. Cathy is a fellow Canadian too, if I remember right, but not sure what part. So many women from all over the world with so many things in common. It truly is a small world, isn't it?
Take care of yourselves this week, ladies. You are all so very special and deserve the best life has to offer--and it has a LOT to offer. Can't wait to see where it leads all of us.
Good night!
I'm in Quebec. Colleen in is in South Africa. Misty...where are you from?
Another little funny... My exes father as I said had an affair after 30 years. I called its demise. She ended it just a couple of months after he moved out. The next day he called his cousin in Spain who he loved many years ago but couldn't marry. They've been married since. Just last Christmas when my whole thing had blown up, his father and wife sent a "Christmas card" to my ex, his sister, and mother. It was a picture with the father and his cousin/wife when they were 10 standing on a rock holding hands and another picture this many years later standing on the same rock. Appalling!... that he sent that to his family. More appalling is that he doesn't understand why my ex's mother is so mad. The other strange thing is that my ex can see the absurdity of his father's actions...talks about how ridiculous he is... and yet doesn't see himself at all. I couldn't listen to him. Then again at that point he was still making Tiger Woods jokes. I wanted to do what Elin did :) I just said "that's the height of insensitivity" and I stopped the conversation. You know, I always thought his family was so good because they are smart and accomplished. I now see them as extremely shallow, lacking morals, and dysfunctional.
Happy Mom
Good morning--
I need some advice, ladies, if you don't mind.
My husband has basically just stopped communicating with me in any form--text, e-mail, phone--haven't heard a word from him since last weekend. That's actually okay with me, as I know the games he plays with me.
Here's my worry, though. The one thing that has always been important to him is his son. No matter what happened with us, C was always #1 in his mind. He texts him every morning on our way to school and calls him without fail every night between 8:30-9:00 to say goodnight and ask about his day. He spends time with him in person, mainly on the weekends, but always looks forward to their time together. Recently, however, the time he wants to spend with our son has decreased to hardly anything at all. Last week he told me he didn't think he'd be able to see him at all. He did finally spend a couple of hours with him on Sunday only because I had a meeting and asked him to please watch him for me. While he was here at the house, though, he let C stay in one room playing video games, while he stayed in a different room packing up some things or doing whatever--there was no interaction between the two of them.
Yesterday, he texted a total of 15 words in the morning--good morning, have a good day--that's it. Tonight, it was a total of 20 seconds between the time C answered the phone to the time he hung up. From what I could hear on my end, my husband asked him if he thought it would snow and then said good night. C hung up and had a look on his face. I just looked at him and said something about that must have been a record conversation and he just said, "It's okay. I didn't want to talk anyway. Dad said he took a pill and it made him really tired so he's going to bed now." C was disappointed but kept saying he didn't care. Why would my husband even bother calling our 10-year old to just say he took a Tylenol PM and needed to sleep? He asked him absolutely nothing personal, didn't ask how he was, didn't want to know anything. Likewise, C no longer wants to tell him anything. I could tell he was sad, but he put on his happy mask and said he didn't care. I didn't want to push it that late, but just let him stay up 15 extra minutes so he could tell me in detail about all the drawings he had made at school and all of the things coming up. He then asked to sleep in my bed, so I tucked him in, gave him the extra hugs he kept wanting, and let the cat curl up beside him.
Why would a husband and father all of a sudden start to ignore the one person in his entire life that actually does love him unconditionally? Do I just let it be for the moment and give C extra love and attention? I think I will e-mail his school counselor and teacher and let them know what's going on--at least some sketchy details--but should I push the issue beyond that? I'm afraid if I push it with my husband that he will spend time with him, but he'll resent it. I'd rather him not be around at all if it's obvious to C that he doesn't want to be there. I think my husband is really depressed--more than usual---his self-centeredness is taking precedence over the needs of our own child for the first time and it sort of worries me a little--but my husband will not talk to me in any manner right now. I have to look out for my son first, but any advice on the best thing to do here? He's gone from having a father who is there for EVERY event, every party, every homework problem that is tough, rough-housing in the evenings before bed, playing games, tossing a football--to 15 texted words in the morning and a 20 second conversation about being sleepy in the evenings. I can deal with my husband not wanting to talk to me--not sure how to deal with his withdrawal from our son.
Thanks for any suggestions.
There are many possibilities and only your husband knows for sure. What is the usual pattern is that if they haven't left completely in the beginning they do decrease the amount of contact as time goes on. My ex and I lived as a family for 16 years. First one child, later a second and a third. We were both in agreement. We were in agreement about the adoption and the house just 5 years ago now. Mine went to work or was with his family. I understand what you mean about yours being present in everything in your son's life. So was mine. He wasn't the type to go out with the boys, he saw the boys at his work. All this to say is he was a happy family man. He spent time with them and with me. I'm sure it wasn't my imagination. When this all blew up last November and I made him move, he was a doting father. he came in and made suppers 3 nights a week. He was in 4 mornings a week to prepare the kids and take them to school and he did the groceries. Too bad he didn't do that when we were together. I had so much free time. I had the free time that we had needed and no one to spend it with. It was to the point that a woman lawyer said to be careful that it might look like I can't take care of the kids. So I took back the groceries and suppers. I stayed in when he came over instead of running out all the time. By the summer time however, he had pulled back himself. Not coming for Canada day. Calling at 9 to say he wouldn't make the fire works. Not coming in the morning (because the kids weren't up yet) leaving even though my daughter was asking him to stay. When I talked to him about that he huffed and he puffed about "routine" and what not then he said exactly what I thought it was, "and besides it makes it hard for me to schedule anything". What he has to schedule after nine o'clock at night that can't wait 20 minutes or a half hour... you know...He even stopped picking up his oldest to take him to the gym and would make him take the bus. All focus on the new friend. She, for sure, put pressure on him to spend less time. He doesn't even know he's being manipulated, thinks she's got the children's best intrest at heart and is very supportive. I feel the opposite. So I don't know what your husband's situation is...is he seeing someone? if he is, you can be sure for now anyway that will take precedence. They detach more and more. If he is having a mid life crisis, he is not thinking about anyone but himself anyway. How old is he? What is his profession?
You can try making a schedule with him and explain to him that his son needs his father and that he should be able to expect at least one supper a week with his dad. At least then your son will have that and will know that he can expect that. Keep your son close and keep him talking. I explained to my eldest that we all have our strengths and our weaknesses and that hopefully he would take each of our strengths. My two younger ones sleep almost every night with me (along with our new BIG puppy). One big happy pack. My eldest would as well if could fit and if I would let him :) The puppy has been a good fit for our family. While she is a lot of work, she's brought so much love. I felt my middle guy could use someone to hug and believe me he walks around the house with her front paws around his neck and her back paws around his waist. The puppy loves the attention as much as the kids love to give it.
Try not to take anything your ex does as personal. That was and is the hardest for me. It isn't about you at all. They aren't thinking about us. They are barely thinking about the kids. They are self focused and any attempt to make them think outside of that is an annoyance to them. It's hard pushing back against all that guilt. Just leave him except that for that one promise to his son of one supper a week for quality time with his dad. See what happens.
The other thing is, wether he has a girlfriend or not, he does absolutely sound depressed. Here we have governmental social services where I can see a counselor and she helps me through the emotional part as well if I need help with the kids she is knowledgeable. She also knows family law and so she has given me some good advice. Someone like that might be able to give you some advice about your son as well as your husband and possible depression. If he is that depressed maybe it isn't good if your son is with him. A social worker would know.
If I think of anything else I will let you know.
Happy Mom
Hi Everyone,
Nancy - sounds like clinical depression. My husband did the same thing...then started self medicating with alcolol, so he was drunk or hungover all the time. (and, this was all my fault...) He needs therapy and medication, both of which he won't get.
As for me, I have now told my husband that the police were visiting me regarding the Hague case and that if we can't agree on custody, the kids will be removed into foster care (not totally true). Guess what...he didn't care. He said the police could take them. (kids are 4 and 7). Isn't that nice? I have seen emails to his family that he feels really confident now and that things are going his way and I deserve everything bad coming my way.
He said he would sign any kind of agreement as long as I return to Swe with the kids (I don't want to put the name of the country for fear of being googled, but you get it). And, I will not do that. So, I will wait for him to respond to the Swe custody case that I am trying to get thrown out.
I continue to read the emails between him and the new gf. She is so annoying. All he wants is sex. I have a feeling he will be done with her in no time.
My apartment (that he made me buy from him) is on the market. Open house next weekend. I hope to sell it. It would help my financial situation so much. He will just die when he finds out I sold it.
My Euro lawyer thinks I will still lose the Hague case if it goes to trial. My US lawyer thinks I will win. Luckily, it will be tried here in the US.
So, I continue to sit in limbo. I have to go to Europe next week for 2 weeks. He will arrive home the day before I leave to come back to the US. In his mailbox, he will find various court filings that I have made while he was drinkng beer on the beach. He is going to just die. (smile) So, my plan for now is to sit tight and wait for him to respond.
This is all so exhausting. I know it is for everyone.
That Hague issue must weigh heavy in your mind. When will you know for sure? This whole thing about using the kids I've read about in many articles and heard about from friends who have experienced it. It all goes hand in hand with the pattern. Before this happened to me I didn't know anything about this. I don't understand how these men do what they do and yet are so angry at the person that they do it against. To me it's not normal behaviour. They dishonour us and continue the insult with their anger and disrespect. Some of your husbands are visibly depressed and self medicating. Mine doesn't seem to be at all. He seems to be perfectly happy in his new life except for the odd dark look in his eyes. It comes and goes. Then again I didn't know he was so miserable before either right? As well his anger could be depression and he could be self medicating with her. That would be his choice of drug. Who knows. I am feeling a bit sad, mad, and hurt. I am mad and sad that he ruined our family. I am upset that I don't have my friend to wake up with, to talk to, and to go and do things with. I am hurt that after 18 years and knowing me so intimately that he chose somebody "better". He's done the worst thing possible. After the relationship that we had, how could he be so sure about her, especially her? Why does he get to do what he did and be happy and I loved him and was good to him and I am alone?
Happy Mom
I agree with Happy Mom that this Hague case hanging over your head has to be so stressful. I can't even imagine how you deal with this, but you seem to be doing so well with everything. I think that taking back control of the situation definitely gives you that burst of confidence that you are going to be okay. You are fighting on two different continents, and that has to be so trying sometimes. It does sound like you have thought ahead and you're going to be okay. I would think that as long as the Hague case is tried here in the United States, that there is no way you could lose and be forced to move back to Sw. with the children. I hope also that your apartment sells quickly and that will help you check one more thing off of the many that have to be on your mind. You are very strong and sound so self-assured. It's just so weird, isn't it? Did you EVER think you'd find yourself facing things like this in your lifetime? That's always the part that irritates me the most--this wasn't supposed to happen and none of us should have to spend this much time and emotions just trying to get back to a place where we feel normal again--happy and optimistic.
I'm sure he will be shocked to find out all that you have been doing while he's been basking in the sun. That says a lot about you. You're not sitting back just waiting for things to happen, but you are doing what you need to do in order to protect your children and yourself. I know that reading those e-mails has to be so difficult, and yet it is impossible to stop, isn't it? I'm sorry you are finding out things you should never have to deal with. It's like you need to know where things stand but it has to be so hurtful to you at the same time. Such a disrespectful way to treat you, even though you are now expecting that behavior. Keep staying strong--you are a remarkable person. Let us know how you are doing while in Europe, if you are able to. My thoughts will be with you!
Happy Mom,
You know the only thing I have been able to figure out when I try, like you, to understand how they have the gall to be angry and disrespectful to us after THEY were the ones who walked out without trying to fix anything is that they know down deep that we can see through their lies and know them better than anybody else. If they can convince themselves that they are justified in leaving, then maybe some of that guilt that has to be lurking in the corners of their minds and hearts will be minimized for them. They know that after all of these years together that we can see the truth between the stories they are telling other people and that makes them so uncomfortable that the only way they can deal with it is to tell themselves that we are the ones who failed, not them. They are only reacting to the things that we did not give them--it can't be that they were not honorable men--it has to be that we pushed them into doing these things--that we made them so unhappy that they were forced to find others who filled that chasm WE created in our marriages. You are right--they dishonored us and our vows. They took the easy way out and they know that we know the truth. That has to be very uncomfortable for them, don't you think?
I'm so sorry you are having a down day today. You have every right to be upset, sad, and mad. All of your points are right on the mark. Just try to go along with those feelings and not fight them for now, but remember that tomorrow is a new day with new feelings. You've been knocked a little off kilter with memories of how it used to be and how you shouldn't have to be dealing with all of this after the years of happiness and contentment you had...and you really shouldn't! Unfortunately, you've been put in this situation through no fault of your own and you're the one left to pick up the pieces and take care of all three of your babies. You can do this, but then you don't need me to tell you that. You've been so helpful to me, so understanding, so free with your advice and encouragement that I don't know how I would have made it through this as sane as I am without you and the rest of the ladies.
I still believe that everything happens for a reason, and I know that the best for you is still to come. There is no telling what future is waiting for you, but one thing I am totally convinced of is that it will be something that will top everything you ever imagined. You will find yourself more content and happier than you ever thought you could be. I wouldn't wish what we are all going through on our worst enemies, but there is a reason for it that will reveal itself when it is time. I honestly believe that one day you will look back on this whole thing as a time you would never want to repeat, one that was so painful that you didn't think you'd be able to pick up the pieces some days, and yet it was also the time that held open the door to a future that you never would have thought was waiting for you.
You know what the ultimate revenge is? Being happy and knowing that you acted honorably and respectfully and have nothing to be ashamed about. Your children will look at you as the person they hope to be like one day...that's a pretty good legacy, isn't it?
Be kind to yourself--you deserve it!
PS Don't believe that your husband is always happy--I would be willing to bet any amount of money that he has some regrets about the way he is acting and does feel guilty inside. This relationship he's in now is based on lies and deceptions--he will never get out of it what he wants--and he knows that. He shows you what he wants you to see. Just try your best to let it go as much as you can and know that the truth will reveal itself eventually. He can't pretend all is great forever.
Thank you Nancy,
Happy Mom
Hi Ladies,
Nancy - the same thing happened to me. He decided when it was over and I also guilted him into therapy, where he ended up blaming me for everything and how he was feeling. He forced me to give him money. He refused to tell the kids where he was or why he was never around.
So, fast forward 9 months.
I am still obsessed with reading his emails (I hope this passes). He is already fighing with his new girlfriend (laugh). He has opened up to her about our custody fight. She is telling him not to fight me. She could turn out to be my fairy godmother:)
No movement on any of my court cases. Kids father has not called in over a week. I am off to Europe on Thursday. Nervous again about crossing borders. I have to report into the District Attorney's office before I go so that they know where I will be. I feel like a criminal.
Really...this isn't easy for any of us.
I hope everyone has a good week.
HI Poppy,
How do you know he is fighting with the girlfriend? because of the e-mails? If I could read e-mails or texts I would do it too. I wish I could know that over here. However, I do know the kids haven't been to her house in almost 2 weeks and his car has been in front of his "apartment" a little more often. We'll see.
It's great that the girlfriend is "advising" him what to do where his kids are concerned. It is good for you that she doesn't want him to fight for custody but will backfire on her later. What I don't understand about these men is that they would even consider listening to a woman who is not the mother of their children. When mine was having the kids see her all the time I had to tell him that they are there to spend time with him, not her, etc... He gave me the whole story about reading up on things but I know she was in on all his decisions because she was baking with my daughter and playing video games with my son. Of course his loyalty is with her instead of me, that's why he had an affair in the first place. I had to say finally, "listen, Family Life is MY field". "That is what I am studying". He then backed down, but why do I have to say it.
Keep track of all the weeks that go by with no contact. Log it as you go. I hope your trip goes well and you get that Hague lifted...Good Luck!
Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
I'm leaving this comment for all those women who have suffered, will or are suffering this moment. My husband left me nine years ago: three small children, a wife with a medical condition: epilepsy, he is an RN at a major teaching hospital in Boston... I went back to school for my teaching cert. I'm now teaching in the area. My children are doing fine. Yes. No sane man would do this to his family. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Get connected to a community: church, synagogue, community group, ANYTHING. People help. You can do it.
Thank you Stephanie. It's good to hear good stories about years from now when we are stuck in the terrible now.
I am sorry about your situation. You are so young to be dealing with this kind of drama. However, is your husband has left before and now has left again, then you will be better off in the long run if he stays away. It isn't good for you or the kids to be in an unstable relationship that can end at any point. You aren't nagging if you are trying to be the responsible one. You would hope you didn't have to say anything in the first place. I would suggest that you see a counselor that can help you sort through your feelings and what to do for your children. I know it sounds so cliche but it really helps you focus. If you go to a community or social center they can help you get a counselor as well as provide you with other helpful resources.
Take care of yourself and the kids and post when you feel like it.
Peace and Strength,
Happy Mom
Dear Happy Mom,
How are things at home lately? I hope all is going smoothly and you are able to have a sense of a normal life. How are your classes? I know that you and I are in basically the same field now, but where are you wanting to go when you finish up your schooling?
Life here has been pretty good the majority of the time. I asked for advice from my son's school counselor on how to make sure he was coping okay since his father had cut back on their time together. She spoke with him on Monday and told me she thought he was doing well overall, but that she was going to make it a point to touch base with him once a week and see how he's doing. I appreciate that so much! She also said that he told her that if he could change one thing in his life right now, it would be that he could spend more time with his father. That tugged at my heart. I passed that along to my husband and he got very quiet. He came out here on Thursday to spend a couple of hours with our son and all seemed to be good. This morning, however, he called and said he had decided to move out of state to a new apartment where he could save money for a down payment on a house. He goes from being 15 minutes away from his son to now being over an hour away? I know that's not a lot, but it still defeats the whole purpose of trying to make this easier on my child. I told him this upset me and why...and he said that basically he was sorry that I felt like he had abandoned us but that he was trying to make decisions that were right and there was always somebody (meaning me) who didn't approve of them. I know I will never understand his way of thinking, but I do feel like once he goes even further away that he has pretty much just left me to deal with everything on my own. I told him I needed help, and he said I'd be fine. Of course, he's right--I will be fine, my son will be fine--but the insensitivity and self-centeredness still boggles my mind. So, it's been a bit of a rough morning, but overall I feel like I am usually making positive strides--fewer setbacks than I used to have. Not there yet, but moving in the right direction.
It sounds like you are doing the same. Thanks for being a wonderful sounding board and friend. It's good to be able to support each other.
Have a nice weekend. Hope you and the kids are doing well.
PS Anonymous, good luck with everything. It sounds like you are doing what you need to do to take care of yourself and your babies. Somebody has to be the adult and the children are lucky to have you!
Hi Nancy,
We had a bit more drama this week but it is settled now. I've been a bit on edge since. I think my oldest will be ok but I called the school counselor to be sure. I can't wait until I don't care about my ex anymore and I'm mad at myself that I still do.
My courses are good but I'm a little overwhelmed with everything. However, I know it will work out I just have to stop procrastinating. I'm taking a certificate in Family Life Education with the intention of continuing on doing a Bachelor in Human Relations. They are related so my credits transfer over. I am working in an alternative High School right now trying to integrate a profoundly intellectually handicapped 14 year old girl into a regular class setting. It's been very rewarding and it's great because the hours are good for my kids. Later though I want to work as a counselor of some sort. That is my goal. What about you?
It sounds like your husband is pulling away more, eh? I don't mean from you, I mean from the family. How can moving so far be his only choice? It is typical behaviour from everything I've heard and read. I feel this type of thing only reinforces that it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him not wanting to deal with anything. It used to be manly for a man to not leave his family, to take care of them. Now they check out so much more often. The new "me" era. It's rough on you because you won't have the break. Maybe in the long run it will be better for you to detach and heal.
You are right he is self centered and insensitive.You know the "you'll be fine" comment is his rationalization. There is probably some truth there though...you are a smart, strong woman he knows you'll be fine but it also soothes his guilt at the same time. Mine said "oh come on you don't love me either". When I said something about it affecting the kids, he said, "50% of couples are divorced. They'll be fine". Rationalization. If he agreed then he would have to think about what he was doing. He didn't want to think.
Have a good weekend,
Happy Mom
Happy Mom,
I am very impressed that you are able to handle taking college classes, working a full time job, and being a full time mother to three wonderful children all at the same time. In the best of circumstances, this would be a challenge. When you are also dealing with the stresses you have been faced with this last year, your stamina and ability to keep such a positive attitude is truly remarkable. I hope the drama did not reemerge this week and you have been able to have a very smooth week.
All is progressing very rapidly here--or maybe progressing is not exactly the word I want to use. I'm not even sure what word would be appropriate. I had to go in to my lawyer's office yesterday and sign the dissolution papers/agreement. The entire 20 minute drive there my emotions ran from extreme anger to extreme sadness. 12 pages of paper, 2 minutes to sign, and 12 years of a relationship that I really loved is pretty much officially done. When I got back into the car, broke down and felt so sad. Bad time to text the husband, huh? Yep, that's just what I did. I pretty much ranted that he got what he wanted, what he had been bullying me to do, that I had deserved so much better from him than the way he had treated me, that he could have at least showed a tiny bit of effort to save our relationship instead of just throwing it away like it didn't really matter. Yep, I went on and on. As expected, I got no response at all. He doesn't like conflict so the reaction of choice is to ignore it and it goes away--hence the inability to get him to work on our marriage.
Anyway, he came over to see our son tonight and said he needed to talk to me. He didn't really address my text--just said that we have to go to the parenting class requirement on either the 17th or 19th of Feb. I just signed the papers at 5:00 yesterday and today he already knows the class schedule. I asked him what went wrong--and I noticed for the first time that he was not wearing his wedding ring and that sort of hurt (although I haven't worn mine in a couple of months). I've never seen him without his ring on--ever. Oh well, not like he could wear it forever, I know. He said my lawyer would not file the papers or release the information until the parenting class was done--so I guess that's the push to get to this class as fast as possible. I hate this! It had to be done, but it should never have been done this way. Guess it's better than the limbo of being married but not really married. I don't know--it's just all so sad, isn't it?
How are things "progressing" with you, Happy Mom?
Hello girls - i'm back!
Took my boys away for 2 week beach holiday in Jan which was divine!
Glad to see you are all "hanging in" despite ups and downs!
My news: divorce went thru 28 Jan. Nancy, I relate to how you feel - it is not a happy time - actually very sad at the demise of a family - my life to date reads: 28/10/1989-28/01/2011 - now the next chapter begins ...
He came to see me this week, he's so sad and says he feels as though he's lost his best friend - sorry Bud - best friends don't do this to each other ... seems he's been dumped by the girlfriend - oops! I seem to recall telling him the grass was not greener ...
To recap:- you find pathetic excuses to leave your wife (like she doesn't go to rugby with you) - you are so lonely - poor me - no-one understands - you move out to find yourself - your lies of 2 yrs are uncovered - your sons turn away from you - poor me - girlfriend dumps you - i'm so lonely - poor me! I Told him I hope he's got enough time left in his lifespan to build up another 24yr foundation with the next sucker ...
So girls - check this site out:
Sending you all love ...
How wonderful to hear from you again! You always bring a fresh perspective to all of our common "woes" and a perspective that usually results in a good chuckle. I love the comment you left him with concerning his lifespan and your hopes that perhaps he might have enough time to build up another 24-year relationship. Very good comment to make--would have loved to see his face when he heard it.
I am SO SO SO very sorry for your former husband at the pain and loneliness he is feeling now that his girlfriend has left him. I'm sure he must be feeling abandoned and disrespected and like his life will never be normal again. I mean, how could she ever leave him after all he has done for her--all they have meant to each other? How can she not see what she is doing to him now? He gave her everything and she just did not treat him with the respect he deserved after all of their time together. Does she not see his pain? Does she even care about anybody but herself and what makes HER happy? He gave up everything for her and now she leaves when things get a little tough? Why won't she even TRY to fix the relationship? His heart must be breaking at the unfairness of it all.
Whew! Fictional and sarcastic writing is so wearing on the soul, isn't it? I believe I twitched with each word I typed. All I can say is that perhaps this is one husband's name that we need to put a big red checkmark next to on the "karma will find you" list. It's still not enough payback for the pain he put you through, but it is a start and somewhat satisfying for me to read about (insensitive person that I am, I know).
I cannot believe you were not more comforting and understanding, Colleen. Did you not feel like you should have invited him on your 2 week vacation with your boys? Say what?! You left him by himself during these challenging days for him and instead enjoyed life with your children? I do hope you didn't smile and laugh too much and truly enjoy yourselves. Please have more respect for your former husband and his relationship problems with his girlfriend--you must know that it is all about him by now and I think the fact that you didn't sympathize enough with him is truly shocking. (Yes, I needed a good laugh--thanks for providing the mental images that came with the story of your interation with your "poor me" ex-husband). Funny how he came to you with his woes, isn't it? I just have to shake my head at his way of thinking.
I'm sorry that everything is now final on paper--sorry and hopeful for you at the same time. It really is a sad time but, like you, I am trying to view it as the beginning of a new chapter in life instead of the closing of an entire book. I truly want to be around when all of these men wake up out of their fogs and realize what they have done with their lives. It may not happen in my lifetime, but I sure will be sitting in heaven with my bowl of popcorn and 3-D glasses waiting for the big revelation to come when my husband is outside those pearly gates and has to answer for all of the things, good and bad, that he has done in his life. I may even spring for a box of candy. I'll save all of you ladies seats with a good view right next to me. :)
Have a fantastic rest of the weekend everybody. So great to see you again, Colleen, and so wonderful to hear how well you and your boys are doing!
Hi Nancy - glad you enjoyed a good laugh - so much more I could tell you, but none suitable for this site.
Pick me, oh pick me please for the seat next to you - you do the popcorn, I'll do the candy!
Suffice to say revenge is sweet - my first weekend as single - what fun it has been - especially when he arrived here unannounced - music blaring - my lovable but twisted brother along with his surfer mates in the pool and I was akin to the seal being hunted by the killer whales - you do know they hunt in turns.
Needless to say, he did not stay very long ...
But all good innocent fun - haven't done that for a while.
lots of love
Good evening, all--
I hope this has been a good week for everybody. Happy Mom, be sure to take a break from those books now and then, although I do realize how stimulating it is to study night after night. You'll be ready for the beach vacation before long, won't you? Perhaps we should all make a journey over to Colleen's. It sounds like a lovely place and we could spend time on that beach of hers or around the pool with the killer whales. :) Colleen, what perfect timing your former husband had when he walked in on you with your brother and his friends--you could not have planned that better! Has he been back since? It sounds as if you are doing great, and that is wonderful to hear!
All is going along well here overall. We are planning on going to the mandatory parenting class next Saturday morning and then I guess all requirements are met. I have to go to the lawyer's office tomorrow to sign a paper that I received a copy of the papers he signed--does that seem like overkill on signatures/paperwork to anybody besides me? Good grief, it took 20 minutes to get a marriage license, 5 minutes to actually get married, and two signatures. Sure is a lot harder to get divorced than married, although I guess it really should be that way. Too easy otherwise. Luckily for my husband, he doesn't mind working for what he really wants (insert sarcasm here). We are going to go to the class together (my wishes)--figured if we are supposed to be working together as sane and cooperative co-parents (counseling ling) then we should be sitting in the class together hearing the same things at the same time. This way, I can also shoot him dirty looks when they talk about how important it is to be honest and compassionate with the struggles each other are going through. He has actually been much nicer lately--called twice yesterday to make sure we got home safely from school (snowstorm caused schools to let out early) and again later to tell me about the challenges of his own day. I was properly sympathetic--and then hung up and didn't think about it again. Does that mean I'm healing? I'm not quite there yet--had two little teary episodes today over nothing that important at all. Once, I had gone into the bathroom to wash my face and the second that door closed, my son was on the other side of it wanting this or that or just chatting up a storm. I love him dearly, but at that moment all I wanted was time to myself--never fails--the second you close the bathroom door, kids need every possible thing or want to ask you questions. I started to feel resentful that I had nobody to tag so I could clock out as Mommy for just 5 minutes. Happy Mom, I don't know how you do it with 3 kids--or, Colleen, with 2 boys, even if they are a little older. I don't even remember what that other crying episode was about but it didn't last very long. I talked to a friend and he suggested I have an affair and I had to just laugh at the absurdity of that remark. Then I thought...hmmmm... maybe that would be interesting... and here I am watching "American Idol" in my living room and doing laundry at the same time. Yes, I am definitely affair material! Who has time?
Time to get some schoolwork of my own finished this evening. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and find a spare moment or two to let us know how you are doing.
Take care!
Hi Ladies,
Very quickly...I have papers and an exam to write.
Except for my oldest son climbing out the basement window and running down the street in his sox to avoid going to the girlfriend's for supper and the ex taking our 9 and 10 year old to a sports bar to watch fights until 1 in the morning, everything is good. I'm very busy. Still no date, but I'm healing.
Even when I don't write I always check in to see how everyone is so even when you don't hear from me I'm still here. You all seem to be moving on through this ordeal. Congratulations! It will only get better.
Stephanie and Poppy, how are you both doing?
Colleen and Nancy, I want to join you in that pool with the whales :)
Happy Mom
Hi Ladies!
I haven't posted in a while. I had to go to Europe for 2 weeks. Here is a quick update...
(as a reminder, my husband has filed a Hague case against me for internation child abduction)
- right before my trip, I notified the district attorney of my travels (as required..ugh) he was fine with my plan and told me that he decided NOT to file the Hague in family court. OMG! He thinks my husband is an idiot. OMG! True miracle.
- I had no problems crossing the borders (I was very worried about this)
- I thought I would have to quit my job. Turns out they will let me work in CA and report into Sweden until May. at least. I will have to go back one more time.
- put the apartment he forced me to buy from him on the market. It still hasn't sold! big problem. working on it.
- He was served divorce papers in Chile where he was on vacation. He signed for them :) idiot.
- He returned to Sweden and somehow found out I was there. I was freaking. Tried to get an earlier flight home, but couldn't.
- He found out the apartment is for sale. Left me a message saying 'you can't sell the apartment...when you come back, you won't have anywhere to live' um, hello?? idiot.
- I never ended up seeing him when I was there. I was worried he would file a police report and they would keep me at the border. That didn't happen.
- He is still seeing the girlfriend. He cheated on her while in Chile.
- I am now back in CA and hoping to get divorced on Thurs next week. I need one more paper showing he was served. If I don't get it in time, I have to move the court date.
- I have filed a motion for custody. This is the big issue for me. We have a court date on March 10th for that. He needs to come here in person...we will see!
One day at a time. It continues to be a struggle.
My kids seem to be doing fine. He sent our daughter a barette for her hair for her 5th birthday. How generous and thoughtful.
Hope you are all doing ok.
Hi ladies... Cathy here
Poppy am so glad you are safe and sound. It sounds like things are going forward inch by inch for you. How did you find out your ex was cheating on his GF? E mails no doubt. I can hardly wait till my replacement has that happen to her ... and it WILL happen. Probably has and she hasn't caught on.
Still waiting for the "dark side" to reply to the judge's decision ... he has till the end of the month.
I feel sad for your daughter and her birthday ... not fair to the kids and as a mom it tugs at your heart strings.
Have been following along with all ... can I join the pool party with the sharks too? Only thing is I want to be a dolphin cause they have been known to take on sharks... lol Could be one heck of a pool party ladies!!
Wishing all well and strength as we get through this trial in our life ... one day at a time ... sometimes hour by hour.
Love to all
No, no, no, Cathy--it's swimming with the killer whales, not the killer sharks--but you can be a dolphin anywhere you want to be. I'd say this could be one heck of a pool party. We do need to make sure to issue invitations to all of the exes, present and past...it would just be rude to leave them out, don't you think? Nah, I didn't think so either.
Poppy, so good to have you back and doing well. I hope that you were able to get that last paper you needed and can get to court this week to take care of business. I want to say congratulations, but then it doesn't seem quite right. I know he is an idiot, but it doesn't sound like he used to be one--did any of them start off like that? I think I've given up trying to figure out what happened to change them all from loving, reasonable husbands into these strangers--at least I've given it up for now. Anyway, if that apartment can just sell it sounds as if everything will be falling into place. That will be a huge burden off your shoulders.
Happy Mom, yay for you keeping up with those studies in the midst of all of these challenges going on around you. So did your children enjoy the sports bar? I bet you came unglued when you heard that, but then you have to trust in your husband's innate sense of responsibility and wisdom (excuse me while I do the Heimlich on myself--those words do tend to make me choke trying to say them in all seriousness).
Cathy, what kind of reply does the "dark side" have to make to the judge? Can he refuse the order or appeal it or what? Wouldn't it be great if he appealed and the judge got so irritated he threw him and his case out of court...and then a big Mack truck flattened him like in a Roadrunner cartoon? My fantasies seem to be working overtime here.
All is okay here. I did the mandatory parent meeting last Thursday night and J did it on Saturday morning. I got irritated at him and told him I wouldn't go with him because it would imply I agreed with his divorce decision. He told me that sometimes I say things now that "irk" him. :) I have to say that appeals to me. I was so good and so agreeable during the marriage that a good irking is due. Here's something interesting: Yesterday I had to break the news to him that his grandmother had died. He hadn't seen her in well over 6 years or more and wasn't close at all, but it still is not happy news. He said, "Oh no" and pulled me to him for a comfort hug. He then leaned down and kissed me on the lips. It was just a quick little peck and I don't even think he realized he did it or probably doesn't even remember at all. I know it was just one of those I'm sad things and don't read anything into it, but I have to admit it was pretty familiar and nice at the time. I honestly don't think he remembers doing that at all. Well, my papers should be final in another couple of weeks and I dread opening the mailbox and finding that envelope in there, but maybe it will actually be good--maybe it will take away that threat that's been hanging over my head all these months and free up my mind a little. We'll see.
Okay, it's off to bed I go. I've been waking up at 3:00 every morning for the last week and I'm tired! Hope you all continue to have positive days yourself. I'll bring a dessert to the pool party...who is good with the BBQ?
Hugs to all,
Hi Poppy,
What a relief to not have the Hague filed in family court. Good about that and your job. Now the apartment and the custody issue. It's coming along. Your ex doesn't seem to have had a reality check yet. I hope you get your custody taken care of before he comes to. What's with that, eh? They do what they do and then think that things are temporary. Mine left with a suitcase of his "essentials" as if he was going on a trip. The other thing they have in common is the bizarre choices they make where the kids are concerned. It's like they aren't dealing with their full faculties. Like Cathy I am curious how you know he cheated on the girlfriend.
You seem to have things in order, getting taken care of one by one. Good for you!?
I like your reference to the dark side. That is what I feel about mine. No joke. I refer to it as the dark mood or black eyes. It is a feeling that comes off of him. Last week I saw a glimpse of the light side but it was fleeting. Btw, two weeks ago he was complaining about having to run on the treadmill and not stopping or everything will fall. Is this all there is? Funny, that is what he was saying months before all of this happened. Then when I reminded him of this after he left, he said it was because of us that he was so unhappy. You'd think he'd be on top of the world now that he is with the love of his life; the one that "made him realize what he was missing."
I wish you well too, Cathy and peace and strength to all the ladies,
Happy Mom
Ladies ... I like the sound of this party ... Yes ... my speciality is poison apples for the exes ... we get better goodies ... how about a neat nifty flame thrower ... lets make it a real BBQ ... oh my word ... my imagination is running wild ... haven't laughed like this for quite some time ... Thanks ... be in touch ... Love to all ... Cath
Happy Mom and Cathy,
I found out he was cheating on the new 'girlfriend' thru his email. Actually, from an email on Facebook that was linked to his email. Unfortunately, now that he is back from his trip, there haven't been any emails. I should be thankful because it was becomming kind of an addiction.
So, I was supposed to get divorced today...but had to continue the hearing because I didn't have proof of service for the divorce papers. ugh. Now, I have a date on March 11th.
It is like one step forward 2 steps back.
I found out he is planning a weekend trip to Paris with the new girlfriend. Doesn't that sound nice. I hope he has a great time. ugh. barf.
Hope everyone is doing well.
Hi Girls
have been a good girl lately - no pool parties - in fact I've been reclusing lately. Strange how since he dropped the bombshell on me in June 2009, it is almost as though I was in a bubble - getting myself and the boys through it, gathering evidence - now thats its over, I feel as though I am in limbo, whereto from here? I'm sad, angry, irritable, teary, no confidence, no trust - all thanks to HIM. He brags about how much he loves his daily exercise at the gym and how much weight he's lost - while I've been pressure cleaning my driveway for 7 hours!
So - weekend coming up - maybe I'll spend some time with my brother and have a laugh.
Poppy, hang in there, 11th March will not be easy, you think you're prepared emotionally, but you're not and you are very welcome to join us girls in the pool party - think we'll leave out the killer whales and just have good girl fun with Bailey's for Cathy and Margaritas and Pina Colades for the rest of us - I'll do the barbeque ...
Sending you all love and hugs - Colleen
Hi Poppy,
He's quite the travelling gypsy now isn't he. Nice to be able to just take off with no worries. Good for you that he is with another one. Now you know it wasn't that the affair partner was special. She was just there. So is this new one. Just there. Imagine her dating someone who left his family the way he did. Lucky her (sarcasm):)
Don't worry. You'll get all your ducks in a row and then you will be able to relax and heal.
Happy Mom
Hello ladies ... finally a chance to get back to you. Happy Mom yes the "dark side" does seem to fit for these guys ... when I last saw my ex I could not believe the anger in his eyes toward me ... void of all feeling and life. I am patiently waiting for a reply from his lawyer. It was actaually due yesterday. My ex has the right to refuse what the judge has ruled. If my ex does this it means he will have to file to legal aid to take it to trial which will cost thousands. If he wins I will have to pay all court costs etc ... mega amounts ... and if I win then he is socked with the costs. According to my lawyer this case should never have gone this far. However my ex being the revenging person that he is believes that he was wrongfully evicted from the house by this writer ... even though he was having multiple affairs ... sounds like a sick soap opera doesn't it.
Colleen ... yes you know the way to my heart ... anyway to the task at hand ... you are right my dear ... this has been a terrible journey for all of us ... We have all inch by inch cut the threads of the past and grieved over every last cut. Is it any wonder that by the time the divorce comes along that you feel spent ... every possible emotion has been wrenched from your heart over the last few years ... look at the challenges that we have all gone through ... just be proud that no matter how horrible it has been we are all working towards regaining ourselves and you know what ... we are doing it ... the best way we know how ... there are days I just want to hibernate and tell the world to go away and other days where I just want to experience anything than the awful pain ... I want to forget it happened ... never remember any of it ... forget the memories ... the reality neither one of these options is healthy and believe the rality is in the middle ... I try to have faith that I will find it.
Poppy ... you are moving forward ... March will be here sooner than you expect. You're doing a good job my dear ... hang in there ... I admire your strength.
Nancy ... thinking of you ... keep trucking ... you've come a long way since you first wrote on the site ...
Wishing all well ... and love
Hello all--
Colleen, I do believe you are right--this needs to be an all girl swim party. You have BBQ and drinks covered and I'll bring the chocolate and desserts--I'm thinking that will just about cover all the essentials.
I'm sorry you are feeling down. It really is hard to think of him bragging about his enjoyable workouts while you find yourself outside doing the things he should be doing. The way I figure it, though, is that everything we are experiencing--while never anything we ever dreamed about experiencing--are all things that are happening for a reason. I don't know what it is yet, but there is a reason. It has made me much more compassionate to people already, and I have made some wonderful friends along the way. I think there's a bigger plan out there for all of us. Our husbands, though, will have to answer one day for all of the pain they caused so many people. I still have all of your seats reserved at the pearly gates so we can continue our girl party then--no pool, but the popcorn and candy will be there!
Poppy, hang in there--you are doing absolutely wonderful given the distances and the extreme oddness of his behavior. It makes you wonder why he would even want custody, doesn't it, if he's more interested in quick trips to Paris and Chile. It will all work out for you--will be thinking of you these next couple of weeks and hoping all goes the way you want. I'm sure it will!
Happy Mom, his statements are sort of odd, don't you think--especially since he said the same thing before leaving? You said you saw a fleeting glimpse of the light side--what was that? I wonder if the fog of "happiness and contentment" he says he's been living in is starting to dissipate just a little???
Cathy, you are such an inspiration. I'm sure it feels like the legal side of all of this will never end at this point. Hopefully you will have heard something back from his lawyer by now and you can just be done with everything. Those legal meetings and envelopes in the mail make me more miserable than almost anything else. It takes what was once a very loving relationship for me and turns it into nothing more than a business deal--very impersonal. You said that I have come a long way since I first posted on here, and I think I have too--but a good deal of the credit goes to all of you who have been there with me, encouraging me every step of the way. There's no way I can thank you all enough for the love and support.
I hope you all have a good weekend. I'm wishing for all of you that you find just one thing these next two days that makes you laugh until you cry.
Hello--4:15 in the morning and here I am awake. I guess I need a little pep talk or something. I'm not doing so well right now and have spent the last 8 hours or so crying and feeling like I'm moving backwards again--and I was doing so well! My son is sleeping at his dad's apt. because this is the last night my husband will be living in this state. In a few hours, I pick up the little guy and bring him home and then HE gets in his truck and moves on to the next phase of his life--back to his hometown with his old friends and dysfunctional family. Meanwhile, he has left me here in this state where I never really wanted to live, with no family, and carrying a name that is not really mine anymore. He said nothing will change--he'll still be here to help out--but he forgets he hasn't helped me out in 6 months.
Why is his moving away hitting me so hard? It's not like it is that far--just an hour--but it's like that border represents so much more. He has drawn a line that will never be crossed again in my mind. It feels like he has officially abandoned me now. He was done being married, so he tossed me aside, moved away, and expects us to get along great now that the pressure of being married is soon to be over. Sure, we'll be best friends again. He really has left me here to carry the load alone, hasn't he? Oh, I'll come over after work and see the boy. Of course he will--it's only an hour drive here after working until 5 all day and then another hour drive home after visiting. It will end up being a huge inconvenience for him. Once he moves across those state borders today, he has officially made it feel like I have been totally abandoned. I moved across 3 states to marry him--gave up my job, sold my house, left my friends and family--because it was easier on him that way--and I didn't really care because home was wherever he was. I didn't care where we lived as long as we were together. Now, he's broken apart our family, moved back to where he wants to be with his friends and family, and I can't move. I have our son and thank goodness for that, but I do feel very much abandoned tonight. So, I guess I just wave goodbye, keep my mouth shut, and deal with the emotions as they come. I'll make it worse by saying anything to him and it's not like he will think anything other than there she goes getting all emotional again...what's wrong with her that she can't see this is what is best for both of us?
My backward slide for the moment...will turn it around again soon, I know...just a bad night tonight. Thanks for listening.
Hi Nancy
You have every right to feel abandoned and hurt. Yes, it is very easy for them to walk away and make a new life for themselves isn't it? Cowardly is the word I would use. Unfortunately we as mothers do not have the opportunity to view life through rose tinted glasses.
So, my friend, have a good cry, get angry, then try to pick up your beautiful soul again as you have so many times before - you have come such a long way and we are all so proud of you.
This is another stepping stone for you in God's path - you can do this.
Take care and remember we are all here for you.
much love
Hi Nancy,
You go right ahead and you cry and you get angry ... because you have lots to get angry and cry about ... None of this is fair ... none of it you wanted ... it is just self and selfcentered on your ex's behalf... you Are dealing with things and he is running away. I understand what it is like not to have family close by Nancy as I am in the same boat but I do know that I am not alone and the proof for me is on this site ... if you feel like you are loosing your mind then we are right there along with you girl ... You're right it will pass ... and you'll feel beter and then you'll get angry again and you'll cry again and we'll be right here listening to you ... loving you ... praying for you ... crying inside because we understand the pain ... we'll laugh at ourselves and in the end we will reach out to others who will be going through this and we'll do the same thing for them as what was done for us... In the end we will have touched each others hearts and we have become real ... sending muchos love your way my dear ... Cathy
Now what would I do without you two to boost me up and carry me along when I just want to sit down on that road and not move on? I don't know what was wrong with me yesterday and today, but some of the feelings I have are very much like those I had when he first left me back at the end of August. The only difference this time is that then I had hope that he might come to his senses and come home. Now, it's all but over and the hope is permanently gone and I hate that sound of that chapter of my life being slammed shut when it was such a lovely book all those years.
Oh well, I could rehash every single sob story of these last months and it wouldn't do any good, so I did allow myself some time to mourn--and I know there will be more of that to come as those final papers will be coming soon--but I can't cry about it all forever.
I ordered a book that I think may be helpful based on reviews I've read about it--called "Runaway Husbands"--something to do with how to pick yourself up and move on after being abandoned by the man who took vows to be with you forever. We'll see. I'm always open to anything that may ease the pain and help me keep going in the right direction.
His truck was packed to the brim when I went to pick up C this morning. In the long run maybe his move will be better in some ways because it will eliminate the desire I have to drive by that apt complex and see if his truck is parked outside. It will force me to keep that distance that I need away from him to regain control of my emotions when he's around. I'm a planner--I'll think it all through and will come to the conclusion, I'm sure, that life does indeed go on and I can either sit here and mourn the past or I can pick myself up and be the person who will make others proud of her--my son, my father, and myself. Adjust and move on!
Thank you both so much for not trying to talk me out of feeling bad but letting me move through those negative feelings with reassurance that I have every right to feel the way I do. It means a lot. What's the phrase? Tomorrow is another day!
You all make such a difference--you let me sit and wallow in my sorrow and pain and now you are ready to walk beside me to give me that little boost as I pick myself up and try this again tomorrow. Life's not going to pause while I decide whether or not I'm ready to rejoin it--guess I'd better jump back up and get going again.
I don't feel quite as alone tonight.
Hi Nancy
There are many more ups and downs for us all - but as long as we stand together we will get through this. Unless you have lived though this, no-one truly understands the pain, the raw emotion, the betrayal.
So, being the amazing woman you are - you are already moving onwards - even looking at the positive - well done!
I feel as though the bottom of my world has dropped since my divorce was finalized - I even tend to think I have a mental disorder sometimes as its one day up and six days down - perhaps soon it will be six days up and one down.
take care always
Aw, Colleen, don't ever worry that something is wrong with you due to the reversal of the number of positive vs. negative days. You have been through an experience that nobody should ever have to go through--and it seems like it just continues endlessly, doesn't it? You are the very symbol of courage with grace. You have faced every single negative thing that has been thrown at you, and you have managed to stay on your feet, encourage others when you yourself have to be feeling down, and show such class during this entire time. You can always hold your head up high and know that you took an absolutely unimagineable situation and you didn't let it defeat you. It may feel like it at times, but you're exactly right when you say that one day you will have those 6 days of good and just one day of bad. Like you have always walked right alongside me, I'm walking right beside you too. In fact, we better have a pretty darn wide path because there are a lot of us walking right there by you. You have always been a huge inspiration to me through your words and your actions. You have been nothing but supportive and I can never tell you enough how much your words and willingness to listen and offer advice have meant in my life--and I really haven't been here that long--think of the many women who have passed here and have held on to your encouragement and reassurance that life will look better. Do you really think they could have done those things as easily without you?
Now, I know that doesn't automatically take away the pain that your husband is putting you through--his actions are staggering to anybody who has even a shred of human decency and compassion in them--but because you are going through this situation, you are able to show that compassion and understanding that so many of us need. I wish you had never had a need for this site, but unfortunately every woman who has crossed this threshhold has done so in pain, and you are the one who has been there to welcome them, offer a warm and safe place to vent, and has loved each and every one of them to the point where they begin to rescue the self esteem that was damaged by their husbands. YOU have made a difference--we should all be as gracious and compassionate as you have always been.
I'd like to smack the heck out of him because of the way his actions have affected every part of your being in such a hurtful manner. He hasn't won, though. You WILL come out on top eventually and then these darker days will seem so far away and I think you'll wonder who that woman was who let him have such control over her emotions. Try not to let him invade your mind and chip away at all of the hard work and progress you have made. You are remarkable, and you are doing wonderfully! Take those extra days you need to feel down and keep them as long as you want, but know that when they get too comfortable, it's time to throw them off and let us help you find the lighter ones again. They're still out there waiting for you--
Hi Nancy
Now you made me cry. Thank you for being so perceptive as to how I'm feeling. You made me laugh as I can visualize yourself, Cathy and Happy Mom smacking him around the head ...
What I find so very hard is how he says "What's done is done and he has forgiven himself" - to the extent that when he bumps into our mutual friends or my friends - he acts like nothing is wrong - he is his normal EXTROVERT LOUD self and acts like they are all his best friends. My friends of course, are completely taken aback. He has just been on a cricket tour with my youngest son and all the parents. One of the women on tour is supposed to be a friend of mine - yet her and her husband socialize a lot with him - while telling me what a prick he is - people are soooo 2-faced! If I was in his shoes, I would hang my head in shame - but he does the exact opposite. Easy to do when you've FORGIVEN yourself.
Even if I wanted to go on the tour (which I didn't) - I pay a third of my salary to my domestic worker, even though she does so little, but she is over 60 yrs and has been with me for 20 years and I could not put her out on the street. She is my friend and a mother to my sons. So, somehow every month I get through financially ...
Yes, I do tend to care so much for others, but never for myself - I just exist. I go out with my brother about every 3rd month as he is the only one I feel safe with, other than that I work, eat and sleep at home - the outside world frightens me. Younger men come on to me but I don't trust them and anyway they are too immature - fine for a night of laughs, but thats it. Older men irritate me, so in a nutshell I feel I don't fit in anywhere.
My boys have their own lives now and are finally stable and happy - I suppose this is like "empty nest" syndrome.
So today is a new day and I will try to tidy up my office and do the long long overdue paperwork and try to open 3 months of post - yuk!!
Onwards and upwards for us all.
Sending you all love.
Hi Ladies,
I missed a tonne....
Sorry Nancy, that I didn't come on sooner. I feel bad that you were feeling so terrible and I didn't look in.
It's normal that you would feel that way when he taking another step. He's making it more final. It takes away any hope you had. It is a step in the process. A process in which you have no control. Only control of how you react and how you take care of yourself. You are looking ahead and knowing that he won't be able to see his son nearly as much. You are grieving that loss for you and for your son; the loss of family. I guarantee you, he's not thinking that way. In fact, he isn't thinking. He is doing what he wants for his own purpose. What he doesn't realize is that he will feel it down the road when he doesn't have his family or son and it is his own fault. He'll have to live with that for the rest of his life. There is no going back to make up.
Btw, I read that book. The Author is from here. It is quite good. As well, a woman I work with has a friend who had the same thing happen. Her husband left her for a tatooed porn star and moved to Detroit. She is seeing a therapist for "post traumatic stress disorder". According to this therapist (and the book) this type of occurence is much different than the average break up (we know that, eh?). So it is supposed to be treated appropriately. I'm going to look into it from a scholastic view.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling better....
It's very good of your ex to have forgiven himself... Why does he think that he gets to do that? I truly believe that's a strong case of, "me thinks thou doth protest too much". You know I see the behavior of these men as emotionally immature. I also feel it is unmanly what they have done and the manner in which they have done it. Like you, I am suspicious of men in general, young or old. However, I do believe that our guys are not the majority. It takes particularly selfish individuals to do what they did. Most men I speak to are shocked and don't understand the logic. Especially when I tell them what excuses were given. It's not the typical, "well you know a man needs...". No, it's like... wtf. You know what...I know some women that did the same thing and I don't think of them the same way at all.
Your words are always comforting...
Strength and Peace,
Happy Mom
Happy Mom,
No need to apologize at all about not checking in. It's always wonderful to hear from you, but I know that your heart and caring are here no matter where the rest of you needs to be. You are swamped with school and children and just living so I'm amazed you found any time at all to check in lately. I am feeling much better, thank you so much for checking. I'm sure I'll have many more backslides in emotions coming up soon (waiting for those papers to appear in the mailbox within the next week remember), so keep those good thoughts coming and I'll do the same for you. Up and down, up and down, up and down--story of our lives!
Colleen, the image you got about Happy Mom, Cathy, and I smacking HIM around the head sounds really appealing to me. Can we just line them up and make them run the gauntlet of women who have been treated by their husbands exactly like he treated you? Bet he would definitely start shaking in his shoes at that thought, wouldn't he? As for the "I've forgiven myself and moved on" speech he's so fond of spouting, here's my take on that: he's a jerk! I guess it's a good thing he has forgiven himself because nobody else sure has. Maybe one day, but he hasn't earned it yet from those that he really hurt. He's totally justifying his actions and trying to make himself look like he has some valor to people who know better. His extrovert, loud self is just a bravado image that nobody but himself is buying. You're right that some people can be 2-faced, but it could be that the lady friend just isn't confident enough in herself to tell him what she thinks of his actions, so she just plays the polite game. It sounds like nobody is fooled by his life of the party persona. His actions will stick in the minds of everybody involved (including his own) so the only way he can try to save face is to make himself seem gallant. He really should hang his head in shame, but you know he won't do it--no surprise there. Unfortunately for him, everyone who knows the story sees his shameful side and will never be able to look at him with the full amount of respect he once had. You, on the other hand, are not playing the victim but the person who was wrongfully treated and still picked herself up and stayed strong.
I have to agree with Happy Mom that I don't think all men are to be distrusted. I can point at my brother-in-law and father and know there really are good men out there...but all of us sure are going to look a lot closer at ALL men from here on out. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. You may need to take some baby steps away from the house--maybe go out with your brother a little more often--or go out with a good friend--make a date with another woman every couple of weeks to just meet up for coffee, etc. Something that will get you out of the house and ease you into the outside world a little more comfortably. I think you are doing fantastic, though, so just take it a little bit at a time as you are comfortable with it all.
Cathy, keep on rocking! Love the words of encouragement and humorous spin you are able to find with everything. Laughter definitely helps--so glad to have all of you to laugh with (and to cry with and to smack around ex-husbands with).
Love to all--
You know mine managed to keep the people where he works, in the dark. He tells them that we "grew apart". For a long time he still didn't tell anyone he was seeing someone right there that they knew. A lot of them know me and some have known me for years. They knew how we were and what I did for him. He could never have them know how he dishonoured me without loosing face in front of them. My sister was sure to tell a few when she ran into them. They are very surprised and more surprised at his choice.
Happy Mom
I hope you are feeling better. I have had so many days when I lay in my bed and cry. It will probably be a relief to not drive by his apartment. I would do the same thing. I have the same problem checking his email. I wish I had some great advice. I always tell myself... 'I just need this moment to pass so that I can live in a new moment and hopefully that moment will be better'.
Colleen -
I have also been living in my own little bubble for about 7 months. I work at home and basically only do things in our small town. I don't even hang out with friends because I don't have the emotional strength to discuss my situation with anyone and everyone always asks. I don't have any answers and just want to avoid it.
I am slowly starting to crack the shell that has been protecting me.
A week from Friday, I go to court. Divorce and custody hearings on the same day. I am petrified. No matter what happens, I won't be happy. He is supposed to be here in person. I have no idea if he will show up. He won't talk to me. I am fine with that for now, but how on earth will we ever co-parent these 2 kids. Oh yeah, we won't. He will leave it all to me.
I just had to go to mediation training as required by the state of California. Everyone here has to go thru mediation with regard to custody. (It was a 2 hour video). It was basically a guilt trip on fathers because so many of them end up walking out on their kids.
This is a journey of ups and downs.
Hang in there, everyone!
Hi fellow earthlings ...
Well ... have I got something to say about forgiveness!!! It's laughable really ... me ex tried this with my son ... lets start from scratch ... lets start over ... except there was a clause ... you accept my girlfriend and never talk about the past ... exes can rant and proclaim all they want that they have forgiven themselves ... but forgiveness means that you have empathy and undrstanding for the party that you have wronged ... I see no evidence of behavioural change here ...you can clean up the outside ... make it alll pristine but if it's rotting from the inside it still smells ... anyone can claim forgiveness but that doesn't mean they have gone through the process ... I guess forgiveness for me is that I will have moved on ... I will no longer allow him to influence my day to day life ... but to actaually say ... I forgive you for what you did ... no chance in the firey furnances of hell ...
Yes I too have gone into hibernation ... my home is my safe place where I shut out the world and allow only the few trusted people through the front doors ... a little dramatic here but true. I have made a decision to start to do some charitable work for hospice. I have had a few positive inputs and some negative but right now I am only making inquiries and there is quite a screening process to go through right down to a criminal check ... I hope they never find this sight and find out the homicidal thoughts I've expressed ... lol. Anyway we will see what comes of it ...
As far as I know my ex has not responded to the judge and if he has then I am not aware of it and neither is my lawyer ... my lawyer will go forward with the claims for court costs against him etc. So I am still in limbo ...
Nancy ... you're a gem ... you keep plugging along girl ... it will make it easier having out of the area on you ... I know what it is like to be hypervigilant ... I think in the end it is a good thing. Your son will be okay ... he has you and I suspect you have always been the one who has given him consistency.
Poppy ... good luck with court ... I know how draining that one is ...
Happy Mom ... always a delight to read your mail ... you have such wisdom ... you make me laugh and I can relate to your plight so well.
Colleen ... love you ... you've kept me grounded in the past and today ... you're input is so profound.
Sending love to all
Good evening, ladies!
Well, let me start off by saying that I forgive myself and all of you because that seems to be the theme of the week. Let me follow that up by trying not to roll my eyes at the absurdity of it all. Wonder if the "saint" realizes that we all look at him with just a little more disdain than we had of him before. I do hope he forgives us! (oops! The left eye began to roll--a single eye roll is not nearly as sarcastic as a double).
Poppy, I've been thinking about you and hoping all was working out. The March 11th date is coming much faster than it sounded like it would when you mentioned it a week ago. I know everything will turn out the way you want it to, but I'll say an extra prayer for you that morning anyway.
You are all right when you said that not having the husband here does sort of make it easier in some ways. Now that I have come to terms with him not being so close, I think I feel a little better. It's sort of like I don't feel the need to consult him about things like I did earlier. Here's an interesting turn of events: I've been waiting for the final papers to come in this week, but apparently the judge did not sign them. Now, this is an uncontested divorce--property settlement, custody, everything signed and agreed upon (albeit grudgingly accepted by me). We did the required parenting class and everything. My husband didn't really understand why, but apparently the judge told his lawyer that there were some new laws and that more information was needed, so he had to fill out a 12-page document asking about monetary things like the value of the house, cars, any stocks/bonds, even things like how much we spend at the vet each month. Crazy. He thinks it has something to do with child support. He said I'm supposed to fill out the same documents with my lawyer, but I haven't heard from him yet. I told him that I have signed every single paper that was put in front of me to sign (after the lawyer looked them over, that is) and we both agreed that his lawyer is an idiot. He has messed up everything possible and it is just taking so much longer than my husband should have to wait in order to get his divorce--poor guy (oops! There goes the right eye rolling now). I have a call in to the lawyer's office to find out what mistake was made now and how my lawyer has to straighten them all out. I did tell my husband tonight that if he had put in as much energy and money into counseling that he has put into obtaining this divorce that maybe we'd still have a family. He appreciated that as much as he did my question as to whether or not he was seeing any of these delays and mistakes as a big sign that he was doing the wrong thing. Anyway, no divorce here yet either--I'll let you know what my lawyer says is the problem. Has to be a paperwork error since we have agreed on everything else. Poor husband also just found a house he wants to buy but he can't because we are still married. Alas! I feel so bad--wonder if he can ever forgive me. :)
I hope you are all doing well tonight. I cannot tell you enough how much I value all of your friendships. Colleen, Happy Mom, Poppy, Cathy--you are the most unselfish, caring, supportive friends! I am honored to be in this little group with you (I know that sounds strange). Take care of yourselves!!
I discovered my husbands affair two weeks ago, and he hasn't been back, not that he was here much before that. Business trips were actually trips his girlfriend took him on. He blames it all on me, and I just think it's him that's messed up. BUT, now that he's left, I just have 2 kids to take care instead of 3- he's like a big 12 y.o. My house is happier, I had no idea it could be. I'm going back to school to get a fab career and planning a trip to Europe. The thing is ladies, we are all amazing and deserve so much better. Yes, let friends and family help you, even if it is hard. Do all those little things you didn't do before. Enjoy life- it's a banquet and you deserve to feast, it will be gone before you know it.
Well said Anon ... well said ... cheers to you ... grab that brass ring and fly ... I'm happy for you ... all the best to you and your kids ... you are one strong lady and a force to be reckoned with ...
hi all ... it's the W/E and I have to work ... poor me ... lol
Thinking of you all ... Nancy you made through the first week ... congrats ... your eye rolling comments are killing me ... love your humour and spin on things ... made my day ...
Love love
Hi Nancy
you had me in hysterics - and in know Cathy will be rolling on the floor too - we need this pool party girls so we can make vodoo dolls and drown them whilst we are forgiving ourselves.
Colleen is back - a man has entered the picture - i had to get new cell as my brick couldn't cope will all his messages - dont worry girls, i'm taking this at my pace - oops, did I mention younger and drives a Harley Davidson? very cute!
Happy Mom - nose still buried in books my friend? lots of love!
Poppy we are all standing by your side and praying for you.
Welcome anonymous - we are a bunch of mad hatters who stick together thru thick and thin - anytime u need us - we're here!
So, girls - thank u for being such a big part of my life - love you all!!
Woo-hoo, Colleen! Younger AND a motorcycle? Tell me he wears those reflecting sunglasses too! I'm now picturing you in black leather pants and jacket, wind whipping through your hair (in slow motion, of course)--you biker babe you! So glad to hear you are going at your own pace. You enjoy every second of fun with Harley-Dude--keep it lighthearted and full of laughter and fun. You deserve it!
Okay, the pool party is definitely a go! Drowning voodoo dolls--does it get more fun than that? I intend to bring in big hat pins so we can poke them in strategic locations first, though. I'll make the dolls--I have a gift card to Hobby Lobby and can pick up the supplies. Colleen will be too busy being motorcycle mama, Happy Mom needs her quiet time to study, Poppy is basking in that California sunshine and dreaming of life after next Friday, and Cathy is working (you got jipped in this schedule, Cathy). Anon, you are welcome to take a break from planning the European vacation, and join the party. We'll put you down to bring the extra gooey brownies if you have time. I will gladly begin work on those voodoo dolls today. I always loved playing dolls when I was a little girl so it's like I was in training for this new venture. Hey, girls! I just got a brilliant idea, thanks to Colleen. You know how there is a Barbie for every occupation and occasion? We need to get in on that craze and make our own brand of divorce dolls. Oh, I like this idea more and more. Girls, we are going to start our own specialty shop geared exclusively toward women who visit sites like this and have husbands like we all had. We will provide custom-made voodoo dolls with beaded or sequined pins to poke them with (remember, beads and sequins = class). We can even make up little poems they can recite as they take out their frustrations--and we can make OW dolls, as well (those will be really ugly). Ah, the possibilities are endless here! We can branch out our business eventually and really create an empire together. Colleen can open a resort for these ladies to visit with Cathy as entertainment director (we need to get you out of that hospital and working weekends schedule). Poppy will be in charge of travel plans for the ladies due to her expertise in this area. Happy Mom, you and your children can just come and take a break from the studies. We'll put your smarts to work later. I'll break open my Singer sewing machine and start cutting out fabric to finance all of this. Oh yes, this has such possibilities! You all be thinking about a name for the business and we'll be set for life.
So, let me ask you all this: do you think I need to go back to bed and sleep just a little bit longer? :) You have to admit that the idea does have its appeal, don't you think?
Ah, it's so lovely to have you all to dream with. If nothing else, when those tough days come and go, making us all feel like we are going crazy with extreme swings of emotions, we do have Colleen's voodoo doll/pool party combo to make us sane again. Even better, we have each other to keep ourselves afloat. Hoping you all have a truly carefree weekend full of rest and a smile or two along the way.
Anon, we will always have room for you and are delighted to have a new friend! It sounds like you have a good attitude about everything and are looking at it all with the best perspective at this point. If you ever need a shoulder or two or 10, you know where to come.
Take care everybody--stay positive and keep taking those steps forward!
Okay I simply can't let this go ... I have to respond ... work or no work ... this is brillant .. simply brillant ... and I'm not letting Happy Mom off that easy ... she can run the day care ... feed the kids sugar and give them puppies to play with but she's also in charge of group therapy ... I too can sew Nancy and I know that Colleen loves a good bonfire ... what could be more fun than sitting around a campfire telling horror stories about the exes ... I do have one admission to make ... I already have a voodoo doll ... I got it for Xmas from a girlfriend and yes I have stuck pins in very provocative areas ... but I wouldn't mind a larger doll ... one I could dress up ... slow down Cathy ... pant pant. I gleefully (if that's a word) accept the position assigned to me Nancy ... can you call me Julie??
My sides are killing me and the girls at work are wondering why I keep giggling ... I think they believe I'm on some pretty good meds and they want some ... little do they know the cost involved.
Colleen ... go have fun ... lots of it ... you deserve it ... not all men are the same ... and you know what to look out for ...
Back to work here ... if I can quit giggling ...
Love to all
Girls you are the pits - i have now wet my brand new lace panties - love it just love it - Nancy, you're on to a great idea - we could all be multi-millionares - invite our "forgiven ones" on our luxury yacht and feed them to the sharks!
Girls spot the mistake - slow motion on the back of a Harley - holy shit, I will look like I've been electrocuted with smudged mascara - never mind trying to walk in high heels with a sore rear end.
Love ya all - on my way for a theatre/dinner show with friends (he's out of town till tomorrow).
I am going to giggle all night at the antics us girls WILL get up to ... Colleen
Hey Ladies,
O.k. I'm in. Taking care of the kids and the group therapy sounds good to me..... and don't forget, one of those ow dolls has to have dreads.
Happy Mom
Hi Ladies,
Sorry to rain on the party but my kiddies just spent the night at the ow house. I'm not a happy camper...When do I get off this roller coaster??? I seem to be ok as long as she isn't seeing the kids. As soon as she does, I am so angry all I can do is cry. Why does he get to walk away with someone and I am alone? On top of it play house with my kids??? I will calling the mediator to finish the process. As well, does anyone know how to get a background check on someone. Given this one's persona, I would feel better knowing more about her if she is going to be the kids step mom. Btw, when I called to check on my daughter last night(she has asthma)my ex was short with me. Right away i knew they were with her. There is a distinct difference in how he talks to me when she is around. As if we are in a fight and don't get along. I find it juvenile. He left me and our family. He chose her so what's the problem? I guess in is in keeping with the picture he had to paint, that our marriage was over. Still lying. Now we still don't get along. Another lie. Sorry for the rant....
Happy Mom
Hi Happy Mom ... no you didn't rain on any parade and if you are hurting and struggling then we are beside you. I'm not in the same boat as you although my ex tried to split my family and get my daughter to "side" with him and his mistress becuse they loved each other ... wretch ... gag. I know that it scared me because I felt like I was not only replaced as a wife but now the attempt was threatening me as a mother. That struck at my core Happy Mom. My kids are older than yours and able to sort out his attempts. What your ex and partner might be offering is new and they are inquisitive but don't let that distract you from the love, consistency and strength that you give. You can never be replaced by "dreads" ... it's impossible.
Your ex doesn't have the capacity to understand you side ... he can't because if he did he would have to look at his own actions.
I can tell you not to worry, not to get angry, feel resentments but you will work through it in time ... your time ... when you are ready.
In the meantime ... just love your kids and let them love you back.
It's pretty confusing to them. I came from a divorced household and if I wanted my father's love I was forced to accept my stepmom. It was an awful place to be and my mother was angry because she felt my acceptance was disrespectful of her and it really had nothing to do with her ... I just wanted my dad.
Hope that helps ... I've gone on long enough ... will be sending love your way my dear.
Love Cathy
Cathy is exactly right, Happy Mom. You are never raining on any parade! We are here for you no matter what kind of day you are having. It sounds like you've had quite a challenging time, but look around and you'll see all of us surrounding you with love and understanding and desire to ease your pain and confusion.
I'm sorry you have had such a rough time. In some ways doesn't it seem like it would be easier on you if he didn't want anything at all to do with the kids instead of wanting them to spend time with dreads? Then it is also hard because you know your children need their father and their lives are better because he wants to be involved with them--but having that extra package that comes with him does tear at your heart, I know.
Cathy speaks as somebody who has experienced this same situation as a child herself, so her advice comes from somebody who knows both sides. I'm afraid I don't have that perspective, but what she says does make sense. They want to spend time with their father--they are not there to see her, but to see him, and she just is part of that surrounding he is in, unfortunately. You can't tell him not to have her around them, but you can certainly do that background check if you think it will help to ease your mind a little more. I've never done one, but I know you can pay to have it done online--just like a credit check or background check that employers would conduct.
It does seem that this roller coaster is never ending, doesn't it? I do think it may go on for awhile for all of us--much longer than we want it to--but the twists and turns won't always be so severe. Before long, it will be going so slow and be so uninteresting that you'll just get off and choose to never make that ride again. Until then, we are on that ride with you--just look around and you'll see all of us sitting right there near you.
One thing I do want to stress too, Mom, is that never EVER will your children feel any semblance of the love they have for you for this new woman. They may look for material things from their father and his dreadlocked, tattooed friend, but they will always turn to you for the unconditional love, comfort, and support they know is there. When something exciting happens, they will think of telling you first. When they are upset because they had a fight with their best friends, you are who they will run to for comfort. When somebody breaks their hearts one day, they will never be thinking of her (or even their father then). They will come lay their heads on your shoulders and let you dry their tears and will soak in all of the love and comfort and words of advice that only their mother can give them. They are old enough to know the difference--and even if they weren't, never think that any love they have for you is threatened by a curiosity they may have about this strange woman. She can play the game of fake mother with them now and then--because it's what she has to do to make it seem like she fits in with their father--but she will NEVER be anybody who will take even one minute of their love from you.
When it gets to be too much and you need to vent, you know where to come. You are the best mother anywhere, and they know it--and she knows it too--and that is the one thing she will never be able to achieve. It has to bug her to know that she will never compete with you in that area. You don't have to do anything at all and you are already the winner in that category, if you want to look at it that way. You have something she will never have--you have the love of your children for the rest of your life--and you have that connection to their father that will never disappear.
Hang in there. It will get better! Keep being the wonderful mother you have always been and try to rest easier knowing that you have a place in the heart of 3 fantastic children that will be there beyond the lifetime of yourself or even them. You have no competition there at all!
Sending you love--
Dear Happy Mom
We are always here for you - no matter what. The only way I would know how to do a background check is either with a private investigator which costs money, or by getting hold of contacts who know of her ...
But saying that, he has clearly made his choice and he will defend her to the end. Your children will not bond with her, that you can be sure of. This is the harsh reality of divorce - all I can suggest is be the loving mom you are and keep that going, hide your tears and frustration and give them their safe haven and security with yourself as that is all they have - love Collen
Thanks Ladies,
I am feeling your love:)
I knew I could count on you all to say something that would make me feel better. Thanks Cathy, that's what I needed to hear. My daughter is the most taken with her and a counselor explained that it is because her relationship with her dad is the most fragile (also daughters in general) so she must like the ow to keep her dad. Now that you tell it from experience, I feel better. One day my ex will understand how this feels. If I ever have a real date!!:(
You are right in a sense it would be easier if he didn't see the kids as often then I wouldn't have to deal with him and the anger when he does something stupid. Recently the kids had March break off. My ex took 2 days off before the break to go away with his skank and so couldn't take time off with the kids. My middle son slept over a couple of times so I guess that is why he had them finally sleep at her house. That's what makes me so angry...he can stay away from his kids but not her. He said that he hardly sees her because he is busy and she works early. I said, but you are still in the house together and the kids are not with you. I said I know you feel like you are having to fill in all the blocks of time but they have you 1 night a week and she has you 6. She knew when she met you that you have three kids. For once he didn't say anything. He just makes excuses, rationalizes, and explains things away but still I am happy that I said what I wanted to say. It was said and now he has to think about it. Maybe next time she yanks on his leash he'll remember what I said and grow a pair.
I know he would defend her because he is never wrong and never makes mistakes. I probably wouldn't find anything anyway. Surely she does drugs, maybe e but not have record. My hope is that if she does have anything I could refuse to let him take them around her. If she does have any violent reports, I would like to know since my car was kicked in the summer time right after my ex had spent the night away at a soccer tournament with us and then had the middle one spend the night. Both times he had to call her and tell her he wasn't coming home that night. He brings my son home in the morning and says, "what happened to your car"? A foot print right in the dent (she does kickboxing) I didn't think anything of it then he says, "do you have a beef with anybody"? Me? Who would I have a beef with? Then it dawned on me...I wonder who he would have a beef with. My counselor said that when he asked me that he was projecting, that he knew he had the beef with someone. So anyway, whatever, I've always wondered if that kick was just a coincidence. Then again... come to think of it, a while before this, his back window of his car was smashed. I always think...If she was like that he wouldn't be with her or if her hair stunk or she wasn't very bright he wouldn't be with her, but my son has since told me, "no mommy, her hair stinks and she isn't very smart, daddy has made a very big mistake". He also said that he thinks she does drugs because of her eyes. He's done so many things that I never expected that anything is possible.
All in all it doesn't matter except where the kids are concerned. I wish that I knew someone who knows her. I guess it will all work out. At least now they have slept there and nothing has changed. Just one more thing processed and accepted. You ladies are right, they are my kids and she won't ever change that. They are happy to come home to Mommy.
Thank you again...wish I could meet all of you,
Happy Mom
Hi Everyone,
Colleen...a younger man! You go girl. Our inspiration:)
Court today....
I got full physcial custody!! A major win. We will share legal custody. He was ordered to pay $1650 in child support every month and owes is back to Aug. 1st 2010. that is almost $13,000 (I will never see it)
I offered to buy him 2 plane tickets a year to come and visit the kids, as long as he is current on his child support payments. The judge thought that was 'reasonable'.
The court order also said that the children are habitual residends of CA and reside in the US...a major point of contention.
So, it is not over.
The judge wouldn't grant a divorce because I am missing a proof of service. I need another month.
I have another court date in SWE on Wed next week where he is trying to temporary full custody. um...hello, it is too late. I am trying to get the case thrown out. I have petitioned the court asking if I can call into my hearing as I can't go in person.
He was supposed to show up in court today. He did not.
I am still in shock. I won. I have basically been hiding and living in a bubble for 8 months. I have almost forgotten how to live a normal life.
I am holding off on any celebration until after Wed. By the way, he has no idea of this judgement against him. He will find out on Wed. and be MAD.
Next week will be a big week.
And, as if this isn't hard enough, he has taken his new girlfriend to visit his family and one of his brothers posted happy photos of them on Facebook. She is ugly, ok, she is skinnier than me, but ugly with horrible eyebrows...that matters, right? I hope he is happy.
Happy Mom - I don't know what I will do if the kids every have to meet her. I feel your pain.
Thanks for all of the support! The journey continues.
Wow! Congratulations Poppy!!! Bet for the first time in a long time you slept soundly without waking up last night and with a smile on your face. That is absolutely wonderful news. You know, when this is all finally over, you'll be so bored without lawyers to talk to, court dates to keep...no? You don't think so? Why, what else would be more fun than all of that in sunny California? :) So happy for you!
I know he was served, but did he ever call or e-mail about the court date, or did he just plain not show up? That can't be good for him, but then who cares?! You got full custody and you'll be able to pop that bubble and walk around and go places and everything without constantly feeling like you have to be on guard. What a liberating feeling.
Another question--this is like international intrigue to me--if he is going for temporary custody in SWE but custody has already been determined here, does this decision automatically take care of that case? Do the two countries honor decisions made in their respective courts--is it first decision final decision? Does that make sense? Could the SWE court overrule the decision made here or would they just throw the case out if it had already gone to court here? I thought it was complicated enough using the same court system in one city--can't imagine having to deal with two of them in two different countries!
Wonder if his brother will post pictures of his brother when he receives the news that he has lost full custody of his kids because he didn't even bother to show up in court and has no case now in SWE. If so, I want the name of that brother so I can friend him and view those photos. Oh, and you are totally correct--bushy eyebrows definitely count. It doesn't matter how skinny she is--it's the ugly factor with horrible eyebrows that really matters!
I feel like I should pop a cork on a bottle of champagne for you--we'll have Colleen add a wine cellar to her resort for all of those bottles we will need when we each reach those "YEA" milestones like this when we find more celebrations in life than heartache. We are going to need a lot of bottles!
Enjoy your weekend outside of the bubble, Poppy!
Good morning message #2--
I tend to write a lot, so figured I'd better start another note (I always have to delete stuff because my notes are too long--go figure!)
Anyway, I just wanted to check up on everybody and see how you are all doing.
Happy Mom, it sounds like you are feeling a little better. I hope the days since you last wrote have been positive for you. Such a difficult situation to deal with, but you are a wonderful person and you have been so good through all of this--much stronger than I could have been in the same situation, I know. Keep marching forward. How are the papers and classes going too? I bet it keeps you hopping. I don't know what you decided to do when it came to getting that background check, but I just typed in a name and "background check" on google and there are several sites where you can pay to get that information e-mailed to you. I'm not sure how detailed it is, but it may be worth looking into if you still feel it is something you want to do. I have to say that the footprint in your car's door and the broken windshield certainly do sound suspicious given the circumstances surrounding them. Sounds like somebody was not happy with him at that time.
Colleen, how goes life way down there? Still having fun with Harley dude? Hope the boys are doing well and you are walking around with a smile on your face more often than not. Has HE been around lately or is he keeping his distance since he came over the day of the killer whales swimathon? I admire you so much--it sounds like you are truly doing well most of the time and focusing on what YOU want in life now. I bet it's been a long time since you were able to think just about you, hasn't it?
Cathy, has the snow melted up there? We've had more rain than we need so flooding is a problem around here. It's supposed to hit 62 degrees here today--hope some of that warmth makes its way to you. I'll take it when I can get it. Hope today finds you at home instead of at work--so much nicer to be piddling around the house!
As for me, all is pretty good at the moment. HE must be feeling more comfortable with me now too because I seem to be the person he chooses to call and vent to about how long this divorce is taking. His lawyer keeps messing paperwork up and J (husband) is irate about the length of time this is all taking. I'm thinking that's what you get when you hire a lawyer straight out of the yellow pages without talking to anybody who has used him first. He calls his lawyer daily wanting him to hurry up and cusses him out when he finds that it's going to take a little longer to go through the court system. Now, why wouldn't his lawyer hurry up when he's getting cussed at? Not a great strategy on the part of my husband. J is upset because he cannot get an official loan from the bank to buy a house until he is officially unmarried...and he chooses me to be his venting recipient. I find it pretty insensitive to complain to ME, of all people, about how long the legal work is taking. I'm not really hurt, just sort of amazed that he still feels he is the center of the universe and his lawyer should drop all other cases to focus on his exclusively...and even more amazed that he would choose me to vent to about it all. I'm not rude, but I'm not sympathetic in the least. Oh well, just another look at the selfishness and "center of the universe" personality my husband has exhibited to me these last months. I'm not surprised.
We need to find a way to exchange pictures even if we can't meet. Would be great to have a face to put with the stories. No bushy eyebrows allowed in honor of Poppy! Find the tweezers, ladies!
Talk with you all soon!
Hi Poppy
Congratulations - well done - proud of you girl - another step in your long road to freedom!
Funny how they all leave us for dogs - mine's one has noooo boobs (I'm 34E), ugly and big buck teeth (Oops - must hurt) which actually shatters our confidence even more.
Aah Nancy, clearly he's forgiven himself and believes you are still his best friend - bit like the 3 second memory of a goldfish I'm told ... la la la - like you care - although I am sure you make all the right sympathetic noises at the right time - poor sausage!
Ok girls - guess what - I have a proper wine cellar in my house - wine racks and all - they're stuffed with teddy bears now but we'll easily replace with wine - SA wines one of the best in the world!
So girls, I went riding around a coastal village last night on a scooter (another one of his toys) as we went out for a couple of drinks - picture this - me in a little black cocktail number, 6 inch slapper red heels, hair bundled into an awful german-type black helmet and we pull up to a 5-star hotel for drinks. I absolutely refused to allow him to park on the marble foyer but to hide behind another car - hey - a girls gotta draw the line somewhere!
Lots of laughs and lots of fun - thats all I need for now.
Note to self - when trying to do bikini line with hair removal cream - be careful if you scratch and forget you have cream on your fingers!
Oh - my ex's co-director told him yesterday that I have met someone - she just loved doing it to him and relished every second - he was shocked to say the least - he's just been here to drop my son off and hasn't said a word - don't think he would dare!
lastly, we can always exhange pics on my email: baptie@saol.com and cc each other.
lotsa love
my turn,
Poppy I am very very happy for you. You must feel like a huge weight has been lifted from you ... you have been an incredible source of strength. I know there will be more battles but for now relish that you won this round.
Nancy ...yes we still have snow and I'M quite fed up with it. Your ex's actions make me scratch my head and go ... What the *&^#@.
I have to laugh at the description of our replacements... mine has no lips ... no makeup ... frizzy hair that comes out at right angles from her head, a lisp, questionable own teeth or any ... also wears polyester stretch pants. No dreads though although that might be an improvement and I don't think she kicks in car doors. She does train horses ... giddyup ... sorry I have a bad pic in my head...
Seriously ... it feels like a huge insult to me that this is who he left his family for. It takes all my strength not to take it personally ... but when times are rough I look in the mirror and say ... what's wrong with me? Why her?
Colleen.. I'm so happy for you ... have fun ... you've cried enough tears ... time for some happiness.
Talking to you has picked up my spirits ... it's a rough day today ... feel like I'm stuck in quicksand ...
Love to all...
Ok ...this is so awful of me to so, but if you want to see a photo of my husband and the GF, search for him on facebook. He has his photos open to everyone. If you flip thru them, you will end of one of our family. ?? Why does he keep that up there?
I will put his name spelled backwards, zeravla oiciruam
See if you can find him. SWE is the country. Tell me if you barf. The GF is in the first few. ugh. If your eyebrows look like that, wax them!
Good question about legal jurisdiction in international custody cases. It is a bit of a gray area.
It depends on how good your lawyer is.
Really, this is the question that brought the Hague Convention.
In my case, because the kids have been in CA for over 6 months, they are considered habitual residents here, according to CA law. Because I never officially moved them out of SWE, Sweden considers them residents there.
I don't have an answer. I have court on Wed. in Sweden where my lawyer will present the decisions of the CA court. So, we will see if the SWE court accepts the decision or makes another order.
He has been served all papers in association with everything I have done. For some reason he is ignoring them. Probably because he is too cheap to hire a US lawyer. It is obvious to me that his Swedish lawyer has no idea what has gone on the in the US. She will be blown over on Wed.
He thinks the Hague will force me back to SWE. He doesn't know that I convinced the District Attorney not to file the case.
What should have happened it that the US judge should have confered with the SWE judge before making a ruling, but because he signed 2 documents saying he wanted CA to have jurisdiction of the kids, the judge had the authroity.
It is complicated. It is expensive. And, the light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to shine.
I have had a very detailed plan outlined for the past year and I have been slowly ticking things off with the help of my lawyers. If he decided to really put up a fight on any issue, I am in trouble.
But, the court decision on Friday to give me custody was a miracle. 1000 things could have gone wrong. My lawyer and I were speachless. Actually, I am still in shock. It hasn't sunk in.
Wed. is an even bigger day. The day I play all my cards in SWE.
I will let you know how it goes.
I know I'm about 2 years late...but I discovered this wonderful page today. I've been with my husband since I was 16, now 27 I get the news that he's "unhappy" and "empty". Mind you, I had to interrogate him to find out why he's been walking around like a zombie. That's when the news was broke to me. We don't have any kids, thank goodness. But, I'm still left feeling lost and dooped. I know I'm still young and can bounce back, but he's all I know, I'm frightened of starting over. I think things wouldn't be so horrible if I knew what went wrong. He's not telling me anything in particular, just that he doesn't want to end up like our parents..."Just Married"...I'm soooo lost. I never saw this coming. Sure we've had our fights, but NEVER anything extreme. We just celebrated our 8th anniversary and I thought we had such a great time. We're still living together until I figure out what I'm going to do. I told him he could keep the place. I want to start fresh...all these years I've depended on him and never had my own things. But get this, I'm in bed sick today and he asks me do I need anything, I tell him, just water please. He comes back with cough drops and diet pepsi "my most favorite drink in the world". I know I'm probably looking too deep into it...but what does this all mean???? Ugh!
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