Sunday, October 19, 2008

krafts are sew kool

i am pleased to announce that whatever neurological problems are going on, so far they are not interfering with my ability to sew or knit (my energy level and thus my will to do so....'nother story)...i've taken back up my abandoned handwarmers for myself that got tossed into the knitting drawer and forgotten and i've been sewing halloween costumes like mad. a wood elf dress for vesta, which involved a lot of leaves and actually SEWING A DRESS!!!--albeit a very simple jumper type bodice, but still. hazel changed her mind three different times--first, she was going to be lee scoresby (the aeronaut from the golden compass--played in the film by our dear friend, sam elliot), then a witch, then at the very last minute (a.k.a. right before i bought the dress material), she decided to be ginny weasly (ron's younger sister in the harry potter phenomenon) least favorite choice, but which did result in hazel needing a robe/cloak thingy, which i made up and turned out great, if i do say so myself. more kudos to gramma judy because when she gave me a big stash of sewing materials, there was a giant piece of black polyester, which worked great for the cloak. it turned out so well, in fact, that i think i might save my pennies for some nice wool and sew myself a cloak. mmmm yummy softness and warm.

i was doing some random internet craft-blog and search engine perusing yesterday and finally came upon the name of the product that bottle cap artists use to finish the insides of the bottle caps, giving them a shiny, glossy depth. a probably horribly toxic two-part resin epoxy thing called envirotex...although i actually think i came across some info that said it doesn't off gas...could that be right? more research is needed, i suppose. anyways--i can not wait to try this stuff out! the realm of art has always been my environmental albatross...the place where i just can't help making compromises in the name of being in the moment of creation. i ordered some along with some magnets and am going to play around with it until i'm comfortable, then i think hold a workshop at blue mountain school for the kids.

last night and this morning i worked on making a bag out of that orange and black day of the dead-themed oilcloth i bought several months ago. i put rivets in the top to string the handles through and i really like it. i'm interested to see what kind of weight it can hold. just how strong is that oilcloth, anyways? i definitely had some trouble sewing with that oilcloth and really want to get a teflon foot and figure out just what is the best needle for sewing plasticy things, as i also have some vinyl sheeting i got out of a remnant pile that i want to sew into a pouch. anyone have tips?

today i am grateful for:

1) it's not my day to wash the dishes
2) jubal is so happy and joyful and delicious
3) how supportive my family is during this not-ideal-health crap
4) the other volunteers at BMS for spreading the work around
5) hebrew national hotdogs (when you're so freaking sick and tired that you can never think of foods to prepare, they are right there for you--quick to prepare, savory, and kosher. ah yeah)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

no news is....frustrating!

i haven't had the mental momentum to write on here lately. whatever is going on with my body is wearing me out physically and mentally.

i've been to my naturopath and to the neurologist, but so far have no definitive diagnosis. the neurologist did have a couple of options to explore though--one is ruling out this rare disease called wilson's disease, that is a genetic defect that causes your body not to properly metabolize and flush out copper, so it just builds up in your system until it ruins your liver and kills you (if you don't know about it--if you do, it's manageable). he ordered some labs to rule that out and i should have the results next week. the other option is called POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome--or something like that), it has to do with your body not correctly regulating your blood pressure when you change positions (in very layman's terms) causing you to pass out or to tremor or to generally feel like crap. wiki POTS and get depressed. i'm starting to feel like that's probably it, but we shall see. my next appointment with the neurologist is on the 29th.

it's depressing. i feel like crap and mostly just want to lay around and not do anything. so when i do stuff--you have to do stuff! like cook dinner and do laundry and clean up the floor and pay attention to the children...when i do mundane stuff about the house i resent it (not the kid-time, the other stuff), as it uses up all the energy i've got, leaving none to the fun stuff like sewing and knitting and just feeling good BEING.

i've also started to volunteer at the school on mondays for most of the day, and on wednesdays for cleaning. i am enjoying it, for the most part. i do whatever demian and joel need done, if anything, then i wander around being available to help kids do whatever they need doing, cleaning up little messes, and orienting myself with the opal program on the computer...then after lunch i help clean up the kitchen. i still have no idea what i'm doing in the kitchen, so i try to help in such a way that i can't screw anything up--wiping down tables and counters and the salad bar, sweeping, clearing dishes, etc. it feels good to be helping and i like being there, seeing the school in action. i want so badly for the school to spring back from this rough spot with the board. i want it to thrive again, attract more students, feel stable for everyone involved so that it can shine and prosper. i wish we could be a private school! whatever happened to that voucher idea, anyways? i wish the school board could see what i see...i love watching these rough-sounding teenage boys spy a smaller kid having difficulty with something and stop, get to their level, and offer help. i LOVE it! i love how everyone is equal and everyone is always teaching something to someone else. i love that everyone has the freedom to figure out what they want to do and how to do it. i love that everyone has a chance to learn everything...five year olds on computers and pottery wheels, teenagers playing dress-up with the littler kids. it's SO COOL!

i'll update the health info when i have the meantime...enjoy your life, help someone, and eat something delicious.