Friday, May 15, 2009

what i want when my husband leaves me

it's five days since he said he wanted a couple days' space.
four days since it was revealed he's interested in another woman.
one day since he made his intentions to divorce clear.

1) $10,000 of no strings, untaxed, completely free money so that i can breathe about the mortgage, the kids' clothes, the gas, the insurance, the dog shots, the, the, the.... (more would be okay, too)
2) someone to take the kids for a while.
3) someone to take me out to dinner without the kids. and to be able to eat once i get there.
4) sleep.
5) a dishwasher.
6) someone to move in with me and be present.
7) the space to weep.
8) a t.v. for my office so i can sew in it when i can't sleep, but can have the t.v. on while i do it, because that comforts me.
9) to paint my living room.
10) peace


Anonymous said...

I am so wanting Peace - I cry even in my sleep and wake every half hour to a soaked pillow

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is sooo my life. My husband and partner of 19 years has left me and two girls, saying he loves me but is not in love with me. Wow. Shattered, numb, devastated, shocked, scared, crushed, lost... I dont know how to cope with this. I dont want to separate, he has said he needs time to think about what he wants to do, he says about a month or more. Meanwhile im left at home to deal with two young girls who are understandably confused and upset, and dont understand why they cant see dad all the time. Im not sure i can cope with this....