Saturday, March 1, 2008

spring fever

okay it's been a month since i last wrote on here. i've been BUSY. jubal turned one a couple of days ago. one! i cannot believe it. he's amazing as always, and teething again. but still mostly happy. we put the raised beds in, and my first green seedlings are up and growing. i direct-seeded arugula, corn salad, and italian dandelion seeds. i have also started the following seeds in the house: broccoli and cauliflower, chives, burbank slicer heirloom tomatoes, borage, catnip, epazote (the add to your beans herb), german winter thyme, skullcap...and maybe a couple others i am forgetting right now. but everything is labeled and dated, so i'm on top of it. i got this handy tool that makes starting pots from old newspapers that i totally love, because you can sit around watching t.v. or listening to music and grind out a million little pots super easily and don't have to deal with finding, cleaning, and disinfecting the leftover plastic pots from last year. now i just need a greenhouse!!! where to put all my seedlings once they sprout?! we have some great southfacing windows in the office, but frieda goes there a lot, so i have to figure out how to keep her from dumping them. my broccoli seeds came up already and they have been moved to the kitchen window. it's so exciting. really, it thrills me. every year i am re-startled by the simplicity of seeds and life and watching the whole process unfold. and then you get to eat the results! how totally perfect.
i am still in the midst of trying to organize the office, but am making little progresses every day and find that satisfying enough. it will get done eventually.
we got a puppy a few weeks ago. he's a rottie-black lab mix who i named wyatt wayne, cuz he's a little cowboy toughie. i know, i know! i really needed something else to clean up after--but it's not too bad and he's awesome, a perfect addition to the family--though hazel may have her doubts, as he targets her for roughplay...i guess he considers her the other puppy in the house, having already realized he will not be allowed to play with jubal that way.
overall i am pretty dang happy with my life and my family. loving being busy and having fun with everything i do. i've been able to work a bit on my bags and cards and even found a potential outlet for sales...anyone out there heard of! it's an online marketplace for crafters of all kinds and is so awesome and inspiring. if you feel like shopping for some amazing handcrafted goods, please do go there. i will, of course, alert you all when i have my own etsy "shoppe". be well and know you are loved.
five things to be grateful for today: 1) seeds! 2)the library 3)my dad--he helped me the other day when my car wouldn't start in town--i was stranded with the baby AND the puppy and dad helped me figure out what to do and even took the puppy around with him so he wouldn't be stuck for hours in the car. it was so great 4)my kids who are so well behaved and sweet and genuine 5)the new grill! the tax return money has come and gone, but it left a new grill in it's wake and i so love it. and what the heck: 6) the new FRIDGE! it doesn't freeze the lettuce and spoil the meat! no pool of mysterious goop on the bottom of the fridge growing science experiments! i am truly grateful for it. and i bought it at ferguson's and while the in-store guy is a bit surly, the delivery guy was funny and nice and set it all up for me. woohoo!

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