Thursday, March 6, 2008

the slow spring clean

well, i've recovered from mom's visit. we love having her here, but it's tiring and i need a day or two to recombobulate afterwards. i've been making baby steps in the office, and already it feels like a mountain has been moved. i'm still not sure where it went, but i can *almost* use the office efficiently as a workspace. today will involve more office arranging, the folding of yet another pile of laundry, and the ever-famous White Shelf Clean-Up...anyone who has visited my home knows about the white shelf in the main room that no matter how many times i clean it off and swear to behead anyone that henceforth uses it as their piling station, still! becomes covered in masses of little kid crap like beads and sculpey items and anything else that can fit in the hands of a child. i must be more vigilant!--ahem...
the seedlings are all doing well. i've created shelves for them out of old beams and bricks and jars supporting narrow cuts of plexiglass. there are only three pots out of the 40 or so that i planted that did not sprout. amazing. the borage seedlings are positively huge, considering...and if a couple of you out there need borage plants let me know, i'll have a few extras, barring unpredictable cataclysmic seedling events.
jubal just woke up, so i'll close for now. i hope everyone has a marvelous day!
today i am grateful for: 1) love, in all forms and expressions 2) all my wonderful tools of the craft (sewing machine, block printing goodies, waxed book linen thread, etcetera... 3) having a roof over my head and walls to protect us from the elements 4) time (even though schrodenger's (no way i can spell that!) cat could argue successfully that it doesn't exist) 5) a super exciting presidential campaign.


Gary said...

Kool! What's "borage"? Is it like porridge? -- dad

megan said...

borage is an herb which is a galactogogue (stimulates milk production) with big fuzzy leaves and blue star-shaped flowers that taste sort of like cucumbers. the flowers make pretty garnishes and attract many beneficial insects and bees.