Friday, December 31, 2010


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i don't normally make new year's resolutions. i prefer to just decide i want to do something and do it whenever i decide that. certain people i know constantly put things off "until new year's" and that's dumb. this year, however, i do have some resolutions. pretty big ones, i think.

the last year has been long, arduous, complicated, strenuous, satisfying, mind-blowing, fun, and generally successful at making me be happier to be alive than not. hopefully the new year will be all of those things and more. but all the "more" things should be rad.

here are my resolutions:

general fitness goals (work out more frequently and harder, eat more veg and less everything else, eat my smoothies at least 5 days a week, drink my tonic teas, don't eat candybars on a regular basis)

quit smoking. i really don't like this one. i love smoking. i love cigarettes. i love their boxes and smoke and shape. i love taking little time outs throughout the day to smoke. i love the social aspect of smoking during breaks at school. i pretty much love everything about smoking. except that it isn't good for me, and that if i keep doing it, so will my husband, and he smokes nasty chemical cigarettes, about a pack a day. i'm quitting smoking to support my health, to be a good role model for my kids, and to support and inspire my husband to quit smoking. in the coming days, when i want to smoke, i will take 3 deep breaths. i'll take as many 3 deep breaths as necessary until i can stand not smoking just then.

make certain to compliment and/or express my gratitude and admiration to my immediate family every single day. to really notice something lovely they've said or done or been and give thanks for it.


make something every day. some little tiny piece of art or writing, or prepare a specially lovely meal, or take a very intentional photograph. every day. EVERY DAY. this is because i love making things. and i get busy in school making things for school, executing homework, etc. and then i get busy at home taking care of everyone and doing chores and vegging out with netflix...and i forget to just make things for myself, just because i love it. also, because i want my house to be cleaner and less cluttered and i will use this resolution as an opportunity to use all of that stuff i save because it would be just awesome for an art project (if i EVER got around to using those things for that purpose!)
also, i am really looking forward to how this goal changes my definition of "make something", and in seeing what it produces.

happy new year, everybody. i hope you are blessed.

i am grateful for:
my dad
the adobe creative suite
expensive, well-made shoes

oops. i forgot to say. in an effort to hold myself accountable and keep motivated, i will be posting my daily creations to flickr, and probably, through flickr, to here. i look forward to sharing them with you.

1 comment:

Lokiko Hall said...

Wow cool! Matty just gave up smoking again, due to having lost a bet about the visibility of the eclipse. Looking forward to seeing your creations. Maybe I should make a quick res to figure out what you're talking about with flickr and how to do it meself. For once in many years I think Matt and I made it to midnight. We weren't even intending to. And we danced the new year in to the soundtrack to "Rab ni Bana di Jodi" which I think translates as "A Match Made in Heaven" but for some reasons subtitles don't often apply to the titles of films.
Happy New Year y'all!