Monday, April 20, 2009

my birthday wish list

yes, my birthday approaches. i will be thirty whole years old (it strikes me as wondrously hilarious that there was a time and were a people who once considered thirty to be over the hill! i haven't even APPROACHED that hill yet...i can't even SEE it on the horizon of my life!) honor of the impending celebration of my (nearly) perpetual aging, here is my birthday wish list for anyone who might be interested. ahem.

it's a list, but it's not ranked in order of importance or preference:

1. stainless steel electric tea kettle (my (non-electric) tea kettle died over a year ago when vesta spaced off that she was boiling water and i've been using a saucepan to boil water for too dang long) (just an example)

2. tea pot, preferably the clear glass variety (my brown betty finally hit the sink the wrong way. ouch) this one is particularly lovely:

3. chicken coop and roomy chicken tractor/movable run--the right size for two or three chickens--such as this one:

4. an upgrade to pro on my flickr account (now that i've joined the scavenger hunt--post to come soon--i need to get rid of the monthly megabite limit so i can post 20 photos for the hunt and still be able to post pictures of the kids and the crafts and the garden

5. two apple trees--maybe the columnar varieties they have at my extra wild dreams they would come with giant pots so that when we move (either to a bigger house or a whole 'nother area) i can take them with me

6. king size jersey sheets like these in blue, purple or brown:

or these in lavender:

what can i say? i'm worth it!

i am grateful for:
instructables/online tutorials
my family

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