Friday, March 27, 2009

facebook is time consuming and addictive

holy crap was the phrase of the day yesterday. if you haven't tried facebook, you could never's like an onslaught of six degrees, the six degrees' mothers have six degrees. you type in your info (name and where you went to high school and when) and then it shows you pictures of people you might know. then more pictures. then you find some you know and look at their friends, then you find twenty people you know and you look at their friends...all these people you used to SEE EVERY DAY! it's insane. it made me giddy and sick at the same time. and yes, i easily found tony ray! and a million other people. mostly i wanted to find tony and jodi, and i did. so i'm happy. but damn if that thing isn't addicting in it's astonishment factor, and the voyeuristic thing of wondering what people are up to now that we're in the realm of thirty.
rodney and i have to joust for a chance to go check our facebook pages and then it's just this constant echoing yell from the back of the house: "holy crap!" "oh my god!" "(insert someone pasty's name here)" (and that was PAST-y, like from the past. yeah.)

i am grateful for:
good bread
my bike

oh yeah, and loki for telling me how to get photos in the body of my text. doh!

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