Friday, September 12, 2008

up crick creek

this morning as i was laying (lying?) in bed having some kooky dream about my thyroid pills (it was super-realistic and had the feel and texture of swallowing them just right)...i was in and out of awakeness...wondering what time it was and if i should be getting up yet, thinking about having my tea before jubal woke up...i could feel this niggle in my neck. this awareness of not-rightness. a slight pain, even. i could tell that when i actually peeled myself out of bed, my neck and shoulders would be messed up. but i was also still dreamingish, so i hoped it wasn't REALLY real. you know. like the perfect feeling of swallowing the pills. i waited a while to improve my chances of it being dream pain, but the tea kept calling me, so i finally got up. it was real. i had my pill and my tea and waited a half an hour to take an ibuprofen (i'm not supposed to ingest anything immediately before or after the pig pill, except for my tea) felt like my body was actually a hanger. the wooden kind for suits. a nice slope to it to match my shoulders, but, you know, still wooden. hard. stiff. and the part that would normally be made of metal and form a hook to hang in your closet, that part was just straight, and went like a rod of pain up my neck. we took the girls to school (hazel made a motion at the school meeting to bring her rabbit to school today, so they needed a ride), and when we got home i promptly took two more ibuprofen. they did nothing. i filled the hot water bottle with a blend of boiling-hot and tap-hot water and parked myself on the couch to watch the today show and the view and the price is right (i'm a during-commercial-switcher). i spent the majority of my day on the couch watching crap t.v. the pain is nauseating and intense. at one point rodney asked me if i wanted to go to the doctor, but of course i stupidly said no. i've never gone to the doctor for a slept-wrong-crick-in-the-neck before! do people actually do that?! god, i wish i had. i would swill pain killers like water right now. i can remember the feeling of no-pain and mental stupor that i had after i took vicodin for a pulled wisdom tooth a few years ago. that feeling would be so perfect right now (and would really improve crap t.v.) that time, i dropped the kids off with lorin, rented like five movies, took my vicodins on time, and watched the movies, then took the next scheduled vicodins, and so on. i want that so bad right now. we're supposed to go to the eugene celebration tomorrow to get our caramel apples and there is a local film fest all weekend here in cottage grove. it's NOT A GOOD TIME FOR THIS!!! but it never is. so i'm chillin' and painin' up crick creek.

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