Saturday, December 15, 2007

i am adoring having a creative outlet lately--with the sewing machine and various other projects-in-progress. i love the way creative energy snowballs--getting huger and wilder the more you use it. it feeds itself and it feeds me--i just need time. the other night i was laying in bed thinking about being a teenager with all that TIME! on my hands. amazing. i would sit at the computer and write for hours upon hours, and i loved it all. that's a funny thing about me, i really love everything i create, without bias--with the exception of cooking, which any man i've been with knows i critique waaaaay too much--i mean, i LOVE it. that doesn't mean it doesn't need editing, but in my heart, it's a perfect little baby--like jubal and the girls.
so. gratitude for art, for process, for love, for eggs, and for vesta--she takes care of jubal in small bits so i can get stuff done.

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