Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
making comfort and peace
on the other side is my super-old recipe for pancakes, that sort of explains at least some of the grime. maybe. or i'm just gross.
last night i made comfort food. i've been craving cheese and onion scones like mad for days, so i decided to make them biscuit-style...with mashed potatoes and gravy, meatloaf, and steamed veg. i used my most-favored biscuit recipe, which i'm sharing a picture of because it's still on this grimy index card from way, waaaay back in the day. back when i was just this side of a hippie, living in a 120 square foot yurt with lorin and baby vesta, hauling my own water and making everything from scratch, probably from something we grew ourselves in long, long rows of green, amazing food. i keep thinking i really need to re-do my recipe cards--somewhere back in my brain i'm hatching a plan to put them all into a book using pen-and-ink and inDesign--but i just can't let go of my recipe card, because it reminds me of the old days, when time was slow and all my skin was brown from living and working in the sun all day. no schedules, and the demands on me were those necessitated by the seasons, the land, and my growing baby. ah, to be young and idealistic and off the grid...the biscuits were so good that there weren't any left for me to take for lunch. so i will have to make them again soon. and hide them.
i also made this kickass gravy with beef stock and beer, which had a super delicious, rustic flavor. i was going for a bit of the feel of morning glory cafe's old biscuits and gravy taste.
today i asked vesta to teach me how to make an origami crane. i was feeling exhausted from being sick and from just having so much to do lately. such a schedule and so many demands. no wonder i yearn for even the grimiest reminder of a slower time...anyways, i thought well, i want to make something, and i knew vesta has been teaching art class at her school once a week or so for the last 2 or 3 weeks and i wanted to see how she was at it, and give her some practice for the art class tomorrow, if she wanted it. plus just getting to spend a few minutes with her, uninterrupted. she was pretty good, i must say, and i managed to make this crane. not bad. is it 1,000 or 10,000 for peace? i can't remember. at my house it's just two. mine and hers.
she is so not a baby anymore.
i am grateful for:
my awesome instructors
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
best laid plans
1. i did not think about it. or the time it involved. i just did it.
2. it totally reused stuff that i hoard (magazines, amazon delivery boxes)
3. it took stuff i hoard and made it into stuff to organize other stuff i hoard! rad.
4. jubal did it with me.
5. it used tape, which is an awesome invention.
6. it did not involve moving a lot, or getting in and out of "the zone". i didn't have to move further than 15 feet from where i was to get everything i needed to make it, from start to finish.
7. it has pictures on it.
i wanted something to organize my communication arts magazines, a subscription to which is a gift to myself to support my interest and career path in design. it's not a cheap magazine and i keep them all to reference for information and inspiration. i want them separate from all the other magazines so the kids don't accidentally cut them up, making a VERY EXPENSIVE collage. but. i have a thing against spending money on those fancy magazine holding box thingies that you can get at fancy places that i don't shop. the most money i will devote to organizing or holding the things that i pack-rat is the occasional purchase of a big clear plastic tub or a pine board to erect a shelf.
so i found a box. and i grabbed two national geographics. i was determined to use only 2 and not head back to the magazine stash. i also grabbed some packing tape, a utility knife, and some scissors.
the box was too deep to snugly hold the magazines, so i made a spacer out of the flaps of the box all taped together with some other random cardboard pieces i found. then i cut down the front. and i just found images i liked and taped them on. jubal joined me and he found stuff he liked and i taped that on. he made "books" out of stapled magazine pages for a while and then he wandered off and i just kept cutting and taping. when the box was all covered i put another solid layer of tape on it for sturdiness. THEN i had to leave the zone to find all my communication arts magazines scattered around the house. i didn't find them all, but when i do, i know where to put them.
another cool thing about this project was that before i started it i was checking some musical reference online for a discussion r. and i were having and noticed my e-music amount had re-booted, so i bought some new music and got to listen to it while i worked. my e-music account is almost exclusively for treating myself to stuff i wouldn't necessarily normally buy. it's like a "hey, try this" account. or for splurges on things i've always wanted but never gotten around to buying.
here's the set-list to my magazine box making:
*i didn't get all of those albums in one day, some of them were still un-listened to much from last month. i also got nina simone: nina simone sings the blues, but didn't listen to it in that session (i did later though and it was deeeeelicious.)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

tuesday after school rodney made dinner and asked if i wanted to go to the pub for a while and play some pool. of course i did. we had fun and even one really good game, where i only had one ball left on the table when he beat me. i've never won, except when he somehow fouls hitting the 8 ball and i win by default, which does not count. i took my camera along to "make" a photograph. it's been a while since i fooled around with the manual settings and i thought i might get some interesting slow shutter speed shots. i'm not in love with them, but it was fun and i did get this nifty image with rodney's ghosty form playing billiards. i didn't notice until i dragged it into photoshop to put the B&W adjustment on it that my sweetheart wrote "megan rulz" on the scoreboard. rad. it was nice to bust out the camera and the tripod and photograph stuff with intention, rather than the ill-lit, tungstony, snap-shots i've been taking of late.
today i did all kinds of making stuff. i spent a good three hours finishing the format job on dad's book. one of those classic "this should take 30 mins tops" kind of scenes, where you're, you know, WRONG about that. it was a breathtaking experience, being responsible for it. he's printing through lulu and needed me to upload it for him for some reason i never understood, so when it came time to deliver the files i was confronted with this page of questions to navigate that seemed so very final and important and BIG. i called him and we sorted it out to the best of our abilities, but i must say, i don't think i would publish a book with them. their website is really hard to navigate if you need information, and their response time is sluggish. i'd much rather be face-to-face with a printer who can answer my questions just then and personally address my needs. regardless of my opinion of lulu, it was a really exciting experience for me. i'm so proud of dad. after i did all the formatting i just kept scrolling through the pages looking at how beautifully it looked like A REAL BOOK!!! and getting all butterfly-ey. we still need to upload the cover art, so i get to go through it all again in a few days. when i answered all the questions and uploaded my file and finally pushed "submit" the result was this little, silent, anticlimactic message.

if i ever run an online printhouse i hereby vow that when you submit your first-ever, beautifully formatted, blood and sweat covered manuscript some rad flash of steve martin playing the banjo at the head of the awesomest marching band EVER will scroll across the screen and george carlin will appear knocking at your door, delivering a celebratory cake.
i also made chili today with all the various chili-appropriate left overs in the fridge ( i think i am becoming famous for this ability to turn any kind of left over into some form of soup product ). i used the chilies from our friends bryan and kym's garden that have been drying in a bunch from the kitchen ceiling, accusing me of neglect. we are just about to eat it and i am so ready.
also, hazel and jubal wanted to make oatmeal raisin cookies and we needed brown sugar, so i made that too. you just drizzle some molasses into a running food processor full of sugar until the color suits you. i'd love to go into a whole thing about how much i love raw sugar over white sugar, and dazzle you with my nutritional and humanitarian rights factoids, but lately all i ever have on hand is white sugar, thanks to my southern-born hubface and his sweet-tea addiction. i just let it go. when i'm a rich and famous yippie designer, i promise to only buy organic fair trade raw sugar that was sustainably harvested and transported on the backs of lovingly tended burros. or something.
and speaking of intentions. smoking. so we had the january 1st inferno of cigarettes and cigarette packaging. and then rodney slipped. so i slipped. then we might have been on again and he slipped again. and then we were back on track and he got sick and was in bed for days and i had to do everything myself from morning til night and i cannot adequately express how lovely it was to smoke just a tiny bit while he was sleeping for days on end. and then he was smoking again and breaking a couple other resolutions, and i got fed up with the on again off again crap and delivered an eloquent speech that involved the notion of shitting or getting off the pot, except more refined and passionate sounding and he actually took it to heart and quit for reals. he did this while i was mid-pack, so i stretched it out, smoking a couple times a day, finishing my smokes early monday morning. today i bought another pack. he's been quit for reals for a week today and i'm the horrible one who bought another damn pack. the irony is killing me, since he's the one who was smoking like a pack a day and i'm the one who has painlessly quit smoking at the drop of a hat several times, easily and without fanfare. and now, NOW?! it becomes some stupid challenge that i'm sucking at? frustrating.
i am grateful for:
oranges. i haven't eaten one in, possibly, years, but my friend andrew eats them at school all the time and it inspired me to try one again. yum.
quiet. i'm sure i'll get some sometime and i know it will be lovely.
the new decemberists album, which is very mellow and americana. i'm partial to rox in the box. january hymn is sweet, too.
date night. we'll be seeing the fighter this weekend!
enduring love which sees past irritations, frustrations, disappointment, failures, mistakes, and all the other crap.
making stuff,
the decemberists
Monday, January 17, 2011
i (heart) inDesign

i am grateful for:
Saturday, January 15, 2011
last sunday: i made time for myself. i NEEDED to get out of the house. i went to the movies. this may not sound like much but i don't actually get much time to myself and it was worth it. i saw black swan and it was very effective, though i'm not sure i can say that i liked it. it did give me quite the stomach ache for some time after it was over. like i said: effective. tales of madness get to me because of all the actual madness in my life. the acting was very good, and the direction, and the filming. still, i'm not sure how i feel about it. no matter my ambivalent feelings--the time to myself was SO AWESOME. it might even be nice to make time for myself one thing i make every single week. especially if it involves movies.
monday: chicken soup with star pasta and cannellini beans. part of the sunday time to myself involved verbally shoving a chicken at rodney and telling him to figure out how to roast it on my way out the door. he did an excellent job and we made the soup together. it was yummy.
tuesday: i made tiny brochures for my design class. yeah, i know, more homework as making something, but these, at least, were tiny mock brochures. made by hand. so cute. sorry, i neglected to photograph those.
wednesday: vesta needed to speak at a school board meeting for a presentation that her school was doing, so i brought yarn. i thought i would make some fingerless glove/arm-warmer thingies. so far i just have rectangles that i pull out and restart, but it was nice to bust out the needles and yarn all the same. vesta was awesome, by the way.
thursday: i had a horrible migraine. i asked rodney to make dinner and popped 2 excedrin migraines and laid very still in bed until they kicked in. then i was starving and ate a bunch of his yummy stir fry and made tiny boxes out of mini cereal boxes and other packaging i've been saving, while i watched some addictive trivia game show involving a million dollars and then bones. i love the rare chance to sit and watch mindless t.v. with the girls and especially love that i was DOING SOMETHING the whole time! these mini cereal boxes were very hard to fold against the grain and i don't think i'll be doing this again. the mini boxes work awesomely with recycled cards, though. i feel obliged to put in a disclaimer here--this is NOT normal fare at our house. i specifically got the mini cereals to make artist books out of, but the boxes were getting that hoardy feeling, so i will just get more if ever i am actually ready to do the artist books. it's its ARE very good, though. and i do eat those an a regular once-in-a-while basis. and they make for a cool box because they say "IT's it!" in big beautiful green type, which is nice for putting little gifts in.
friday: i realize this is really stretching it. but, oh well. what i made on friday was a mii. yes. we got our wii on friday because, well, because wiis are rad and we all deserve one. i've wanted a nintendo since i was 11 or so. it looks pretty good and quite a bit like me, i think. (i don't know why, but the orientation refuses to stay changed when i flip it right-side up).
saturday: more homework as making something. in addition to making these brochure comps for mercy corp i also did some (read: hours) of dreamweaver homework. unfortunately we are still at the stage where we just do what we're told and don't actually design (read: what i spent hours on is too ugly to show you). dad took the kids up to portland for my aunt's surprise birthday party and rodney and i stayed home and did homework all day until we left for town to have an early date night. we saw True Grit and it was wonderful. i recommend it.
and finally, this sunday. today we all went to town and played mini golf at some weird "family fun center" type place that was straight outta roseanne, called putters. rodney gets the hook-up over at LCC for free tickets to these strange places we normally wouldn't go to. it was interesting, if over-stimulating. AND, i got a hole-in-one! tonight i made an adobe illustrator "sketch" of an idea i had a few years ago. this is by no means the final design, because originally i wanted it to look very much screen-printed or hand-stamped, which, of course, this doesn't. but it was still fun to play with the idea in illustrator and just mess around. my plan is to do a series--lemons on pink, limes on brown, oranges on blue...and later perhaps a tomato, squash, etc. theme.
have a great week!
i am grateful for:
dad taking the kids all day
rex goliath (best cheap wine EVER)
that i forgot monday was a holiday and now i remember so it's totally extra
sore muscles
good food
Saturday, January 8, 2011
variety show and tell
on thursday, after design class i had a long lunch break before production class. to make up for being so stressed out the night before (doing the ali posters), for which i was lovingly teased about all through class, i decided to treat myself to lunch at casablanca. it was a risky move, as parking has been hideous (as always at the start of any term) and i'm always too afraid to leave to have lunch in case i won't be able to find a spot when i come back. usually i bring something. this time i decided to risk it. i think a lamb pocket sandwich from casablanca just might be my best comfort food. part of it is the guys that work there. so reliably geeky and friendly. i love sitting at the little bar watching them cook curries and forming falafel in their weird plunger-meets-mold contraption. i love that the lamb pockets ALWAYS taste good, and how spicy they are, and also that the guys always catch my eye and ask me halfway through how it is. the only thing i don't love is that the pockets come wrapped in paper AND on a little paper plate. every time, i leave there with the totally clean plate stashed somewhere on my person to be recycled at home. i decided i would make something with it this time. because the trip to casablanca felt so good i also stopped at oregon art supply for some retail therapy. i bought a pack of faber-castelle broad brushtip markers. they were $20 but i had a collection of OAS customer cards that got me $10 off with $62 toward my next discount. (awesome!)
here is what i made. it's for hanging near my desk to remind myself not to get so stressed out. it'll be okay. we'll always have casablanca. thanks to the one person who laughed a little at that joke.
the next night i made chicken for dinner. no biggie, i make dinner pretty much every night. but this time i made my own cutlets by smashing my chicken breasts to an even thickness utilizing a sheet of plastic wrap and a hammer. it's good to try something new. i dunked them in an eggy-milk bath and breaded them in panko, which i'd seasoned with basil and other rad spices. they were quite a success. rodney had even finally risen from his flu-induced near-coma and was able to enjoy them.
and tonight i made this little book. it's for rodney and i to keep in a centralized location and write each other little love notes in. we need little love notes. it's perfect for my project because it:
a. uses national geographics AND some of the 4 packs of paper i got off of kyle when she closed the little school. (read: it was an anti-hoarding supporting craft) also the paper is green which is rodney's favorite color.
b. it used the laminator. one of those things people like me buy because it would be SO AWESOME for crafts and then maybe doesn't use it that much. which is sort of a cousin of hoarding. i made little books like this for the girls' stockings and they were a huge hit, even though they don't close properly and you have to keep them shut with a rubber-band.
c. it used the saddle-stitch stapler. see b.
and it's good because it will hold love notes, which are nice.
today was the "celebration of life" for uncle dave. vesta wanted to go and hazel didn't, so we gave lorin a ride and celebrated dave by crying a lot. he was quite honestly one of the awesomest, most generous men i've ever met and the joint was packed. everyone had lovely things to say and there was A LOT of crying and that kind of laughing that happens when someone lovely has passed and stories are told and it becomes obvious how beautifully connected we all were to one person, so we all understand the jokes and mannerisms people mention when they share about them.
i do not normally feel very good about lorin, so it was pretty nice to spend some human time with each other, supporting our daughter and relating as people. after the service we went to papa's soul food because that is the perfect thing to eat at a time like that.
rodney and i got to go to the axe for a while this evening and play some pool. i even almost beat him once! there was this great, loud blues band playing (heavy chevy) and we danced a tiny bit upstairs by the pool table and then laughed about how terribly we dance. it was bad. but awesome. i still had on my spendy shoes and my skirt from the service and it was RAD to go out in my portias. rodney was laughing about them because he always helps me put them on and take them off (they are strappy and fiddly on the side of your foot that isn't easy to reach yourself) and he went to set one on the floor while he took the other one off and i squealed "don't put them on the floor!" because i am SO protective of them because they are well made and were NOT cheap and he thinks it's cute how i baby them and always put them away in their box as soon as i'm done wearing them. he commented about it and said they were like my porsches, and i told him they were called that (because, like the homes of the rich, fancy shoes have names!), this particular model is made by dansko and is called portia. anyways it amused me.
i am grateful for
my shoes!
soul-throbbing music with amazing guitar skills
soul-food (especially the hush puppies at papa's)
vesta being old enough to babysit
rodney not letting me win at pool because when i DO win it will be for reals and it will be WONDERFUL
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
a justified justification
i had a very long day.
rodney was sick and did absolutely nothing all day.
when i got home from school i tidied and split wood and lit the stove and ate lunch and then i got to work on my design homework. which i distinctly remember tom saying was "easy" and i think also "nothing". so i will not say how many hours i spent on it. but i will say that other than picking up jubal, fetching dinner from :::shudder::: a fast food establishment, and helping the girls with homework as little as i could get away with, i, uh, didn't really do anything else. and it's really late now. so. (and by "didn't do anything else" i don't mean vegging around not doing anything. i mean i was working. the whole effing time.)

the assignment was to make 3 different typographical posters using the same grid and elements, and 3 muhammad ali documentary posters using the same grid, images, and text. somehow i did not grok that each poster had to have all 3 images. so i did not make the posters each with all 3 images. then i found out my mistake. and i had to make 2 of them over again. (by poster #3 i'd started wondering and put all 3 in, so i didn't have to re-do that one.)
now, looking at my grid system ones, i really wish i had pushed more and made them more dynamic. ah well. there's always next time. really, there always is.
so. for today, homework counts as making something. technically 2 of the posters weren't even for homework, since i DIDN'T DO THEM RIGHT.

in case you were wondering, this is an awesome time to quit smoking. really. yes, i am being sarcastic.
today i am grateful for:
jubal falling asleep fairly quickly after we read books so i could get back to work
patience, which i, shockingly, have
sleep, which i will finally get very soon
good books
good headphones (listening to music while working vastly improves the flow)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
already i see how tiny make something can be
today i had my GD classes, including production. we did some stuff in photoshop that i've never done and it made my brain tired. and there is a lot of homework. i can already see my intentions weakening. i feel the desire to cave and allow school projects to count as the thing i made. we'll see.
here is the doodle i did.
and here is the one i started with rodney that we never finished.
it's okay, i said even the tiniest thing would count. just to make SOMEthing, however small.
today i am grateful for:
takeout pizza
digital cameras
my bed
a sense of humor and compassion
i just wanted to share this link to neil gaiman's blog. because he and amanda palmer got MARRIED and i am ecstatic. jason webley officiated, which is awesome. i couldn't be happier for two people i don't know.
Monday, January 3, 2011
when it's so cold i feel lazy
when i took my XHTML class it was just confusing and frustrating and hard. so i'm not totally stoked about this class. that said, i do like the instructor, and i do need to learn this stuff, so i am excited at the possibility of learning it in a way that is more meaningful and easier for me to understand. i will be thrilled if i actually end up understanding the subject matter. wish me luck.
today i made magazine page envelopes. loki first taught me to make them years ago when i was assisting her with the tail end of Bummers and Gummers. it was a mind-blowing concept at the time. i was so thrilled with the recycle-ed-ness of it, and the picture-filled-ness, and the anti-corporate, unbleached whateverness...it was awesomely revolutionary to me and i loved to sit in front of our ancient tellie with one of loki's strange video tapes popped into the VCR dismantling National Geographics and turning them into envelopes. old National Geographics are so awesome for so many different projects. i have quite a stash of them, and for that reason it's likely that a lot of my projects this year will involve them somehow.
i usually bust out the glue stick and glue shut my seams and end flaps, but this time i just used tape, which obviously isn't as neat, but is easier and less messy, especially when you can just say "honey, will you bring me my tape?" and never even leave the comfort of your fuzzy blanket on the couch with judge judy on the tellie reaming idiots new ones and generally shouting and seeming tough. i couldn't remember with precision where the glue stick might have got off to, so i settled for tape, since it meant i wouldn't have to get up. it's so cold right now, and that makes me lazy. it makes all my joints and my spine hurt, which makes me feel old, and wonder how crippled up i will be when i am ACTUALLY old. but i digress.
i didn't make particular sizes, again because of the laziness. the post office has gotten rather annoyingly tight about their envelope rules and they are supposed to be a certain size and shape and not be made of glossy magazines anymore. so if i wanted to make officially mailable ones, i would have had to get off my cold butt and google postal regulations, and that wasn't going to happen. so i just found pictures i liked, and then made envelopes that fit the pictures nicely. i can use these for little gift cards, or to hold random things like brads, or glitter, or coins.
my favorite one is the one with the crawdads where i left a little bit of the text and it says "some like it hot". i also really like the one with the students in labcoats going through people's garbage. the article, which was probably from the 80s judging by the photography, called them "garbologists", which amused me.
envelopes are seriously one of my favorite things. they are made of paper, which i love. and they hold other things, which is a trait that i love. and they are used to transport various types of missives, which is ANOTHER thing that i love. also, making them totally justifies time spent vegging on the couch watching t.v. (i might have to make some more tonight when the new bachelor and all new episode of castle are on. i just might.)
i also made 2 loaves of bread today (or at least started them, they are rising right now) and i made garlic bread to go with dinner with the left over bread from the last batch. even though it's rodney's night to cook. it's not one of my official resolutions, but i decided over winter break to go back to baking my own bread all of the time and have been doing it for almost a month now. it's pretty rad. warm, just-out bread is the best.
i am grateful for:
crap t.v. shows
Sunday, January 2, 2011
rad skirt

so, this fabric. it's polyester. which normally i wouldn't make clothes out of, but occasionally it seems like a good idea. i'll be wearing this skirt over tights or leggings anyways. and the pattern can't be beat.
i got it from dad, who found it in great uncle bob's stuff. hoarded from the era of his first wife. a long time ago. and it smelled when i got it, sort of a musty odor that made me think i was going to have to toss it after all. but i worked some magic with a couple of long soakings in the washing machine that involved bac-out, vinegar, baking soda, and laundry soap. i have some more interesting polyester that i will probably make into another skirt, one less quick and simple and slouzy as this. maybe one with a zipper.
tomorrow i start back to school and i have to do a big in-town grocery shopping trip and i'm very curious how that will effect what i make. i know i won't be sewing it, that's for sure.
i am grateful for:
the art of weaving
that bill gates spends a lot of money trying to eliminate carbon emissions
my i pod that martin gave me and is so totally rad
cee lo green's album, ladykiller
Saturday, January 1, 2011
what i made today, setting things on fire, and sad girls.
today i made: 6 mixy-matchy napkins, as amy karol calls them. i didn't follow her recipe specifically, but a similar creation is featured in her book Bend the Rules Sewing. i had some scrap fabric and fat quarters, so i just folded one of the fatties over itself triangle-wise and cut off the excess, so i had a square. i folded over the edges and pressed, folded again and pressed and sewed.

we only use cloth napkins at our house and ours have gotten super crappy all of the sudden, so i've been meaning to make some new ones. now i have.
rodney and i had our last smokes this morning and tossed the rest into the woodstove. mine was empty, but his had a bunch still left in there, so i was pretty impressed. i just threw mine in for show. currently, i'm doing well, but feeling like it's dumb to quit smoking because smoking is so rad. however, it's important to me that i be as healthy as possible and model good health for the kids. so. still not smoking.

last night the girls went to their friend ronan's house to stay up late and celebrate the new year. rodney and i watched a bunch of t.v. and smoked a lot. a little after 7 the girls' dad called to let me know that dave, their aunt's husband, had died the morning before. dave was a lovely, awesome man and it was sad news to receive. i picked the girls up this afternoon and had to tell them when we got home. they are devastated. there was a long period of sitting on my bed trying to touch them both while they cried and were very still and hot and sad. they just saw him over christmas and they are suffering from the grief of losing dave, sadness for their aunt and how she will cope, and struggling with the idea of mortality. the reality that you can have christmas dinner with a man one day and the next week he is no longer living. dave was not particularly old, and so they are probably thinking about their mom and dad, and their grandparents, and themselves, and how suddenly and unexpectedly a life can change.
my love is going out to aunt L. today. i hope she has the support she needs. i hope she finds the strength to survive. i hope she can manage.
i am grateful for:
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