yes, it's that time again. i shall be 31 soon, and to celebrate, please feel free to buy me stuff.
it's been a long, hard year, but i'm feeling good, if tired. i'm rounding the bend and will be done with my first year of school soon. my eldest turned twelve, my middle turned nine, and the wee little man is now three years old. i have a few more wrinkles (which should always be referred to as SMILE LINES in my presence) and some additional grey hairs, but not many. i'm happy to have circled the sun for yet another year--i learned a lot, grew a lot, and stretched a lot...and now i'd like to relax. preferable with all this loot by my side.
the official list, in no particular order (except the insanely expensive, unrealistic ones are first):
1. a macbook pro. i love my imac so much that i want a portable version. plus, you know, i'll need one later anyways to present to clients, so...(i want the 15-inch with 500 GB of RAM).
2. a dishwasher. any dishwasher. but this rad one is my ideal.
4. black francis has a new album out, which i want severely. as in, really, REALLY want. ahem.
5. i need, and want, some new shoes, and i'd like to buy them from footwise. so, you know, a gift certificate would be rad. i'd love enough to get some dressy shoes, but would also be happy with some simples.
8. anything to do with paper crafts. ginormous rolls of brown kraft paper, for instance. or a screen-printing kit. ah, how i love paper. also, i've been pleasure-reading about book binding and can't wait to try it out again (it's been a few years since i did it regularly.)
9. this should probably be near the top, due to the price and completely unnecessary nature of it, but damn how i want it! it's an instant camera that prints credit card sized polaroid's little brother! so awesome.
10. anything from etsy. a gift certificate to etsy. or, this specific "un-paper" towel dispenser and a set of towels from, you guessed it, etsy.
also, your undying love and devotion, best wishes, and all that type priceless stuff.
happy upcoming birthday to me!
i am grateful for:
1. persistance
2. rodney coming to his damn senses.
3. good food.
4. my muscles.
5. my instructors.